Background and Characteristics of the Yemeni Civil War (December 14, 2019)

2019 Public Seminar “History, Culture, and Society in the Arabian Peninsula” (12th session)

The civil war in Yemen since 2015 has been called “the world’s worst humanitarian crisis” (United Nations) and is an extremely difficult case of civil war to understand. Reasons and objectives of the civil war are unclear. It is also difficult to grasp the existence of the main actors in the civil war such as the Houthis and the Southern Movement, as well as the aspect of a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran. This seminar will examine the Yemeni civil war from various perspectives and point out the characteristics seen in its development.


Speaker Hiroshi Matsumoto (School of International Relations, Daito Bunka
Date Saturday, December 14, 2019, 16:00-17:30

Collaboration Room 1, 4th floor, Building 18, Komaba Campus

Co-organizer the Society for the Study of Social Integration in the Middle East and Islamic World of the Society for Social Design
Note No pre-registration is required.

Centre for Middle Eastern Studies (UTCMES), The University of Tokyo
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