Recent Topics
  • 07/21

    Asian-Pacific Conference on Vision 2014

    Our students gave poster presentations at the Asian-Pasific Conference of Vision 2014, which was held in Takamatsu, Japan.
  • 05/20

    Vision Science Society Annual Meeting 2014

    Our students gave poster presentations at the 2014 Vision Science Society Annual Meeting held in St. Petersburg, Florida, USA.
  • 04/19

    Information Session of the Graduate School

    The information session of the Department of Life Sciences, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo.
  • 04/01

    The School Year 2014

    The new school year has just begun! We welcome students and visitors who are interested in our research.
  • 01/22

    The Vision Society of Japan

    Yuki Hashimoto, our master's student, was awarded the best presentation award at the 2014 winter meeting of the Vision Society of Japan. Congratulations, Yuki!

Our Lab

Our fields of studys include experimental psychology and coginitive neurosciences. We welcome visitors who wish to join us.


- The University of Tokyo

- Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

- Multi-Disciplinary Sciences

- Department of Life Sciences (Graduate School)

- Department of Integrated Sciences (Undergraduate)