
原著論文・総説など (2010年度以降)


  • Fernandez-Bustamante, A., Klawitter, J., Wilson, P., Elkins, N. D., Agazio, A., Shibata, T., Uchida, K., Christians, U., and Repine, J. E. (2013) Early increase in alveolar macrophage prostaglandin 15d-PGJ2 precedes neutrophil recruitment into lungs of cytokine-insufflated rats. Infllamation 36, 1030-1040.
  • Chikazawa, M., Otaki, N., Shibata, T., Miyashita, H., Kawai, Y., Maruyama, S., Toyokuni, S., Kitaura, Y., Matsuda, T., and Uchida, K. (2013) Multi-specificity of IgM antibodies raised against advanced glycation end products: Involvement of electronegative potential of antigens. J. Biol. Chem. 288, 13204-13214.
  • Chikazawa, M., Otaki, N., Shibata, T., Yasueda, T., Matsuda, T., and Uchida, K. (2013) An apoptosis-associated mammary protein deficiency leads to enhanced production of IgM antibodies against multiple damage-associated molecules. PLoS ONE 8, e68468.
  • Hatano, R., Yamada, K., Iwamoto, T., Maeda, N., Emoto, T., Shimizu, M. and Totsuka, M. (2013) Antigen presentation by small intestinal epithelial cells uniquely enhances IFN-γ secretion from CD4+ intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 435(4), 592-596.
  • Suzuki, N., Murakoshi, M., Ono, T., Morishita, S., Bae, M. J., Totsuka, M., Shimizu, M., Sugiyama, K., Nishino, H. and Iida, N. (2013) Effects of Enteric-coated Lactoferrin Tablet Containing Lactobacillus brevis subsp. coagulans on Fecal Properties, Defecation Frequency and Intestinal Microbiota of Japanese Women with a Tendency for Constipation: A Randomized Placebo-controlled Cross-over Study. Biosci. Microbiota Food Health, 32(1), 13-21.
  • Ryo Takatori, Phuong Le Vu, Taku Iwamoto, Hideo Satsu, Mamoru Totsuka, Kazuhiro Chida, Makoto Shimizu (2013) Effects of oral administration of glucosylceramide on gene expression changes in hairless mouse skin: comparison between whole skin, epidermis, and dermis. Biosci. Biotech. Biochem.77(9), 1882-1887.
  • Uchida, K. (2013) Redox-derived damage-associated molecular patterns: Ligand function of lipid peroxidation adducts. Redox Biol. 1, 94–96.
  • 内田浩二、河合慶親 (2013) 基礎生化学-健康・疾病とのつながり-, 17章 活性酸素, (株)アイ・ケイコーポレーション, 216-227.
  • 近澤未歩、内田浩二 (2013) “自然抗体:危険を感知する正義の味方” 活性酸素—基礎から病体解明・制御まで 医学のあゆみ (株)診断と治療社、247, 942-948.
  • 戸塚護、青木(吉田)綾子 (2013) “プロバイオティクスの免疫調節機能と食品成分による増強効果”消化と吸収, 35 (3), 272-280.