




K. Inoue, and M. Okuno

""Coherent anti-Stokes hyper-Raman Spectroscopy""

Nature Communications 16 (1), 306 (2025).



T-H. Liu, and M. Okuno

"Hyper-Raman spectroscopy of non-proteinogenic amino acids"

Analytical Sciences, (2024)


T-H. Liu, and M. Okuno

"TMAO Perturbs Intermolecular Vibrational Motions of Water Revealed by Low-frequency Modes"

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 26 (16), 12397-12405 (2024).



X. Yao, H. Zhang, F. Kong, A. Hinau, R. Pawlak, M. Okuno, R.Graf, P.N. Horton, S. J. Coles, E. Meyer, L. Bogani, M. Bonn, H. I. Wang, K. Müllen, A. Narita

"N = 8 Armchair Graphene Nanoribbons: Solution Synthesis and High Charge Carrier Mobility"


T-H. Liu, and M. Okuno

"Characterization of Secondary Structures of Model Polypeptides in Solutions with Hyper-Raman Spectroscopy"

Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 127(30) 6675-6683 (2023).


 K. Inoue, Y. Litman, D. M.  Wilkins, Y. Nagata, and M. Okuno

"Is Unified Understanding of Vibrational Coupling of Water Possible? Hyper-Raman Measurement and Machine Learning Spectra"

The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 14, 3063-3068 (2023).





K. Inoue, T. Morimoto, D. Yokogawa, and M. Okuno

"Hyper-Raman Spectroscopy of Benzene and Pyridine Revisited"

Journal of Chemical Physics 157 (5), 054505 (2022).


 K. Inoue and M. Okuno

"Hyper-Raman Study of Hydrated Excess Protons in Water : Measurement of Concentrated HCl Soluion"

Journal of Raman Spectroscopy,  53, 1679-1685 (2022).




X. Yu, T. Seki, C-C Yu, K. Zhong, S. Sun, M. Okuno, E. HG Backus, J. Hunger, M. Bonn, Y. Nagata

"Interfacial Water Structure of Binary Liquid Mixtures Reflects Nonideal Behavior"

The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 125 (37), 10639–10646 (2021).


M. Asakura and  M. Okuno

"Hyper-Raman Spectroscopic Investigation of Amide Bands of N-Methylacetamide in Liquid/Solution Phase"

The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters,12 (20), 4780–4785 (2021).



T. Morimoto and M. Okuno

"Polarized Hyper-Raman Study of Cyclohexane-h12 and -d12 in the Liquid Phase"

Chemistry Letters, 50, 8, 1512-1515 (2021).


T. Iwano, K. Shitamatsu, N. Ogiwara, M. Okuno,Y. Kikukawa, S. Ikemoto, S. Shirai, S. Muratsugu, P. Waddell, J. R. Errington, M. Sadakane, and S. Uchida,

"Ultra-High Proton Conduction via Extended Hydrogen-Bonding Network in a Preyssler-type Polyoxometalate-Based Framework Functionalized with Lanthanide Ion"

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13(16) 19138–19147 (2021).

簡単な紹介 プレスリリース


M. Okuno

“Hyper-Raman spectroscopy of alcohols excited at 532 nm: methanol, ethanol, 1-propanol, and 2-propanol”,

Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 52 849-856 (2021).




C.-C. Yu, K.-Y. Chiang, M. Okuno, T. Ohto, T. Seki, X. Yu, K. Zhong, V. Korepanov, H. Hamaguchi, M. Bonn, J. Hunger, and Y. Nagata

"Vibrational Couplings and Energy Transfer Pathways of Water’s Bending Mode"

 Nature Communications, 11, 5977 (2020).




 T. Seki, C.-C. Yu, K.-Y. Chiang, X. Yu, M. Okuno, J. Hunger, Y. Nagata, and M. Bonn,

"The Bending Mode of Water: A Powerful Probe for Hydrogen Bond Structure of Aqueous Systems"

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 11(19), 8459-8469(2020).


 L. Wang, W. Mori, A. Morita, M. Kondoh, M. Okuno, and T. Ishibashi

"Quadrupole Contribution of C═O Vibrational Band in Sum Frequency Generation Spectra of Organic Carbonates"

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 11(20), 8527-8531(2020).


M. Okuno,

 "Hyper-Raman spectroscopy of polar liquids excited at 1064 nm: Acetone, acetonitrile, chloroform, and dimethyl sulfoxide"

Journal of Chemical Physics,  152, 174202 (2020)



M. Okuno, S. Yamada, T. Ohto, H. Tada, W. Nakanishi, K. Ariga, and T. Ishibashi,

“Hydrogen-bonds and Molecular Orientations of Supramolecular Structure between Barbituric Acid and Melamine Derivative at the Air/water Interface Revealed by Heterodyne-detected Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy”,

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 11 (7), 2422-2429 (2020).



M. OkunoO. Homma, A-T. Kuo, S. Urata, R. Koguchi, T. Miyajima, and T. Ishibashi

“Molecular Orientations and Conformations of Air/Fluoroalkyl Acrylate Polymer Interfaces Studied by Heterondyne-Detected Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation”,

Macromolecules, 52, 87025-8712(2019).



before 2019


M. Okuno and T. Ishibashi

“Bulk-or-Interface Assignment of Heterodyne-Detected Chiral Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation Signal by Its Polarization Dependence”,

Journal of Chemical Physics, 149, 244703 (2018).


N. Takeshita, M. Okuno and T. Ishibashi,

“Development of Heterodyne-detected Total Internal Reflection Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy and its Application to CaF2 / Liquid Interfaces”,

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121 (45), 25206-25214 (2017).


M. Okuno, D. Ishikawa, W. Nakanishi, K. Ariga and T. Ishibashi,

“Symmertic Raman Tensor Contributes to Chiral Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation from Binaphthyl Amphilphile Monolayers on Water –Study of Electronic Resonance Amplitude and Phase Profiles”,

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121, 11241–11250 (2017).


N. Takeshita, M. Okuno and T. Ishibashi,

“Molecular Conformation of DPPC Phospholipid Langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett Monolayers Studied by Heterodyne-detected Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy”,

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19, 2060-2066 (2017).


H. Kano, H. Segawa, M. Okuno, P. Leproux and V. Couderc,

"Hyperspectral Coherent Raman Imaging ~principle, theory, instrumentation, and application to life sciences~",

Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 47, 116-123 (2016).


M. Okuno and T. Ishibashi,

“Sensitive and Quantitative Probe of Molecular Chirality with Heterodyne-detected Doubly Resonant SFG spectroscopy”,

Analytical Chemistry, 87, 10103-10108 (2015).


M. Okuno, T. Tokimoto, M. Eguchi, H. Kano, T. Ishibashi,

“Intensity Enhancement of Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation by Gap-mode Plasmon Resonance”,

Chemical Physics Letters, 639, 83-87 (2015).


S. T. Post*, C-S Hsieh*, M. Okuno*, H. J. Bakker, M. Bonn and J. Hunger,

”Strong frequency dependence of the vibrational energy relaxation in bulk and surface water reveals picosecond structural heterogeneity”,

Nature Communications, 6, 8384 (2015). (*equally contributed)


M. Hishida, Y. Kaneko, M. Okuno, Y. Yamamura, T. Ishibashi and K. Saito,

“Salt-induced water orientation at a surface of non-ionic surfactant in relation to a mechanism of Hofmeister effect”,

Journal of Chemical Physics, 142, 171101 (2015).


M. Okuno and T. Ishibashi,

“Heterodyne-detected Achiral and Chiral Vibrational Sum-Frequency Generation Spectroscopy of Proteins at Air/Water Interface”,

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119, 9947–9954 (2015).


H. Segawa, M. Okuno, P. Leproux, V. Couderc, T. Ozawa and H. Kano,

“Multimodal Imaging of Living Cells with Multiplex Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (CARS), Third-order Sum Frequency Generation (TSFG) and Two-photon Excitation Fluorescence (TPEF) Using a Nanosecond White-light Laser Source”,

Analytical Sciences, 31, 299-305 (2015).


M. Okuno, M. Mezger, R. Stangenberg, M. Baumgarten, K. Müllen, M. Bonn and E. Backus,

“The interaction of a patterned amphiphilic polyphenylene dendrimer with a lipid-monolayer: electrostatic interactions dominate”,

Langmuir, 31 (6), 1980–1987 (2015).


M. Okuno and T. Ishibashi,

“Chirality discriminated by heterodyne-detected vibrational sum frequency generation”,

The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 5, 2874-2878 (2014).


C –S. Hsieh*, M. Okuno*, J. Hunger, E. H. G. Backus, Y. Nagata and M. Bonn,

“Aqueous heterogeneity at the air/water interface revealed by 2D-PS-SFG”,

Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 53 (31), 8146-8149 (2014). (*equally contributed)


M. Okuno, H. Kano, K. Fujii, K. Bito, S. Naito, P. Leproux, V. Couderc and H. Hamaguchi,

“Surfactant Uptake Dynamics in Mammalian Cells Elucidated with Quantitative Coherent anti-Stokes Raman Scattering Microspectroscopy”,

PLOS ONE, 9 (4), e93401 (2014).


C-S. Hsieh, R. K. Campen, M. Okuno, E. H. G. Backus, Y. Nagata and M. Bonn,

“Mechanism of Vibrational Energy Dissipation of Free OH Groups at the Air/Water Interface”,

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110 (47) 18780-18785 (2013).


K. Bito, M. Okuno, H. Kano, P. Leproux, V. Couderc, and H. Hamaguchi,

“Three-pulse multiplex coherent anti-Stokes/Stokes Raman scattering (CARS/CSRS) microspectroscopy using a white-light laser source”,

Chemical Physics, 419 (20), 156-162 (2013).


M. Kakita, M. Okuno and H. Hamaguchi,

“Quantitative analysis of the redox states of cytochromes in a living L929 (NCTC) cell by resonance Raman microspectroscopy”,

Journal of Biophotonics, 6 (3) 256-259 (2013).


A. De Angelis, A. Labruyère, V. Couderc, P. Leproux, A. Tonello, H. Segawa, M. Okuno, H. Kano, D. Arnaud-Cormos, P. Lévèque, and H. Hamaguchi,

“Time-frequency resolved analysis of a nanosecond supercontinuum source dedicated to multiplex CARS application”,

Optics Express, 20 (28), 29705–29716 (2012).


T. Hashimoto, H. Segawa, M. Okuno, H. Kano, H. Hamaguchi, T. Haraguchi, Y. Hiraoka, S. Hasui, T. Yamaguchi, F. Hirose and T. Osumi,

“Active involvement of micro-lipid droplets and lipid droplet-associated proteins in hormone-stimulated lipolysis in adipocytes”,

Journal of Cell Science, 125 (24), 6127-6136 (2012).


K. Hiramatsu, M. Okuno, H. Kano, P. Leproux, V. Couderc and H. Hamaguchi,

“Observation of Raman optical activity (ROA) by heterodyne-detected polarization-resolved coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS)”,

Physical Review Letters, 109 (8), 083901 (2012).


M. Okuno, H. Kano, P. Leproux, V. Couderc and H. Hamaguchi,

“Quantitative coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microspectroscopy using a nanosecond supercontinuum light source”,

Optical Fiber Technology,18 (5), 388-393 (2012).  (invited paper).


H. Segawa, M. Okuno, H. Kano, P. Leproux, V. Couderc and H. Hamaguchi,

“Label-free tetra-modal molecular imaging of living cells with CARS, SHG, THG and TSFG (coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering, second harmonic generation, third harmonic generation and third-order sum frequency generation)”,

Optics Express, 20 (9), 9551–9557 (2012).


K. Bito, M. Okuno, H. Kano, S. Tokuhara, S. Naito, Y. Masukawa, P. Leproux, V. Couderc, and H. Hamaguchi,

“Protein Secondary Structure Imaging with Ultrabroadband multiplex coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microspectroscopy",

The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 116 (4) 1452-1457 (2012).


P. Leproux, V. Couderc, D. Annalisa, M. Okuno, H. Kano and H. Hamaguchi,

“New opportunities offered by compact sub-nanosecond supercontinuum sources in ultrabroadband multiplex CARS microspectroscopy”,

Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 42, 1871-1874 (2011).


M. Okuno and H. Hamaguchi,

“Multifocus confocal Raman microspectroscopy for fast multimode vibrational imaging of living cells”,

Optics Letters, 35, pp 24-26 (2010).


M. Okuno, H. Kano, P. Leproux, V. Couderc, J. P. R. Day, M. Bonn and H. Hamaguchi,

“Quantitative CARS molecular fingerprinting of single living cells with the use of the maximum entropy method”,

Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 49, 6773-6777 (2010).


M. Okuno, H. Kano, P. Leproux, V. Couderc and H. Hamaguchi,

“Ultrabroadband multiplex CARS microspectroscopy and imaging using a subnanosecond supercontinuum light source in the deep near infrared”,

Optics Letters, 33, 923-925 (2008).


M. Okuno, H. Kano, P. Leproux, V. Couderc and H. Hamaguchi,

“Ultrabroadband (> 2000 cm-1) multiplex coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering spectroscopy using a subnanosecond supercontinuum light source”,

Optics Letters, 32, 3050-3052 (2007).


M. Okuno, S. Hayashi and H. Hamaguchi,

“Magnetic manipulation of materials in a magnetic ionic liquid”,

Applied Physics Letters, 89, 132506-132507 (2006).
