Recent Topics
  • 05/15

    Vision Science Society Annual Meeting 2015

    Our students gave poster presentations at the 2015 Vision Science Society Annual Meeting held in St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA.
  • 03/25

    The First National High School Memorial Award

    Ryosuke Tanaka, our undergraduate student, was awarded The First National High School Memorial Award from the college for academic excellence. Congratulations, Ryosuke!
  • 03/16

    Nanjing University Intensive Lectures

    Professor Yotsumoto delivered a series of lectures titled "The Brain, the Mind and the Mirror" at Nanjing University as a part of TODAI Liberal Arts Program.

    TODAI Liberal Arts Program: Nanjing University Intensive Lectures "The Brain, the Mind and the Mirror"

  • 12/06

    The 6th Illusion Contest

    Three novel visual illusions created by our students were chosen for the 6th illusion contest in Japan. Congratulations to Kenichi Yuasa, Yuki Murai, Yuki Hashimoto and Ryosuke Tanaka!
  • 11/19

    Publication: Nature Communications

    Professor Yotsumoto's paper on plasticity of white matter in the older brain was published in Nature Communications.

    White matter in the older brain is more plastic than in the younger brain.

  • 08/26

    Publication: Neurobiology of Aging

    Professor Yotsumoto's paper on aging and visual learning has just come out in Neurobiology of Aging.
  • 07/21

    The Best Presentation Award at the APCV 2014

    Kenichi Yuasa, our doctorate student, won the best presentation award at the Asian-Pacific Conference of Vision 2014 held in Takamatsu, Japan. Congratulations, Kenichi!

Our Lab

Our fields of studys include experimental psychology and coginitive neurosciences. We welcome visitors who wish to join us.


- The University of Tokyo

- Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

- Multi-Disciplinary Sciences

- Department of Life Sciences (Graduate School)

- Department of Integrated Sciences (Undergraduate)