
  1. 研究成果
  2. 計画研究A03 - 田中実
  1. 016

    Sumita R, Nishimura T, Tanaka M.

    "Dynamics of spermatogenesis and change in testicular morphology under 'mating' and 'non-mating' conditions in medaka (Oryzias latipes)."

    Zool Sci 2021 38: 436–443.

  2. 015

    Nishimura T, Tanaka M.

    "Observation of medaka larval gonads by immunohistochemistry and confocal laser microscopy."

    Method Mol Biol 2021 2218: 209–218.

  3. 014

    Tanaka M.

    "Regulation of germline stem cells in the teleost: gametogenesis, sex, and fecundity."

    In: Kobayashi K, Kitano T, Iwao Y, Kondo M (eds), Reproductive and Developmental Strategies 2018 pp.37–45.

  4. 013



    『魚類発生学の基礎』 2018: 102–116.

  5. 012

    Sakae Y, Tanaka M.

    "Metabolism and sex differentiation in animals from a starvation perspective."

    Sex Dev 2021 15: 168–178 (Invited Review).

  6. 011

    Sone R, Taimatsu K, Ohga R, Nishimura T, Tanaka M, Kawahara, A.

    "Critical role of the ddx5 gene in zebrafish sex differentiation and oocyte maturation."

    Sci Rep 2020 10: 14157 .

  7. 010

    Murata K, Kinoshita, M, Naruse, K, Tanaka M, (Editor) Kamei, Y.

    "Medaka: Biology, Management, and Experimental Protocols, Volume 2."

    Wiley-Blackwell 2020: Total 344 pages.

  8. 009



    『動物の事典』 末光隆志 総編集 朝倉書店 2020: 295–301.

  9. 008



    2020年9月4日受賞 .

  10. 007

    Kikuchi M, Nishimura T, Ishishita S, Matsuda Y, Tanaka M.

    "foxl3, a sexual switch in germ cells, initiates two independent molecular pathways for commitment to oogenesis in medaka."

    Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2020 117: 12174-12181.

    プレスリリース 卵を作り出す仕組みを発見:精子ではなく、卵になるということ
  11. 006

    Sakae Y, Oikawa A, Sugiura Y, Mita M, Nakamura S, Nishimura T, Suematsu M, Tanaka M.

    "Starvation causes female-to-male sex reversal through lipid metabolism in the teleost fish, medaka (Olyzias latipes)."

    Biol Open 2020 9: bio050054.

    プレスリリース 飢餓によってメスがオスになる?!!
  12. 005



    『一色出版』 2019: 総ページ 543ページ.

  13. 004

    Aolfi MC, Fischer P, Herpin A, Regensburger M, Kikuchi M, Tanaka M, Schartl M.

    "Increase of cortisol levels after temperature stress activates dmrt1a causing female-male sex reversal and reduced germ cell number in medaka."

    Mol Reprod Dev 2019 86: 1405–1417.

  14. 003

    Kikuchi M, Nishimura T, Saito D, Shigenobu S, Takada R, Gutierrez-Triana JA, Cerdán JLM, Takada S, Wittbrodt J, Suyama M, Tanaka M.

    "Novel components of germline sex determination acting downstream of foxl3 in medaka."

    Dev Biol 2019 445: 80–89.

    プレスリリース 生殖細胞の性のスイッチ因子 FOXL3 に制御される因子を同定
  15. 002

    Shimmura T, Nakamura T, Shinomiya A, Fukamachi S, Yasugi M, Watanabe E, Shimo T, Senga T, Nishimura T, Tanaka M, Kamei Y, Naruse K, Yoshimura T.

    "Dynamic plasticity in phototransduction regulates seasonal changes in color perception."

    Nature Commun 2017 8: 412. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-00432-8..

  16. 001

    Nishimura T, Yamada K, Fujimori C, Kikuchi M, Kawasaki T, Siegfried KR, Sakai N, Tanaka M.

    "Germ cells in the teleost fish medaka have an inherent feminizing effect."

    PLoS Genet 2018 14: e1007259.

    プレスリリース どんなときでも身体をメスにしたがる細胞:生殖細胞