The influence of Ibadi siyar manuscripts on the Orientalists’ understanding of the history of early Islamic theology (28th Oct. 2019)

Special Lecture

Over recent years Ibadi siyar have attracted increasing interest among Islamic scholars in the West for three reasons: 1) Up to the 2nd/8th century they continued to be written in the ‘original’ Arabic literary style. 2) Their interpretation of early Islamic history is markedly different from that of the Sunni/Shiite tradition. 3) They show the development of early Islamic theology. This lecture is designed to demonstrate how Western scholars of Islamic studies have come to regard Ibadi siyar over the past three decades.

Lecturer  Dr. Abdulrahman al-Salimi (Advisor to the Minister of Endowments and Religious Affairs, Sultanate of Oman)
Date  and Timing Monday, 28th October 2019, 15:00-16:30
Venue Room 840, Akamon General Research Building,
Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo
Language  English
Co-organized  Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Letters, The University of Tokyo
Others  Free, open to public
Contact  The University of Tokyo Centre for Middle Eastern Studies
03-5465-7724, also please use the inquiry format in this website.
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