
東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科 鈴木綾研究室

研究概要/Research Overview



研究手法としては、特定の国(主にアフリカ)や産業を対象とし、現地調査を経て仮説を形成し、ミクロレベルのデータ収集(家計、企業レベル等)を行い、計量経済学を用いて仮説の検証を行っています。現在の研究対象は、(1) ガーナの輸出パイナップル産業、(2) ケニア、エチオピアの切り花産業、(3) ベトナムの軽工業における経営研修のインパクト調査等です。


Creating employment opportunities and developing industries are essential for reducing poverty in developing countries. I am therefore interested in studying the development processes of industries and agriculture. Industries create jobs, develop technologies, and enhance investment in human capital. In turn, jobs not only enable income generation for people but also induce in them the pride and responsibility of raising their families, which leads to social stability. What types of industries emerge in developing countries and how does this process unfold? In addition, who are involved in and who benefits from the process? Moreover, how is technology introduced, developed, and transmitted? These are some questions I address in my research.

In particular, I have been studying the high‐value export agriculture sector in recent years. In previous decades, this sector has received attention for its potential role in reducing poverty in developing countries. I conducted empirical research (mostly in Africa) examining the development of this export sector, determining who have benefited from it, and identifying its impacts on the welfare of farmers and communities.

My research method involves formulating hypotheses based on fieldwork, collecting micro‐level data (household‐ and firm‐level), and testing the hypotheses using econometrics. My current research topics include (1) the pineapple export industry in Ghana, (2) the cut flower industry in Kenya and Ethiopia, and (3) the impact evaluation of managerial training in Vietnam. I believe that conducting careful empirical analyses based on fieldwork in order to answer these questions and clarify systematic facts will help formulate policies for development assistance.

主な出版物/Selected Publications

1)査読付き論文 / Refereed Journal Articles
■“Contaminated water spillovers or peer effects? Determinants of disease outbreaks in shrimp farming in Vietnam.”Agricultural Economics (2024)1-18.(with S. Olivia, V.H. Nam & G. Lee).
■“Different strategies of crop diversification between poor and non-poor farmers: Concepts and evidence from Tanzania.” Ecological Economics (2025) 227 108369. (with T. Fujimoto)
■“How Altruism Works during a Pandemic: Examining the Roles of Financial Support and Degrees of Individual Altruism on International Remittance.”The World Economy (2024) 47, 9: 3929-3965. (with N. Nakamura)
■“Mapping Shrimp Pond Dynamics: A Spatiotemporal Study Using Remote Sensing Data and Machine Learning.”AgriEngeneering (2023) 5, 1432-1447.(with PK. Bellam,MK. Gumma, P. Panjala, and I. Mohammed)
■“Information and Decision-Making Power: Explicating the Impact of Information Provision in the Conditional Cash Transfer Program on Food Consumption Share in the Philippines.”Asian Development Review (2022)(with N. Nakamura).
■“The Impact of Different Levels of Income Inequality on Subjective Well-Being in China: A Panel Data Analysis.”The Chinese Economy (2022)(with S. Komatsu).
■“Effects of Mobile Money Education on Mobile Money Usage: Evidence from Ghana.”The European Journal of Development Research (2022)(with E.K. Apiors).
■“Impact of foreign domestic workers on the fertility decision of households: evidence from Hong Kong.” Journal of Demographic Economics (2022)1-31(with N. Nakamura).
■“The effects of disease outbreaks on shrimp aquaculture and the role of cooperatives in the Mekong Delta.” Journal of International Economics and Management (2021)21(2): 91-108(with T.T.H. Nguyen).
■“COVID-19 and the intentions to migrate from developing countries: Evidence from online search activities in Southeast Asia.” Journal of Asian Economics (2021)76: 101348(with N. Nakamura).
■“ROSCAs as Insurance: Comparing Formal and Informal Methods of Saving among the Unskilled Workers in the Ethiopian Cut-flower Industry.” The Developing Economies (2020)59(3): 243-274 (with E. Ryu).
■“Modeling the time-lag effect of sea surface temperatures on ciguatera poisoning in the South Pacific: Implications for surveillance and response.” Toxicon (2020) 182: 21-29 (with L. Zheng et al.).
■“Does Training Location Matter? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment in Rural Indonesia.” Agricultural and Food Economics (2020) 8:3 (with A. Pratiwi).
■“Motivation for information exchange in a virtual community of practice: Evidence from a Facebook group for shrimp farmers.” World Development (2020) 125: 104698 (with G. Lee).
■“Economic Value of Cultural Ecosystem Services from Recreation in Popa Mountain National Park, Myanmar: A Comparison of Two Rapid Valuation Techniques.” Land 2019, 8(12), 194 (with Wai Soe Zin, K.S-H. Peh, & A. Gasparatos).
■“Effect of Network-based Targeting on the Diffusion of Good Aquaculture Practices among Shrimp Producers in Vietnam.” World Development (2019) 124: 104641 (with G. Lee and V.H. Nam).
■“Does efficient provision of business development services yield better results for SMEs?: Evidence from a networking project in Thailand.” Journal of Development Effectiveness (2019) (with K. Igei).
■「開発ミクロ実証経済学は実験系論文に寄せられる課題を解消しているか?‐開発経済学ジャーナルのシステマティックレビューを基に‐」 農業経済研究(2019) 91(1): 1-16. (中村と共著)
■「市場情報システムがエチオピアの小規模コーヒー農家の収入・利益に及ぼす効果分析」 国際開発学研究 18(2)(2019). (李と共著)
■“The Determinants of Detecting Veterinary Drug Residues: Evidence from Shrimp Farmers in Southern Vietnam.” Aquaculture Economics & Management (2019) (with G. Lee and V.H. Nam).
■“Reducing Agricultural Income Vulnerabilities through Agroforestry Training: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment in Indonesia.” Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 55(1) (2019): 83-116 (with A. Pratiwi).
■“Earnings, Savings, and Job Satisfaction in a Labor-intensive Export Sector: Evidence from the Cut Flower Industry in Ethiopia.” World Development 110(10) (2018): 176-191 (with Y. Mano and G. Abebe).
■“Mobile Money, Individuals' Payments, Remittances, and Investments: Evidence from the Ashanti Region, Ghana.” Sustainability 10(5), 1409 (2018)(with E.K. Apiors).
■“Better Management Practices and their Outcomes in Shrimp Farming: Evidence from Small-scale Shrimp Farmers in Southern Vietnam.” Aquaculture International 26(2) (2018): 469-486 (with V.H. Nam).
■「有料化によるごみ排出量の抑制効果-『平成の大合併』の影響」廃棄物資源循環学会論文誌 29 (2018): 20-30.(都筑、横尾と共著)
■“Effects of Farmers' Social Networks on Knowledge Acquisition: Lessons from Agricultural Training in Rural Indonesia.” Journal of Economic Structures 6(2017):8 (with A. Pratiwi).
■“Role of Risks in Surviving the Global Market: Evidence from the Pineapple Sector in Ghana.” Acta Horticulturae 1128(2016): 221-228.
■“Willingness to Pay for Managerial Training: A Case from the Knitwear Industry in Northern Vietnam.” Journal of Comparative Economics 42(2014): 693-707 (with V.H. Nam and T. Sonobe).
■“On the Transferability of the Asian Rice Green Revolution to Rainfed Areas in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Assessment of Technology Intervention in Northern Ghana.” Agricultural Economics 45(2014): 1-16 (with M. deGraft-Johnson, T. Sakurai, and K. Otsuka).
■「ガーナの輸出用パイナップル産業の変遷と零細農家の役割」『開発学研究』2012: 1-8.
■“Local Personal Networks in Employment and the Development of Labor Markets: Evidence from the Cut Flower Industry in Ethiopia.” World Development Vol. 39, No. 10 (2011): 1760-1770 (with Y. Mano, T. Yamano, and T. Matsumoto).
■“Partial Vertical Integration, Risk Shifting, and Product Rejection in the High-value Export Supply Chain: The Ghana Pineapple Sector.” World Development Vol. 39, No. 9 (2011): 1611-1623 (with L.S. Jarvis and R.J. Sexton).
■“Optimal Investment in Transportation Infrastructure When Middlemen Have Market Power: A Developing-Country Analysis.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics Vol. 91, No. 2(May 2009): 462-476 (with P.R. Merel and R.J. Sexton).

2)書籍など / Book Chapters
■ "Blue Revolution in Asia: The Rise of the Shrimp Sector in Vietnam and the Challenges of Disease Control." in Estudillo, J.P., Y. Kijima, and T. Sonobe eds. Agricultural Development in Asia and Africa: Essays in Honor of Keijiro Otsuka, Springer (2022): 289-303. (with V.H. Nam).
■「経済学者が読み解く現代社会のリアル 途上国エビ養殖の問題「よい養殖方法」を促すには」『週刊東洋経済』東洋経済新報社 2021.10.23号.
■"Rising Importance of Aquaculture in Asia: Current Status, Issues, and Recommendations." (2021) Background Paper Prepared for The Asian Development Outlook 2021: Transforming Agriculture in Asia. Asian Development Bank.
■「学者が斬る・視点争点 アフリカでモバイルマネー急拡大」『週刊エコノミスト』毎日新聞出版 2021.9.14号:42-43.
■「学者が斬る・視点争点 アフリカの成長阻む「逆移動」」『週刊エコノミスト』毎日新聞出版 2021.7.27・8.3合併号:80-81.
■「学者が斬る・視点争点 新品種に振り回される途上国農家」『週刊エコノミスト』毎日新聞出版 2021.6.22号:40-41.
■「学者が斬る・視点争点 SNSが途上国に広める農業技術」『週刊エコノミスト』毎日新聞出版 2021.5.18号: 40-41.
■「学者が斬る・視点争点 エビの質『見える化』で生産意欲向上」『週刊エコノミスト』毎日新聞出版 2021.4.6号: 42-43.
■“Company-Community Partnership and Climate Change Adaptation Practices: The Case of Smallholders Coffee Farmers in Lampung, Indonesia” in Djalante, R., J. Jupesta, and E. Aldrian Edited Climate Change Research, Policy and Actions in Indonesia, Springer (2020): 79-98 (with A. Pratiwi & G. Lee).
■“Marketing Risks and Standards Compliance: Challenges in Accessing the Global Market for High-value Agricultural and Aquacultural Industries” in Tsunekawa, K. and Y. Todo Edited Emerging States at Crossroads, Springer (2019): 163-184 (with V.H. Nam).
■“On the Possibility of Rice Green Revolution in Rainfed Areas in Northern Ghana: An Assessment of a Management Training Program.” In Pursuit of an African Green Revolution: Views from Rice and Maize Farmers' Fields edited by K. Otsuka and D.F. Larson. Natural Resource Management Policy Series 48, Springer (2015):91-118 (with M. DeGraft-Johnson, T. Sakurai, and K. Otsuka).
■「開発経済学とは」[2015]『これからの経済学:マルクス、ピケティ、その先へ』日本評論社: 132-133.
■“The Fresh Pineapple Export Industry in Ghana: The Role of Smallholders in the High-Value Horticultural Supply Chain.” In Delivering Sustainable Growth in Africa: African Farmers and Firms in a Changing World. edited by T. Fukunishi. Palgrave Macmillan:2014.
■“Case Study: Vietnamese Frozen Pangasius and Shrimp Exports.” In Meeting Standards, Winning Markets: Regional Trade Standards Compliance Report East Asia. UNIDO:2013 (with V.H. Nam).
■“Volume IV: KAIZEN for Managerial Skills Improvement in Small and Medium Enterprises” in Light Manufacturing in Africa: Targeted Policies to Enhance Private Investment and Create Jobs. edited by H.T. Dinh, V. Palmade, V. Chandra, and F. Cossar. The World Bank, Washington DC:2012 (with T. Sonobe and K. Otsuka).
■「中国農村における選挙の実施と公共財投資」大塚啓二郎・白石隆編著[2010]『国家と経済発展』東洋経済新報社:199-223. (スコット・ロゼール著、和訳)
3)ワーキングペーパー / Working Papers
■“Earnings, Savings, and Job Satisfaction in a Labor-intensive Export Sector: Evidence from the Cut Flower Industry in Ethiopia.” Discussion Papers 2017-10, Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University (2017) (with Y. Mano and G. Abebe).
■“Can Efficient Provision of Business Development Services Bring Better Results for SMEs?: Evidence from a Networking Project in Thailand.” JICA-RI Working Paper No. 147(2017)(with K. Igei).
■“Better Management Practices and Their Outcomes in Shrimp Farming: Evidence from Small-scale Shrimp Farmers in Southern Vietnam.” IDE Discussion Paper No. 643(2017) (with V.H. Nam).
■“Food Quality Awareness: Cases from Shrimp Producers in Thailand and Vegetable Producers in Vietnam.” IDE Discussion Paper No. 569(2016) (with V.H. Nam).
■“Emergence of Asian GAPs and its relationship to Global G.A.P.” IDE Discussion Papers Series No. 507(2015) (with K. Nabeshima, E. Michida, and V.H. Nam).
■“Status and Constraints of Costly Port Rejection: A Case from the Vietnamese Frozen Seafood Export Industry.” IDE Discussion Papers Series No. 395(2013) (with V.H. Nam).
■“Measuring Agglomeration Economies: The Case of the Ethiopian Cut Flower Industry.” Discussion Papers 2013-04, Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University (2013) (with Y. Mano).
■“Industrial Development through Takeovers and Exits: the Case of the Cut Flower Exporters in Ethiopia.” Discussion Papers 2013-05, Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University (2013) (with Y. Mano).
■“KAIZEN for Managerial Skills Improvement in Small and Medium Enterprises: An Impact Evaluation Study in a Knitwear Cluster in Vietnam.” DEPOCEN Working Paper Series No. 2012/29 (with T. Sonobe, K. Otsuka, and V.H. Nam).

研究発表をおこなった学会等/Conference Presentations

開発経済学会/Japanese Association for Development Economics
Agricultural and Applied Economics Association
Centre for the Study of African Economies, University of Oxford
International Society for Horticultural Science
Tokyo Workshop on International Development
Hayami Conference