
2024.5.29 New activity was added.

Inokuma, H. Infection of Anaplasma marginale and new Anaplasma species in cattle in Japan. JICA Partnership Program (Uganda), 2024.3.6. The University of Tokyo.

2023.2.27 Joint symposium held with Royal University of Agriculture, Cambodia

A joint symposium was with Royal University of Agriculture, Cambodia

Date: November 17, 2022, 12:00-14:00 (JST)
Place: Zoom
Number of participants: About 80

The University of Tokyo
Yuri Fujimoto: Construction of monitoring system for farm-level antimicrobial use in Japan
Masaki Maezawa: Preventive measures against onset of enzootic bovine leukosis in Japan
Royal University of Agriculture
Venn Vutey: Detection of African Swine Fever virus in pig farms as a guide to repopulation in Cambodia
Guest Speaker
Kentaro Yamada (Miyazaki University): Fighting against rabies in Japan, where it is eradicated

2022.12.19 New activities were added.

The following two activities have been added to the list of activity.

  • Maezawa M. Epigenome analysis in cattle with enzootic bovine leukosis. UTokyo-NTU Joint Conference 2022. 2022.12.9
  • Fujimoto Y. Development of a farm-level antimicrobial use monitoring system -a pilot project in Japan-. UTokyo-NTU Joint Conference 2022. 2022.12.9

2022.11.30 New activities were added.

The following two activities have been added to the list of activity.

  • Maezawa M. Preventive measures against onset of enzootic bovine leukosis in Japan. Mini Symposium UTokyo & Cambodia RUA. 2022.11.17

  • Fujimoto Y. Construction of monitoring system for farm-level antimicrobial use in Japan. Mini Symposium UTokyo & Cambodia RUA. 2022.11.17

2022.11.25 New activities were added.

The following six activities have been added to the list of activity.

  • Maezawa M, Fujii Y, Akagami M, Kawakami J, Inokuma H. Relationship between bovine leukemia virus strain and malignant lesion site. The 62nd meeting of Société Franco-Japonaise des Sciences Vétérinaires (held on paper). 2022.9.1~2022.11.30.

  • Anraku M, Kozima Y, Inokuma H. Evaluation of bovine serum S100B level as a biomarker for nerve injury. The 62nd meeting of Société Franco-Japonaise des Sciences Vétérinaires (held on paper). 2022.9.1~2022.11.30.

  • Nagata K, Taniguchi T, Oouchi Y, Yamamoto K, Maezawa M, Chambers JK, Uchida K, Inokuma H. A case of enzootic bovine leukemia forming solitary tumor in vertebral canal with astasia in a Japanese Black breeding cattle. The 53rd annual WEB meeting of Japanese Society of Veterinary Clinics. 2022.11.18.

  • Kikuzawa M, Harada T, Masaki M, Ishikawa K, Nagata K, Saeki Y, Chambers JK, Uchida K, Inokuma H. A case of Holstein calf with giant ventricular septal defect and double-chambered right ventricle. The 53rd annual WEB meeting of Japanese Society of Veterinary Clinics. 2022.11.19.

  • Inokuma H. Approach to difficulty diagnostic disease. Workshop of Kanto region on livestock medical techniques. 2022.10.28.
  • Inokuma H. Puncture examination – joint fluid and cerebrospinal fluid. VSJ College, examination of cattle, eClass I. 2022.11.13 ~2022.12.3

2022.11.17 New activities were added.

The following two activities have been added to the list of activity.

  • Maezawa M, Fujii Y, Akagami M, Kawakami J, Inokuma H. DRB3*15:01 allele is associated with susceptibility to early-onset enzootic bovine leukosis. 21st Federation of Asian Veterinary Associations (FAVA) Congress. 13th November, 2022.
  • Inokuma H, Yamamoto K, Fujiwara R, Chambers JK, Uchida K. Three cases of Shibayagi goat with paresis due to vertebral abscess. 21st Federation of Asian Veterinary Associations (FAVA) Congress. 13th November, 2022.

2022.9.20 New activities were added.

The following six activities have been added to the list of activity.


  • Maezawa M, Maruyama R, Inokuma H. Abnormal histone modifications involved in the progression of enzootic bovine leukosis. The 165th meeting of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science. 6th September, 2022
  • Nagata T, Maezawa M, Inokuma H. Usefulness of clonality analysis targeting immunoglobulin light-chain λ for diagnosis of bovine B-cell lymphoma. The 165th meeting of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science. 6th September, 2022
  • Saeki Y, Ogawa Y, Nagata T, Maezawa M, Yoshida K, Chambers JK, Uchida K, Inokuma H. A clinical case of B-cell lymphoma in a calf with rapid diagnosis by using immunostaining of peripheral blood mononuclear cells and fine needle aspiration samples from enlarged lymph nodes. The Scientific Meeting of Veterinary Association in Kanto and Tokyo block in 2022. 4th September, 2022
  • Inokuma H, Harada T, Takiguchi A, Nagata T, Saeki Y, Okuyama K, Uchiyama R, Maezawa M, Chambers JK, Uchida K, Inokuma H. A clinical case of fat necrosis in a Holstein dairy cow which was difficult to differentiate from enzootic bovine leukosis. The Scientific Meeting of Veterinary Association in Kanto and Tokyo block in 2022. 4th September,2022
  • Inokuma H. Pitfalls of diagnostic in routine practice of large animal medicine. Workshop for Large Animal Veterinarians in Kagoshima Agricultural Mutual Aid Association. 27 July,2022
  • Maezawa M. Genetic examination for diagnosis of enzootic bovine leukosis. Workshop for Large Animal Veterinarians in Ibaraki Prefecture Livestock Hygiene Service Center. 4-5 July, 2022

2022.6.25 Dr. Haga participated in the JISNAS-FAO seminar: “The Crisis in Ukraine and Animal Health”.

Dr. Haga speaks as a commentator at the JISNAS-FAO seminar: “The Crisis in Ukraine and Animal Health”.

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