
  • Project Professor
    Haga Takeshi
    Specialty:Infection Control and Disease Prevention
    Also the Professor of the Division of Infection Control and Disease Prevention
    Research Map
    Research Gate KAKEN
    Two of my favorite Chinese poems

    『寒梅』(新島 襄)
    庭上一寒梅, 笑侵風雪開。不争又不力, 自占百花魁。
    A plum flower blooming in the winter garden. Still smiling under wind and snow.
    Not compete, not strain. Just to be the first bloom.
    English translation is from here
    『秋日偶成』(程 明道)
    閑來無事不從容, 睡覺東窗日已紅。萬物靜觀皆自得, 四時佳興與人同
    道通天地有形外,思入風雲變態中。 富貴不淫貧賤樂,男兒到此是豪雄。

    Ever since retirement, no worldly matter disturbs calmness of my mind.
    Awakened in the morning, red sun already shed light through eastside window.
    On serene contemplation, everything of world seems proceeding by itself.
    Exquisite beauties of four seasons revolve together with mankind.
    Tao – fundamental truth and laws – transcends beyond visible world.
    When my thoughts extend to the fact that everything in world is in vicissitude,
    My mind is not disarranged in wellness or distressed in poverty and meanness.
    A man who reaches such stage of mind may be called a really noble hero.
    English translation is from here

  • Project Assistant Professor
    Maezawa Masaki
    Specialty:Farm Animal Medicine and Veterinary Hygiene
    Research Map
    Research Gate
    Research theme

    “Elucidation of the pathogenesis of Enzootic Bovine Leukosis in young fattening cattle”
    Why is the incidence of Enzootic Bovine Leukosis increasing in young fattening cattle? I am conducting research to elucidate the pathogenic mechanism. In the future, I also hope to develop appropriate methods to prevent the onset of the disease and return the results of our research to producers.

  • Project Researcher
    Ishibashi Tomoko
    Specialty: Global Veterinary Services and Disease Management Policy Analysis

    I spent most of my career at Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries as well as the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH). I have substantial experience in analysing and developing policies against antimicrobial resistance and improving veterinary services, including veterinary education, to better control animal diseases and to ensure food safety.

Copyright © Laboratory of OSG Veterinary Science for Global Disease Management