Knowledge and information hierarchy

 Knowledge and wisdom are the based on society`s laws and standards. The common practice of individual is to maximize his or her research and study by integration their work in the standard organization. For this reason, our research focuses on the generalization and standardization of our findings and achievements. To achieve the above objective, our students are trained in organizational values and critical thinking.

Thinking deployment diagram

 In the thought deployment diagram shown to the right represents brain functioning when trying to build a new complex system or make complicated plans. In order to carry out large large-scale research, we take advantage of planning procedures. (Reference)畑村洋太郎 「技術の創造と設計」 岩波書店

T shaped learning process

 To acquire both the essence of a field and the capacity to integrate it with other fields, two phases are required in the "T shaped learning process."

 Step1 : Acquisition of knowledge and the ability to understand dynamic phenomenon and simulation results in structure mechanics.
 Step2 : Learning how to generalize and standardize these findings for different applications.


 1. Material science 4.Mechanical Engineering
 2. Heat transfer 5.Numerical calculation
 3. Fluid Dynamics 6.Reliability Engineering
参考文献)畑村洋太郎 「技術の創造と設計」 岩波書店
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