Laboratory of Food Chemistry, Department of Applied Biological Chemistry, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo

Research Topics

We are studying food science and biodynamics to

  • characterize physiological and pathophysiological roles of covalently-modified proteins generated during non-enzymatic chemical reaction, such as lipid peroxidation and glycation.
  • establish an authentic role of dietary antioxidants.
  • explore dietary factors regulating immune and inflammatory responses.
  • explore regulation of transcription factors responding to dietary environment.


Refer to Publications.



Faculties Koji Uchida (Prof.) a-uchida[at]
  Keiko Taguchi (Assoc. Prof.) keikotaguchi[at]
  Kosuke Yamaguchi (Assist. Prof.) yamaguchi-kosuke122[at]
PhD Candidates You-Yun Hu D1
Graduate Students Kaito Kawajiri M2
  Yuto Nakagawa M2
  Kahoko Fujita M2
  Qixue Cao M1
  Kenta Iitaka M1
  Maho Kumamoto M1
  Kinya Murata M1
Undergraduate Student Yui Enomoto B4
  Hina Shinmura B4


Koji Uchida (Prof.)

E-mail: a-uchida[at]
Department of Applied Biological Chemistry,
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences,
The University of Tokyo
1-1-1, Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-8657, Japan
Refer to the website of our department.


See the website of Univ. Tokyo.