・鈴木他(2024)の共著がAgricultural Economicsから出版されました。ベトナムのエビ養殖産業を
Suzuki et al.(2024) was published in Agricultural Economics. The paper examines how agricultural
spillovers and peer effects on adopting good practices affect disease outbreaks, taking
a case of shrimp farming in Vietnam. (2025/1/6)
Suzuki joined the Business Leader Session at the
Tokyo Forum as a panelist, which is co-organized by the Chey Institute for the Advanced Studies (Korea) and the University of Tokyo.(2025/1/6)
We welcomed a visiting Ph.D. student from the Beijing Forestry University, who will stay with us for one year.(2025/1/6)
・10月に、修士課程に1名が当専攻に配属されました。We welcomed one master students to our lab in October 2024.(2024/10/21)
Suzuki made a preliminary fieldtrip to Bangladesh to prepare for the household survey on shrimp farmers.(2024/10/21)
・博士修了生と鈴木の共著で、多品種栽培と貧困に関して分析した論文がEcological Economicsに掲載されました。
An article on the crop diversitication and poverty, co-authored by the lab alumni and Suzuki, was publied in Ecological Economics.(2024/10/21)
One doctor student completed the program and obtained her degree in September 2024. She analyzed the financial burden, its implications, and maternal satisfaction of Caesarean section surgical care for pregnant women in developing countries, using the primary data for a case of Cameroon.(2024/10/21)
One Ph.D. student and Suzuki made a preliminary fieldtrip to Vietnam to prepare for the household survey on shrimp farmers.(2024/10/21)
・博士修了生と鈴木の共著で、移民と海外送金に関して分析した論文がThe World Economyに掲載されました。
An arcicle on the migration and international remittance, co-authored by our lab alumnus and Suzuki, was publisehd in the World Economy.(2024/10/21)
・博士課程の学生1名の学生が、コートジボワールのアビジャンで開催されたAfrica Meeting of the Econometric Society 2024で口頭発表を行いました。One of our Ph.D. students presented her research at the Africa Meeting of the Econometric Society 2024 held in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire.(2024/10/21)
・ニュージーランドのWaikato 大学から研究者が共同研究のために3か月間、研究室を訪問しました。A researcher from Waikato University in New Zealand visited our lab for 3 months for collaborative research. (2024/5/27)
・新年度となり、修士課程に2名が当専攻に配属されました。We welcomed two master students to our lab in April 2024. (2024/5/27)
・4名の修士課程の学生および1名の博士課程の学生が3月に修了しました。博士の学生の論文では、途上国の農家の小雨季の栽培と多品種栽培に関する行動に焦点を当て、農家の戦略が経済水準によって異なることを理論モデルとタンザニアのミクロデータを使った実証分析で示し、研究科長賞と専攻長賞を受賞しました。One doctor student and four master students completed the program and obtained their degrees in March 2024. The Ph.D. student focused on farmers' decision on cultivation during short-rain seasons and crop diversification and showed that their strategies differ depending on the income levels of farmers by constructing a theoretical model and testing empirical data from Tanzania. He received the Dean's Award for Outstanding Achievement for his doctoral thesis as well as the Department Head's Award. (2024/5/27)
・博士課程の学生1名が、Centre for the Study of African Economies (CSAE), Oxfordの大会で研究発表を行いました。One of our Ph.D. students presented his research at Centre for the Study of African Economies (CSAE), Oxford. (2024/5/27)
・修士の学生が3月に、カンボジアで産官学連携に関するフィールド調査を行いました。One of our Master students conducted fieldwork in Cambodia on collaboration across industry, government, and academia. (2024/5/27)