
Time Table

The following is the schedule of the conference. An abstract of each talk can be seen by clicking the name of the speaker.

Date\ Time
10:00 ~ 11:00
11:30 ~ 12:30
14:30 ~ 16:30
or 14:00 ~ 16:30
17:00 ~ 18:00
18:30 ~
July 4 Registration
July 5 S. Morita R. Cohen 30 min. talks COE Special Lecture
July 6 R. Budney M. Yoshida 30 min. talks Work of Fred Cohen Party
July 7 C. De Concini M. Salvetti 30 min. talks A. Varchenko
July 8 A. Voronov Y. Kamiyama 30 min. talks G. Robert
July 9 A. Adem S. Theriault 30 min. talks A.J. Berrick
July 10
July 11 D. Cohen U. Tillmann 30 min. talks L. Taylor

Every afternoon, except for the excursion day, we plan to have three or four 30 minutes talks.

On July 5th, 6th, and 11th, the 30 minutes talks begin at 14:30 and are scheduled as follows:

Date\ Time 14:30 ~ 15:00 15:15 ~ 15:45 16:00 ~ 16:30
July 5 M.A. Xicotencatl T. Moriyama
July 6 J. O'Hara S. Kallel C. Casacuberta
July 11 T. Bauer E. Berkove

On July 7th, 8th, and 9th, the 30 minutes talks begin at 14:00.

Date\ Time 14:00 ~ 14:30 14:40 ~ 15:10 15:20 ~ 15:50 16:00 ~ 16:30
July 7 V. Vershinin J. Grbić H. Nishi S. Maksymenko
July 8 V. Turchin H. Kajiura D. Millionschikov A. Murillo
July 9 J. Mukai B. Gray R. Stancu P. Symonds

Coffee break

On each day of the conference except on Sunday July 10th we have coffee break in front of the Lecture Hall from 11:00 to 11:30 and from 16:30 to 17:00.

Reception Party

Every participant is welcome to attend the reception party which takes place at Faculty Club House (see campus map) from 18:30 to 21:00 on July 6th. The participation fee for the party is 5,000 yen.


July 10th is our excursion day. See this page for more details.