Contribution to Asia
- Improvement of animal health measures in developing countries
- Promoting livestock production in developing countries through the improvement of large animal clinical systems
Research on Control of Infectious Diseas
- Promotion of research on the control of animal infectious diseases that are becoming problems in Japan and overseas
- Promotion of veterinary epidemiological research
- Promotion of infectious disease research related to industrial animal clinical care
One Health and Food Safety
- Promotion of research and education of bacteria with antimicrobial resistance (AMR)
- Contribution to the activities of the WOAH Collaborating Center (food safety)
- Promotion of research on pathogens of animal infectious diseases
Veterinary Education
- Provision of digitalized veterinary education materials
- Education for exchange students
Regulatory Science in the Field of Veterinary Medicine
- Promotion of education and research in the science that bridges the gap between scientific findings in the field of veterinary medicine and administrative policies and measures (interdisciplinary fields)
- Educational activities related to veterinary medicine through publication of results of the laboratory, etc.