- “Flow of supercooled liquids under dipolar force field”
Kento Maeda, Atsushi Ikeda
submitted. [arXiv:2409.16725]
- “Avalanche criticality emerges by thermal fluctuation in a quiescent glass”
Yuki Takaha, Hideyuki Mizuno, Atsushi Ikeda
submitted. [arXiv:2409.15775]
- “A replica theory for the dynamic glass transition of hardspheres with continuous polydispersity”
Hyonggi Kim, Atsushi Ikeda
submitted. [arXiv:2405.07416]
- “Unified study of viscoelasticity and sound damping in hard and soft amorphous solids”
Hideyuki Mizuno, Kuniyasu Saitoh, Yusuke Hara, Atsushi Ikeda
submitted. [arXiv:2402.17335]
- “A link between anomalous viscous loss and boson peak in soft jammed solids”
Yusuke Hara, Ryosuke Matsuoka, Hiroyuki Ebata, Daisuke Mizuno, Atsushi Ikeda
submitted. [arXiv:2402.00291]
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Yujiro Sugino, Hiroyuki Ebata, Yoshiyuki Sowa, Atsushi Ikeda, Daisuke Mizuno
submitted. [arXiv:2401.15658]
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Yusuke Hara, Hideyuki Mizuno, Atsushi Ikeda
submitted. [arXiv:2311.09509]
- “Phase separation kinetics of a symmetric binary mixture of glass-forming liquids”
Yuri Oku, Kyohei Takae, Atsushi Ikeda
submitted. [arXiv:2004.02103]
- “Universal mechanism of shear thinning in supercooled liquids”
Hideyuki Mizuno, Atsushi Ikeda, Takeshi Kawasaki, Kunimasa Miyazaki
Commun. Phys. 7, 199 (2024). [arXiv:2407.01880]
- “Effective medium theory for viscoelasticity of soft jammed solids”
Hideyuki Mizuno, Atsushi Ikeda
EPL 148, 36001 (2024). [arXiv:2407.15323]
- “Structural fluctuations in active glasses”
Masaki Yoshida, Hideyuki Mizuno, Atsushi Ikeda
Soft Matter 20, 7678 (2024). [arXiv:2405.08243]
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Norihiro Oyama, Takeshi Kawasaki, Kang Kim, Hideyuki Mizuno
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 148201 (2024). [arXiv:2310.09785]
- “Arrhenius temperature dependence of the crystallization time of deeply supercooled liquids”
Yuki Takaha, Hideyuki Mizuno, Atsushi Ikeda
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 013040 (2024). [arXiv:2303.07817]
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Masanari Shimada, Kumpei Shiraishi, Hideyuki Mizuno, Atsushi Ikeda
Soft Matter 20, 1583-1602 (2024). [arXiv:2111.11681]
- “Shear-induced Criticality in Glasses Shares Qualitative Similarities with the Gardner Phase”
Norihiro Oyama, Hideyuki Mizuno, Atsushi Ikeda
Soft Matter 19, 6074-6087 (2023). [arXiv:2109.08849]
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Yusuke Hara, Hideyuki Mizuno, Atsushi Ikeda
Soft Matter 19, 6046-6056 (2023). [arXiv:2305.00674]
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Kumpei Shiraishi, Hideyuki Mizuno, Atsushi Ikeda
J. Chem. Phys. 158, 174502 (2023). [arXiv:2301.06225]
- “Johari-Goldstein β relaxation in glassy dynamics originates from two-scale energy landscape”
Kumpei Shiraishi, Hideyuki Mizuno, Atsushi Ikeda
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 120 (14) e2215153120 (2023). [arXiv:2209.01726]
+ この研究成果について、プレスリリースを行いました。
- “Quasi-two-dimensional bacterial swimming around pillars: Enhanced trapping efficiency and curvature dependence”
Yuki Takaha, Daiki Nishiguchi
Phys. Rev. E 107, 014602 (2023). [arXiv:2301.06225]
- “Low-Frequency Vibrational States in Ideal Glasses with Random Pinning”
Kumpei Shiraishi, Yusuke Hara, Hideyuki Mizuno
Phys. Rev. E 106, 054611 (2022). [arXiv:2208.11899]
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Yoshihiko Nishikawa, Atsushi Ikeda, Ludovic Berthier
J. Chem. Phys. 156, 244503 (2022). [arXiv:2204.05130]
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Hideyuki Mizuno, Makoto Hachiya, Atsushi Ikeda
J. Chem. Phys. 156, 204505 (2022). [arXiv:2203.02264]
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Masanari Shimada, Norihiro Oyama
Soft Matter 18, 8406-8417 (2022). [arXiv:2011.12489]
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Harukuni Ikeda, Masanari Shimada
Phys. Rev. E 106, 024904 (2022). [arXiv:2009.12060]
- “Random quench predicts universal properties of amorphous solids”
Masanari Shimada, Eric De Giuli
SciPost Phys. 12, 090 (2022). [arXiv:2008.11896]
- “Revisiting the single-saddle model for the β-relaxation of supercooled liquids”
Daniele Coslovich, Atsushi Ikeda
J. Chem. Phys. 156, 094503 (2022). [arXiv:2202.08016]
- “Relaxation dynamics in the energy landscape of glass-forming liquids”
Yoshihiko Nishikawa, Misaki Ozawa, Atsushi Ikeda, Pinaki Chaudhuri, Ludovic Berthier
Phys. Rev. X 12, 021001 (2022). [arXiv:2106.01755]
- “Structural, mechanical, and vibrational properties of particulate physical gels”
Hideyuki Mizuno, Makoto Hachiya, Atsushi Ikeda
J. Chem. Phys. 155, 234502 (2021). [arXiv:2109.12301]
+ この研究成果について、プレスリリースを行いました。
- “Geometrical properties of mechanically annealed systems near the jamming transition”
Hiromichi Matsuyama, Mari Toyoda, Takumi Kurahashi, Atsushi Ikeda, Takeshi Kawasaki, Kunimasa Miyazaki
Euro. Phys. J. E 44, 133 (2021). [arXiv:2108.09716]
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Norihiro Oyama, Hideyuki Mizuno, Atsushi Ikeda
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 108003 (2021). [arXiv:2011.12568]
+ この研究成果について、プレスリリースを行いました。
- “Understanding the scaling of boson peak through elastic heterogeneity insensitive to bending rigidity in polymer glasses”
Naoya Tomoshige, Shota Goto, Hideyuki Mizuno, Tatsuya Mori, Kang Kim, Nobuyuki Matsubayashi
J. Phys. Condens. Matter 33, 274002 (2021). [arXiv:2011.04858]
- “Unified View of Avalanche Criticality in Sheared Glasses”
Norihiro Oyama, Hideyuki Mizuno, Atsushi Ikeda
Phys. Rev. E 104, 015002 (2021). [arXiv:2009.02635]
- “Phase transition in the binary mixture of jammed particles with large size dispersity”
Yusuke Hara, Hideyuki Mizuno, Atsushi Ikeda
Phys. Rev. Research 3, 023091 (2021). [arXiv:2009.01563]
- “Sound damping in frictionless granular materials: The interplay between configurational disorder and inelasticity”
Kuniyasu Saitoh, Hideyuki Mizuno
Soft Matter 17, 4204-4212 (2021). [arXiv:2008.09760]
- “Multiple glass transitions and higher-order replica symmetry breaking of binary mixtures”
Harukuni Ikeda, Kunimasa Miyazaki, Hajime Yoshino, Atsushi Ikeda
Phys. Rev. E 103, 022613 (2021). [arXiv:1710.08373]
- “Spatial structure of unstable normal modes in a glass-forming liquid”
Masanari Shimada, Daniele Coslovich, Hideyuki Mizuno, Atsushi Ikeda
SciPost Phys. 10, 001 (2021). [arXiv:2009.07972]
- “Relaxation dynamics of non-Brownian spheres below jamming”
Yoshihiko Nishikawa, Atsushi Ikeda, Ludovic Berthier
J. Stat. Phys. 182, 37 (2021). [arXiv:2007.09418]
- “Novel elastic instability of amorphous solids in finite spatial dimensions”
Masanari Shimada, Hideyuki Mizuno, Atsushi Ikeda
Soft Matter 17, 346 (2021). [arXiv:2009.00201]
- “Structural and mechanical characteristics of sphere packings near the jamming transition: From fully amorphous to quasi-ordered structures”
Hideyuki Mizuno, Kuniyasu Saitoh, Leonardo E. Silbert
Phys. Rev. Materials 4, 115602 (2020). [arXiv:2008.09762]
- “Intermittent rearrangements accompanying thermal fluctuations distinguish glasses from crystals”
Hideyuki Mizuno, Hua Tong, Atsushi Ikeda, Stefano Mossa
J. Chem. Phys. 153, 154501 (2020). [arXiv:2006.15082]
+ この研究成果について、プレスリリースを行いました。
+ 日本経済新聞2020年10月25日朝刊紙面、 科学新聞2020年10月30日紙面、ナゾロジー 地球の謎をワクワク探検!、マイナビニュース、 などに紹介されました。 - “Detection of boson peak and fractal dynamics of disordered system using terahertz spectroscopy”
Tatsuya Mori, Yue Jiang, Yasuhiro Fujii, Suguru Kitani, Hideyuki Mizuno, Akitoshi Koreeda, Leona Motoji, Hiroko Tokoro, Kentaro Shiraki, Yohei Yamamoto, Seiji Kojima
Phys. Rev. E 102, 022502 (2020). [arXiv:1910.04400]
- “Vibrational spectrum derived from local mechanical response in disordered solids”
Masanari Shimada, Hideyuki Mizuno, Atsushi Ikeda
Soft Matter 16, 7279 (2020). [arXiv:1907.06851]
- “Mechanical and Vibrational Properties of Three-Dimensional Dimer Packings Near the Jamming Transition”
Kumpei Shiraishi, Hideyuki Mizuno, Atsushi Ikeda
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 89, 074603 (2020). [arXiv:2005.02598]
- “Low-frequency vibrations of jammed packings in large spatial dimensions”
Masanari Shimada, Hideyuki Mizuno, Ludovic Berthier, Atsushi Ikeda
Phys. Rev. E 101, 052906 (2020). [arXiv:1910.07238]
- “Sound damping in glasses: interplay between anharmonicities and elastic heterogeneities”
Hideyuki Mizuno, Giancarlo Ruocco, Stefano Mossa
Phys. Rev. B 101, 174206 (2020). [arXiv:1905.10235]
- “Stress relaxation above and below the jamming transition”
Kuniyasu Saitoh, Takahiro Hatano, Atsushi Ikeda, Brian P. Tighe
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 118001 (2020). [arXiv:1909.10142]
- “Anharmonic properties of vibrational excitations in amorphous solids”
Hideyuki Mizuno, Masanari Shimada, Atsushi Ikeda
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013215 (2020). [arXiv:1911.07211]
- “Universal relaxation dynamics of sphere packings below jamming”
Atsushi Ikeda, Takeshi Kawasaki, Ludovic Berthier, Kuniyasu Saitoh, Takahiro Hatano
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 058001 (2020). [arXiv:1904.07359]
- “Impact of elastic heterogeneity on the propagation of vibrations at finite temperatures in glasses”
Hideyuki Mizuno, Stefano Mossa
Condens. Matter Phys. 22, 43604 (2019). [arXiv:1906.08012]
- “Boson peak, elasticity, and glass transition temperature in polymer glasses: Effects of the rigidity of chain bending”
Naoya Tomoshige, Hideyuki Mizuno, Tatsuya Mori, Kang Kim, Nobuyuki Matsubayashi
Sci. Rep. 9, 19514 (2019). [arXiv:1907.10899]
- “Glassy dynamics of a model of bacterial cytoplasm with metabolic activities”
Norihiro Oyama, Takeshi Kawasaki, Hideyuki Mizuno, Atsushi Ikeda
Phys. Rev. Research 1, 032038(R) (2019). [arXiv:1904.09052]
- “Avalanche Interpretation of the Power-Law Energy Spectrum in Three-Dimensional Dense Granular Flow”
Norihiro Oyama, Hideyuki Mizuno, and Kuniyasu Saitoh
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 188004 (2019). [arXiv:1805.05449]
- “Vibrational properties of two-dimensional dimer packings near the jamming transition”
Kumpei Shiraishi, Hideyuki Mizuno, Atsushi Ikeda
Phys. Rev. E 100, 012606 (2019). [arXiv:1905.02966]
- “Phonon transport and vibrational excitations in amorphous solids”
Hideyuki Mizuno, Atsushi Ikeda
Phys. Rev. E 98, 062612 (2018). [arXiv:1804.08854]
- “Spatial structure of quasi-localized vibrations in nearly jammed amorphous solids”
Masanari Shimada, Hideyuki Mizuno, Matthieu Wyart, Atsushi Ikeda
Phys. Rev. E 98, 060901(R) (2018). [arXiv:1804.08865]
- “Ideal glass states are not purely vibrational: Insight from randomly pinned glasses”
Misaki Ozawa, Atsushi Ikeda, Kunimasa Miyazaki, Walter Kob
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 205501 (2018). [arXiv:1804.02324]
- “Anomalous vibrational properties in the continuum limit of glasses”
Masanari Shimada, Hideyuki Mizuno, Atsushi Ikeda
Phys. Rev. E 97, 022609 (2018). [arXiv:1711.04929]
- “Mean field theory of the swap Monte Carlo algorithm”
Harukuni Ikeda, Francesco Zamponi, Atsushi Ikeda
J. Chem. Phys. 147, 234506 (2017). [arXiv:1701.00936]
- “Continuum limit of the vibrational properties of amorphous solids”
Hideyuki Mizuno, Hayato Shiba, Atsushi Ikeda
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 114 (46) E9767-E9774. [arXiv:1703.10004]
+ この研究成果について、プレスリリースを行いました。
+ 日本経済新聞においてガラスの物理が特集され、この研究成果が言及されました。詳細は、2018年3月4日朝刊紙面、あるいは電子版をご覧ください。 - “Large-scale structure of randomly jammed particles”
Atsushi Ikeda, Ludovic Berthier, Giorgio Parisi
Phys. Rev. E 95, 052125 (2017). [arXiv:1701.00936]
- “Note: A replica liquid theory of binary mixtures”
Harukuni Ikeda, Kunimasa Miyazaki, Atsushi Ikeda
J. Chem. Phys. 145, 216101 (2016). [arXiv:1609.08288]
- “The decoupling of the glass transitions in the two-component p-spin spherical model”
Harukuni Ikeda, Atsushi Ikeda
J. Stat. Mech. 074006 (2016). [arXiv:1603.06314]
- “Relation of vibrational excitations and thermal conductivity to elastic heterogeneities in disordered solids”
Hideyuki Mizuno, Stefano Mossa, Jean-Louis Barrat
Phys. Rev. B 94, 144303 (2016). [arXiv:1604.04101]
- “Enstrophy cascades in two-dimensional dense granular flows”
Kuniyasu Saitoh, Hideyuki Mizuno
Phys. Rev. E 94, 022908 (2016).
- “Elastic moduli and vibrational modes in jammed particulate packings”
Hideyuki Mizuno, Kuniyasu Saitoh, Leonardo E. Silbert
Phys. Rev. E 93, 062905 (2016). [arXiv:1606.06599]
- “Mean-field dynamic criticality and geometric transition in the Gaussian core model”
Daniele Coslovich*, Atsushi Ikeda*, Kunimasa Miyazaki (*equally contributed)
Phys. Rev. E 93, 042602 (2016). [arXiv:1502.00331]
- “Cut-off nonlinearities in the low-temperature vibrations of glasses and crystals”
Hideyuki Mizuno, Leonardo E. Silbert, Matthias Sperl, Stefano Mossa, Jean-Louis Barrat
Phys. Rev. E 93, 043314 (2016). [arXiv:1507.08907]
- “Spatial Distributions of Local Elastic Moduli Near the Jamming Transition”
Hideyuki Mizuno, Leonardo E. Silbert, Matthias Sperl
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 068302 (2016). [arXiv:1504.02619]
- “Anomalous energy cascades in dense granular materials yielding under simple shear deformations”
Kuniyasu Saitoh, Hideyuki Mizuno
Soft Matter 12, 1360-1367 (2016).
- “One-dimensional Kac model of dense amorphous hard spheres”
Harukuni Ikeda, Atsushi Ikeda
Europhys. Lett. 111, 40007 (2015). [arXiv:1505.07597]
- “Thermal fluctuations, mechanical response, and hyperuniformity in jammed solids”
Atsushi Ikeda, Ludovic Berthier
Phys. Rev. E 92, 012309 (2015). [arXiv:1504.02649]
- “Reply to Chakrabarty et al.: Particles move even in ideal glasses”
Misaki Ozawa, Walter Kob, Atsushi Ikeda, Kunimasa Miyazaki
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 112, E4821 (2015).
- “Equilibrium phase diagram of a randomly pinned glass-former”
Misaki Ozawa, Walter Kob, Atsushi Ikeda, Kunimasa Miyazaki
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 112, 6914 (2015). [arXiv:1412.4911]
- “Diverging viscosity and soft granular rheology in non-Brownian suspensions”
Takeshi Kawasaki, Daniele Coslovich, Atsushi Ikeda, Ludovic Berthier
Phys. Rev. E 91, 012203 (2015). [arXiv:1410.5683]
+ Featured as “Editors' Suggestion”.
- “Elastic consequences of a single plastic event: Towards a realistic account of structural disorder and shear wave propagation in models of flowing amorphous solids”
Alexandre Nicolas, Francesco Puosi, Hideyuki Mizuno, Jean-Louis Barrat
J. Mech. Phys. Solids 78, 333-351 (2015). [arXiv:1503.01572]
- “Beating the amorphous limit in thermal conductivity by superlattices design”
Hideyuki Mizuno, Stefano Mossa, Jean-Louis Barrat
Sci. Rep. 5, 14116 (2015). [arXiv:1503.04080]
- “Correlation of Local Order with Particle Mobility in Supercooled Liquids is Highly System Dependent”
Glen M. Hocky, Daniele Coslovich, Atsushi Ikeda, David R. Reichman
Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 157801 (2014). [arXiv:1402.6709]
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Takeshi Kawasaki, Atsushi Ikeda, Ludovic Berthier
Europhys. Lett. 107, 28009 (2014). [arXiv:1404.4778]
- “Generic transport coefficients of a confined electrolyte solution”
Hiroaki Yoshida, Hideyuki Mizuno, Tomoyuki Kinjo, Hitoshi Washizu, Jean-Louis Barrat
Phys. Rev. E 90, 052113 (2014). [arXiv:1408.4510]
- “Molecular dynamics simulation of electrokinetic flow of an aqueous electrolyte solution in nanochannels”
Hiroaki Yoshida, Hideyuki Mizuno, Tomoyuki Kinjo, Hitoshi Washizu, Jean-Louis Barrat
J. Chem. Phys. 140, 214701 (2014). [arXiv:1404.4124]
- “Acoustic excitations and elastic heterogeneities in disordered solids”;
Hideyuki Mizuno, Stefano Mossa, and Jean-Louis Barrat
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 111, 11949-11954 (2014). [arXiv:1403.6736]