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Engineering Bldg. 6 Library

HOMELibrary GuideLibrary List>Engineering Bldg. 6 Library

members only= UTokyo Members Only


  • Applied Physics / Mathematical Engineering & Information Physics / Mathematical Informatics / Information Physics & Computing / Creative Informatics


  • Faculty of Engineering Bldg. 6, 1F 167 MAP
  • TEL: 03-5841-6945
  • FAX: 03-5841-6944
  • E-mail: bklib#lib.u-tokyo.ac.jp → bklib#lib.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
  • (Change # to @)

Library News

■ Suspension of the use of materials on the 1st floor of the stacks (mainly foreign periodicals)
Due to the cleaning work of mold, the materials on the 1st floor of the stacks (those marked as "Eng.6 Stack(1F)" in OPAC, or those marked as "(書庫)1階" in the comments of OPAC) will not be available during the following period.
We apologize for the inconvenience and ask for your understanding and cooperation.

 September 13 (Fri.) - October 2 (Wed.)
  * Except for September 20 (Fri)

*Materials in the reading room and stacks B1 and B2 will be available for use.


  • Weekdays: 9:30-17:30 (12:30-13:30: No Counter Service)
  • Closed: Saturdays, Sundays, National Holidays and New Year's Holidays (December 27th to January 5th), Entrance examinations period
    *Library may also be closed for some events.
Entry Procedure
  • Members of UTokyo: Not required
  • Non-Members and alumni: Advance reservations recommended.
    Please send us an e-mail specifying your desired materials.
    Please check the information for [Non-members/Alumni].
Borrowingmembers only
  • Books: Up to 5 books for 2 weeks (Textbooks for students are for 2 days / Loan periods can be renewed up to 4 times)
  • Journals: current day
  • Present your IC University ID card or library card.
  • There is no copy machine in this library.
  • If you would like a copy of the material,
    • Members of the University of Tokyo can borrow materials or request photocopies and PDF files . (Members of Our Department can also use the copy machine in the copy room next to the library with the Department copy card.)
      About photocopying of materials for in-library use only, please ask library staff.
    • Non-members can use the Inter-Library Loan (ILL) service. Please consult with your library staff.

Using Library Materials

How to Search

Please see How to Search to know general way to search materials.

  • If you see a phrase that start with "Eng.6", e.g. "Eng.6 Openshelf", in the "Location" field on the OPAC search results screen, you can use that material at Engineering Bldg. 6 Library.
Stack Materials
  • People with a card who can borrow library materials:
    • Members of our department who have IC University ID cards:
      You can enter the stack during opening hours.
      Please unlock with your IC University ID card and enter the stack.
    • People other than the above
      You can enter the stack except from 12:30 to 13:30.
      Please apply at the counter and borrow a guest card.
  • The person who doesn't have a library card (alumni and others)
  • You can not enter the stack.
    Please ask library staff when you want to use stack materials.


Please see Dissertation in UTokyo on general use.

Engineering Bldg. 6 Library has course-based doctoral dissertations, master thesis and undergraduate thesis of Applied Physics, Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics, Mathematical Informatics, Information Physics and Computing and Creative Informatics. If you would like to read them, please ask the library in advance.

Delivery Requestmembers only

Members of department of Applied Physics, Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics, Mathematical Informatics, Information Physics and Computing and Creative Informatics can order documents from other libraries (in UTokyo or other universities). They are delivered to Engineering Bldg. 6 Library. Fee-based services require additional registration at the library in advance.

Please see Delivery Request.


Wireless LANmembers only

You can connect to the internet with your PC using wireless LAN in the library.

*In order to use "UTokyo WiFi" wireless LAN, you need to register an UTokyo WiFi account and to apply to use wireless LAN in advance. Please see UTokyo WiFi information website.


Library staff can answer questions on library use and documents searches, and so on.