
2023.7.14 New publication was added.

The following publication has been added to the list of publications.

  • Maezawa, M., Fujii, Y., Akagami, M., Kawakami, J., Inokuma, H. BoLA-DRB3*15:01 allele is associated with susceptibility to early enzootic bovine leukosis onset in Holstein-Friesian and Japanese Black cattle. Vet. Mirco., 284: 109829 (2023) DOI: 10.1016/j.vetmic.2023.109829

2023.6.22 New publication was added.

The following publication has been added to the list of publications.

  • Inokuma, H., Nagata, T., Maezawa, M., Kobayashi, Y., Kojima, K., Chambers, J.K., Uchida, K. A clinical case of enzootic bovine leukosis diagnosed by using clonal analysis of peripheral B lymphocytes in a Japanese Black cow. Comp. clin. pathol., 32, 195–200 (2023). DOI:10.1007/s00580-022-03432-3

2023.1.28 New publications were added.

The following two publications have been added to the list of publications.

  • Maezawa, M., Fujii, Y., Akagami, M., Kawakami, J., Inokuma, H. Phylogenetic analysis based on whole genome sequence of bovine leukemia virus in cattle under 3 years old with enzootic bovine leukosis. PLOS ONE, 18(1): e0279756-e0279756, 2023. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0279756
  • Inokuma, H., Harada, T., Nagata, T., Maezawa, M., Chambers, J.K., Uchida, K. A case of fat necrosis clinically indistinguishable from enzootic bovine leukosis in a Holstein cow. Jpn. J. Large Anim. Clin. 13(5): 213-218, 2022.  (in Japanese with English abstract)

2022.9.20 New publications were added.

The following three publications have been added to the list of publications.

  • Maezawa, M., Oouchi, Y., Akagami, M., Uneyama, M., Chambers, J.K., Uchida, K., Inokuma, H. Time course changes in peripheral B-cell clonality in a Japanese Black bull with enzootic bovine leukosis. J. Vet. Med. Sci., in press.
  • Anraku M, Kawakami Y, Nagahama M, Watanabe K, Horiuchi N, Kobayashi Y, Inokuma H, A clinical case of brainstem encephalitis in a Holstein cow with elevated haptoglobin in cerebrospinal fluid. J Hokkaido Vet Med Assoc. 66(7): 195-198 (2022) (in Japanese)
  • Sakaguchi K, Maezawa M, Tenma S, Watanabe K, Horiuchi N, Kobayashi Y, Nagata T, Kojima K, Chambers JK, Uchida K, Inokuma H, An enzootic bovine leukosis case in Holstein dairy cow proven monoclonal proliferation of B-cell. J Hokkaido Vet Med Assoc. 66(9): 321-325 (2022) (in Japanese)

2022.9.14 New publications were added.

The following three publications have been added to the list of publications.

  • Harada, T., Takiguchi, A., Nagata, T., Saeki, Y., Maezawa, M., Takahashi, K., Chambers, J.K., Uchida, K., Inokuma, H. 2022. “Clinical case of enzootic bovine leukosis without lymphadenopathy in a Holstein heifer” J. Farm Anim. Infect. Dis. 11 (3): 77-84. (in Japanese with English abstract)
  • Saeki, Y., Nagata, T., Ouchi, Y., Itoh, S., Fujiwara, R., Chambers, J.K., Uchida, K., Inokuma, H. 2022. “T-cell lymphoma in a Japanese Black bull with posterior paralysis” Jam. J. Large Anim. Clin. 13 (2): 55-60.  (in Japanese with English abstract)
  • Nagata, T., Saeki, Y., Ii, T., Chambers, J.K., Uchida, K., Inokuma, H. “Enzootic bovine leukosis with cauda equina syndrome in a Japanese Black cow” Jam. J. Large Anim. Clin. 13 (1): 15-20.  (in Japanese with English abstract)

2022.9.12 New publications were added.

The following two publications have been added to the list of publications.

  • Ishibashi, Tomoko. 2022. “Global Movements of the Fight against Antimicrobial Resistance.” Journal of Veterinary Epidemiology 26 (1): 54-62. (in Japanese)
  • Ishibashi, Tomoko. 2022. “Global Movements of the Fight against Antimicrobial Resistance.” The Livestock Industry Magazine Consultant 58 (9): 29-33. (in Japanese)

2022.6.25 New publication was added.

New publication was added.

Maezawa, M., Sakaguchi, K., Tagaino, Y., Fujii, Y., Akagami, M., Kawakami, J., Watanabe, K., Kobayashi, Y., Ogawa, H., Inokuma, H. Enzootic bovine leukosis in a 21-month-old Japanese Black cow with high susceptibility. J. Vet. Diagn. Invest., 34(4): 733-737 (2022).

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