Recent Topics
  • 10/19

    CisHuB Open Lecture “Basics for human research”

    Our graduate student, Shogo Katsui, gave a talk, and graduate students, Hiroyasu, Iizuka, Hosaka, and undergraduate students, Kido gave a poster presentation at CiSHuB Open Lecture “Basic knowledge for human research”.
  • 10/19

    Society for Neuroscience 49th Annual Meeting

    Our research fellow, Wen-Jing Lin,and graduate students, Kuri Takahashi, Shogo Katsui, Taishi Hosaka, gave a poster presentation at Society for Neuroscience 49th Annual Meeting held in Chicago, USA.
  • 10/15

    2nd Conference of the Timing Research Forum

    Prof.Yotsumoto gave an oral presentation, and our graduate student, Hiroyasu & Iizuka, gave a poster presentation at the Timing Research Forum held in Querétaro, Mexico.
  • 09/04

    Pass with distinction on the JSS Certificate Grade Pre-1

    Our master’s student, Shogo Katsui, was awarded “Pass with distinction” on the Japan Statistical Society Certificate Grade Pre-1. Congratulations, Shogo.
  • 07/25

    Cognitive Science Society Annual Conference 2019

    Our master's student, Keishi Nomura, gave a poster presentation at the 41st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
  • 07/20

    MathPsych/ICCM 2019

    Our master's student, Keishi Nomura, gave a poster presentation at MathPsych/ICCM 2019 held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
  • 05/19

    Vision Science Society Annual Meeting 2019

    Our undergraduate students, Hitomi Kawahara and Teruaki Kido, gave poster presentations at the 2019 Vision Science Society Annual Meeting held in St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA.

Our Lab

Our fields of studys include experimental psychology and coginitive neurosciences. We welcome visitors who wish to join us.


- The University of Tokyo

- Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

- Multi-Disciplinary Sciences

- Department of Life Sciences (Graduate School)

- Department of Integrated Sciences (Undergraduate)