分子生理学・形態形成学 谷崎研究室


  • Tanizaki Y, Wang S, Zhang H, Shibata Y, Shi YB. Liver development during Xenopus tropicalis metamorphosis is controlled by T3-activation of WNT signaling. iScience. 2023 Feb 28;26(4):106301.
  • Wang S, Shibata Y, Fu L, Tanizaki Y, Luu N, Bao L, Peng Z, Shi YB. Thyroid hormone receptor knockout prevents the loss of Xenopus tail regeneration capacity at metamorphic climax. Cell Biosci. 2023 Feb 23;13(1):40.
  • Wang S, Shibata Y, Tanizaki Y, Zhang H, Yan W, Fu L, Shi YB. Comparative Analysis of Transcriptome Profiles Reveals Distinct and Organ-Dependent Genomic and Nongenomic Actions of Thyroid Hormone in Xenopus tropicalis Tadpoles. Thyroid. 2023 Apr;33(4):511-522.
  • Tanizaki Y, Zhang H, Shibata Y, Shi YB. Organ-specific effects on target binding due to knockout of thyroid hormone receptor α during Xenopus metamorphosis. Dev Growth Differ. 2023 Jan;65(1):23-28.
  • Tanizaki Y, Shibata Y, Zhang H, Shi YB. Thyroid Hormone Receptor α Controls the Hind Limb Metamorphosis by Regulating Cell Proliferation and Wnt Signaling Pathways in Xenopus tropicalis. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Jan 22;23(3):1223.
  • Tanizaki Y, Zhang H, Shibata Y, Shi YB. Thyroid hormone receptor α controls larval intestinal epithelial cell death by regulating the CDK1 pathway. Commun Biol. 2022 Feb 7;5(1):112
  • Fu L, Crawford L, Tong A, Luu N, Tanizaki Y, Shi YB. Sperm associated antigen 7 is activated by T3 during Xenopus tropicalis metamorphosis via a thyroid hormone response element within the first intron. Dev Growth Differ. 2022 Jan;64(1):48-58.
  • Shibata Y, Tanizaki Y, Zhang H, Lee H, Dasso M, Shi YB. Thyroid Hormone Receptor Is Essential for Larval Epithelial Apoptosis and Adult Epithelial Stem Cell Development but Not Adult Intestinal Morphogenesis during Xenopus tropicalis Metamorphosis. Cells. 2021 Mar 3;10(3):536.
  • Tanizaki Y, Bao L, Shi B, Shi YB. A Role of Endogenous Histone Acetyltransferase Steroid Hormone Receptor Coactivator 3 in Thyroid Hormone Signaling During Xenopus Intestinal Metamorphosis. Thyroid. 2021 Apr;31(4):692-702.
  • Tanizaki Y, Shibata Y, Zhang H, Shi YB. Analysis of Thyroid Hormone Receptor α-Knockout Tadpoles Reveals That the Activation of Cell Cycle Program Is Involved in Thyroid Hormone-Induced Larval Epithelial Cell Death and Adult Intestinal Stem Cell Development During Xenopus tropicalis Metamorphosis. Thyroid. 2021 Jan;31(1):128-142.
  • 受賞
    • 日本比較内分泌学会奨励賞 2023年11月
    • 米国国立衛生研究所 NICHD Early Career Award 2022年4月
    • American Thyroid Association Trainees' Grant (米国甲状腺学会)2019年7月
    • American Thyroid Association Trainees' Grant 2018年7月
    • JSH(日本血液学会)Travel Award for EHA(ヨーロッパ血液学会)2016年10月
    • Travel Award, 52ndAnnual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology(米国血液学会) 2010年12月
    • 谷崎祐太. 組織・器官の発生における甲状腺ホルモン機能の研究 第47回日本比較内分泌学会大会,九州大学西新プラザ,福岡,2023年11月
    • 谷崎祐太. Thyroid Hormone Actions in Xenopus 早稲田大学 教育・総合科学学術院 シンポジウム,早稲田大学,東京,2022年6月
    • 谷崎祐太. The functions of endogenous histone acetyltransferases during Xenopus intestinal remodeling. 第64回日本甲状腺学術集会 国際分子甲状腺学シンポジウム, オンライン,2021年11月
    • Yuta Tanizaki. Molecular pathways regulating adult intestinal stem cell development as revealed by the analysis of thyroid hormone receptor α deficient Xenopus tropicalis tadpoles. 2019 JSPS-NIH Forum, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA, 2021年3月
    • 谷崎祐太,佐藤圭,境俊二,加藤尚志.細胞移植モデルによるツメガエル造血幹/前駆細胞の同定と純化. 日本動物学会第87回大会 シンポジウム8-5,沖縄コンベンションセンタ-,沖縄,2016年11月
    • 谷崎祐太,相曾卓樹,加藤尚志.環境刺激に伴うツメガエル造血幹/前駆細胞の増殖制御.第2回次世代両生類研究会,国立基礎生物学研究所,2016年8月