
  1. 研究成果
  2. 公募研究A03 - 菊水健史
  1. 004

    Kikusui T, Sonobe M, Yoshida Y, Nagasawa M, Ey E, de Chaumont F, Bourgeron T, Nomoto K, Mogi K.

    "Testosterone increases the emission of ultrasonic vocalizations with different acoustic characteristics in mice."

    Front Psychol 2021 12: 680176.

  2. 003

    Kikusui T, Shima Y, Sonobe M, Yoshida Y, Nagasawa M, Nomoto K, Mogi K.

    "Testosterone regulates the emission of ultrasonic vocalizations and mounting behavior during different developmental periods in mice."

    Dev Psychobiol 2021 63: 725–733.

  3. 002

    Carcea I, Caraballo NL, Marlin BJ, Ooyama R, Riceberg JS, Mendoza-Navarro JM, Opendak M, Diaz VE, Schuster L, Alvarado-Torres MI, Lethin H, Ramos D, Minder J, Mendoza SL, Bair-Marshall CJ, Samadjopoulos GH, Hidema S, Falkner A, Lin D, Mar A, Wadghiri YZ, Nishimori K, Kikusui T, Mogi K, Sullivan RM, Froemke RC.

    "Oxytocin neurons enable social transmission of maternal behaviour."

    Nature 2021 596: 553–557.

  4. 001

    Kamimura I, Watarai A, Takamura T, Takeo A, Miura K, Morita H, Mogi K, Kikusui T.

    "Gonadal steroid hormone secretion during the juvenile period depends on host‐specific microbiota and contributes to the development of odor preference."

    Dev Psychobiol 2019 in press.

    プレスリリース 腸内細菌叢が性成熟のプロセスを調整する