Arab Gulf States and International Migration: Is the Corona Disaster a Turning Point? (September 3, 2020)

Online seminar “New Coronaviruses and the Middle East” (4th session)

The Arab Gulf states have attracted many immigrants with their enormous oil export revenues, and have finally become the largest migrant-receiving regions in Asia and Africa in this century. Due to the Corona disaster, many migrants have fled or been forced out of the Arab Gulf states, pointing to a potential turning point in their political, economic, and social life. Using Arab Gulf states, Filipino migrants, and Ethiopian migrants as subjects for discussion, this session considers the impact of the return of migrants on the labor markets of Gulf Arab countries, the economic impact on migrant-sending countries that have been dependent on remittances from migrant workers, and their consequences in the changes in global migrant society.

This seminar can be accessed on the following website (external)

Masaki Matsuo (Utsunomiya University)
Koji Horinuki (The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan)
Masako Ishii (Rikkyo University)
Yuka Kodama (Institute of Developing Economies)
Moderator Keiko Sakai (Chiba University)
Date Thursday, September 3, 2020, 15:00-17:00
Venue online
Relational Studies on the Global Crises, Chiba University
JIME Center, IEEJ (Institute of Energy Economics, Japan)