
原著論文・総説など (2010年度以降)


  • Nishiyama, K., Nishimura, A., Shimoda, K., Tanaka, T., Kato, Y., Shibata, T., Tanaka, H., Kurose, H., Azuma, Y. T., Ihara, H., Kumagai, Y., Akaike, T., Eaton, P., Uchida, K., and Nishida, M. (2022) Redox-dependent internalization of purinergic P2Y6 receptor limits colitis progression. Sci. Signal. 15, eabj0644.
  • Lim, S.Y., Yamaguchi, K., Itakura, M., Chikazawa, M., Matsuda, T., and Uchida, K. (2022) Unique B-1 cells specific for both N-pyrrolated proteins and DNA evolve with apolipoprotein E deficiency. J. Biol. Chem. 298, 101582.
  • Itakura, M., Yamaguchi, K., Kitazawa, R., Lim, S. Y., Anan, Y., Yoshitake, J., Shibata, T., Negishi, L., Sugawa, H., Nagai, R., and Uchida, K. (2022) Histone functions as a cell-surface receptor for AGEs. Nat. Commun. 13, 2974.
  • Yoshitake, J., Azami, M., Sei, H., Onoshima, D.,Takahashi, K., Hirayama, A., Uchida, K., Baba, Y., and Shibata, T. (2022) Rapid isolation of extracellular vesicles using a hydrophilic porous silica gel-based size-exclusion chromatography column. Anal. Chem. 94, 13676-13681.
  • Yamaguchi, K., Itakura, M., Tsukamoto, M., Lim, S.Y., and Uchida, K. (2022) Natural polyphenols convert proteins into histone-binding ligands. J. Biol. Chem. 298, 102529.
  • Uchida, K. (2022) Conversion of proteins into DNA mimetics by lipid peroxidation. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 728, 109374.
  • Komae, S., Kasamatsu, S., Uchida, K., and Ihara, H. (2022) Quantitative determination of 2-oxo-Imidazole-containing dipeptides by high-performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. Antioxidants 11, 2401.
  • 板倉正典、内田浩二 (2022) “タンパク質最終糖化産物 (AGEs)の抗炎症機能” カレントトピックス 実験医学 羊土社 Vol.40, 2637-2640.