Understanding the Sudan Situation: From North-South Separation to Coup (November 4, 2021)

Middle East Thursday Forum Urgent Seminar

On October 25, a military coup d’etat took place in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan. What is happening in Sudan 10 years after the “Arab Spring” and 10 years after the separation of North and South? In this seminar, Dr. Yuko Tobinai, who has been conducting anthropological research in Sudan, and Dr. Mohamed Abdin, who has published an essay on the process from the collapse of the Bashir regime to the establishment of the transitional government, will give lectures on how to read and understand the situation in the region.

Yuko Tobinai (Associate Professor, Morioka University)
Mohamed Abdin (Visiting Scholar, Toyo University, Center for Sustainable Development Studies)
Date Thursday, November 4, 2021, 19:00 – 20:30
Venue zoom
Please register in advance at the following URL
Language  Japanese
Organizer Middle East Thursday Forum
Co-sponsors University of Tokyo Centre for Middle Eastern Studies (UTCMES), Middle East Research Center, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan, New Academic Area Studies “Beyond the Dissolution of the Global Order and the New Crisis: Establishment of Relation-Centered Interdisciplinary Humanities and Social Sciences” (Representative: Keiko Sakai).
Contact Hiroyuki Suzuki(c-hsuzuki87 [at] g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp)


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