From Oases to the Cities. The Immigration of the South Eastern Arabs to the Swahili East African Coast and the Arab-Afro Integration (2019年10月29日開催)


Already in Pre-Islamic times people from South-East Arabia were known as navigators and settlers in the Indian Ocean rim. Written as well as archaeological sources prove Omani maritime activities in the Indian Ocean which connected Oman with the Ancient Oriental civilization as well as with the Hindus valley civilization from the 3rd millennium B.C. onward.
In this lecture we shall outline the cultural, material and historical relations between the Arabs of the Southeast Arabian coast with the East coast of Africa. These relations have shaped and affected both worlds by creating a unique civilization, the “civilization of Arabs” that established itself along the coasts of the Red Sea and East Africa since many centuries ago.

講師 Dr. Abdulrahman al-Salimi
(Advisor to the Minister of Endowments and Religious Affairs, Sultanate of Oman)
日時  2019年10月29日(火)16:00-17:30
会場  東京大学駒場キャンパス18号館4階
言語 英語
備考  入場無料、事前予約不要
問い合わせ先  東京大学中東地域研究センター(UTCMES)
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