
  1. 研究成果
  2. 公募研究A01 - 小林慎
  1. 005

    Haramoto Y, Sakata M, Kobayashi S.

    "Visualization of X chromosome reactivation in mouse primordial germ cells in vivo."

    Biol Open 2021 10: bio058602.

  2. 004

    Takahashi S, Kobayashi S, Hiratani I.

    "Epigenetic differences between naïve and primed pluripotent stem cells."

    Cell Mol Life Sci 2018 75: 1191–1203.

  3. 003

    Kobayashi S.

    "Live imaging of X chromosome inactivation and reactivation dynamics."

    Dev Growth Differ 2017 59: 493–500.

  4. 002

    Kobayashi S.

    "Live imaging of X-chromosome inactivation and reactivation kinetics."

    Methods Mol Biol 2018 1861: 73–89.

    プレスリリース X染色体の不活性化を個体レベルでライブイメージングする方法を開発
  5. 001

    Hosoi Y, Soma M, Shiura H, Sado T, Hasuwa H, Abe K, Kohda K, Ishino F, Kobayashi S.

    "Female mice lacking Ftx lncRNA exhibit impaired X-chromosome inactivation and a microphthalmia-like phenotype."

    Nat Commun 2018 9: 3829.

    プレスリリース Ftx lncRNAを欠いた雌マウスはX染色体不活性化異常を示し、ヒト小眼球症様の症状を示す