Turning Point of Islamic Philosophy: Comparative Studies on thought of Ibn Sina

The Middle East and Islamic Seminar 2013/2014

With the progress of recent scholarship, the outlook for Islamic philosophy is changing dramatically. The history of Islamic philosophy, which once began with translation activities in the 9th century and culminated with Ibn Sina and Ibn Rushd, is now considered to have a “golden age” in the period between Ibn Sina and the mid-14th century.
 In this seminar, we will consider Ibn Sina as the turning point of Islamic philosophy, and reconsider the trends before and after Ibn Sina, overcoming the barriers of language and religion.

Lecturer: Haruo KOBAYASHI(Tokyo Gakugei University)
  Toshiharu NIGO(Kyoto University)
  Hidemi TAKAHASHI(the University of Tokyo

Date: Saturday 21st December, 2013 15:30~17:30
Place:Media Lab. 2, Ground Floor, Build. No. 18
     Komaba Campus The University of Tokyo


Resume PDF


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