Effects of “Coronavirus” on the Middle East (June 18, 2020)

Online Seminar “Coronavirus and the Middle East” (1st session)

The coronavirus is shaking the world. Fear of the infection itself, social isolation, economic impact, worsening racial and ethnic tensions and social discrimination, and international political tensions… The world is at its wits’ end amid unprecedented crisis and uncertainty about the future.
In this context, the Middle East has been hit by a massive wave of crises on two or three fronts.
What is happening in the Middle East amidst the Corona disaster? What are the problems? What about the lives of the people living there? Where will they go from here?
Although the state of emergency has been lifted, many infected people are still being confirmed every day in Tokyo. There are also fears of a peak in infections in various parts of the Middle East and the arrival of a second wave of infections that will be even larger than the first wave. Reflecting on these times, we host a study seminar in a webinar style using Zoom for the first time. We would appreciate your understanding for organizing seminar with this unfamiliar style.


Shuji Hosaka (JIME Center, IEEJ)
Hidemitsu Kuroki (Institute of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
Tomoko Yamagishi (Meiji University)
Chair Keiko Sakai (Chiba University)
Date Thursday, June 18, 2020, 17:00-19:00
Venue Online
Relational Studies on the Global Crises, Chiba University
JIME Center, IEEJ (Institute of Energy Economics, Japan)