Professor (PI)

Hideaki KATO

2005 - 2009 
B.S., Biophysics and Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, The University of Tokyo
2009 - 2014 
Ph.D., Department of Biophysics and Biochemistry, Graduate school of science, The University of Tokyo (Osamu Nureki lab)
2014 - 2019 
Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology, School of Medicine, Stanford University (Brian Kobilka lab)
2019 - 2024 
Associate professor, Department of Life Sciences, School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo
2024 - present 
Professor, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST), The University of Tokyo

Grants and Fellowships:
2011 - 2014  Japan Society of Promotion for Sciences (JSPS), Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (DC1)
2014 - 2016  Japan Society of Promotion for Sciences (JSPS), Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research Abroad
2016 - 2017  The Uehara Memorial Foundation, Research fellowship
2017 - 2021  Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), PRESTO
2019 - 2020  The University of Tokyo Excellent Young Researchers
2019 - 2021  Japan Society of Promotion for Sciences (JSPS), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
2021 - 2027  Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), FOREST
2022 - 2026  Japan Society of Promotion for Sciences (JSPS), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
2022 - 2024  Japan Society of Promotion for Sciences (JSPS), Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
2023 - 2028  Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), CREST
and others.

2008  Elite Science Student Abroad Program (ESSVAP), Faculty of Science, Dean’s Award
2012  Young Scientist Award from Protein Science Society of Japan
2012  The Merck Award for Young Biochemistry Researcher
2012  The JSPS Ikushi Prize
2014  The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Research Award
2014  The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science President's Award
2015  Young Scientist Award of the Biophysics Society of Japan
2016  SPRUC2016 Young Scientist Award
2016  Inoue Research Award for Young Scientists
2019  MEXT NISTEP Selection "The Researchers with Nice Step"
2020  The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology The Young Scientists’ Prize
2020  The Frontier Salon Nagase Prize, Special Prize
2020  The Shimadzu Prize for Young Scientists
2024  Kobe Prize Young Investigator Award
2024  IUPAB Young Investigator Prize

Assistant Professor

Masahiro FUKUDA

Masahiro received his undergraduate and Ph.D. degrees in Biophysics and Biochemistry at the University of Tokyo. During his graduate studies in the laboratory of Osamu Nureki, Masahiro elucidated the molecular mechanism of nitrate recognition and transport by nitrate/nitrite antiporter NarK. After a short assistant professor at Keio University, he joined the Kato lab in 2019. In Kato lab, Masahiro is interested in the structure-function relationship of GPCR and G protein signaling molecules.

Postdoctoral fellow, Research fellow (PD) of JSPS

Suhyang KIM

Suhyang received her Ph.D. degrees at Kyoto University. During her graduate studies, Suhyang studied the photochemical properties of Photoactive Yellow Protein (PYP). As a postdoc, she is interested in the strucure-function relationship of broad photoreceptors including PYP and rhodopsins.

Postdoctoral fellow


Kazuhiro received his undergraduate and Ph.D. degrees in Biophysics and Biochemistry at the University of Tokyo. During his graduate studies, he studied structures and dynamics of class B GPCRs. In Kato lab, Kazuhiro expands his interests to broader membrane proteins and develops novel structural, biological, and medical technologies.

Postdoctoral fellow, Research fellow (PD) of JSPS


Kouki received his Ph.D. degree at Tohoku University. During his graduate studies, he studied GPCR functions using multiple cell-based assays. In Kato lab, Kouki expands his expertise to structural biology and sheds light on the new aspects of GPCR signalings.

Graduate Student (SPRING GX fellow / Research Fellowship (DC) of JSPS)


Seiya obtained his M.S. degree at Yokohama National University, where he analyzed the fine structure of the Schiff base region of schizorhodopsin using NMR. Now in the Kato lab, he is studying newly discovered channel-type rhodopsin family proteins using cryo-EM.

Graduate Student (WINGS-ABC fellow / Research Fellowship (DC) of JSPS)

Koichiro KISHI

Koichiro obtained his B.S. degree in pharmaceutical sciences from Keio University in 2020. He is currently a PhD student at the University of Tokyo, Department of Life Sciences. His research interests include revealing the structure and dynamics of ion-translocating rhodopsins and developing novel optogenetics tools.

Graduate Student

Toshiki MATSUI

Toshiki received his bachelor's degree at UTokyo. As a grad. student, he is interested in the selectivity and dynamics of GPCRs.

Graduate Student


Mai received her B.Sc. at Yokohama City University. In the Kato lab, she is interested in exploring GPCRs and GPCR-like proteins.

Graduate Student (Research Fellowship (DC) of JSPS)


Asato received his bachelor's degree at UTokyo. As a grad. student, he wants to explore both GPCR and microbial rhodopsin fields.

Graduate Student


Ayami received her bachelor's degree at Gakushuin University. As a grad. student, she is interested in the structure and pharmacology of GPCRs.

Graduate Student (WINGS-LST fellow)

Kosuke KUDO

Kosuke received his bachelor's degree at UTokyo, and he is interested in the evolution of GPCR and G-protein signalings.

Graduate Student (SPRING GX fellow)


Seiwa received his bachelor's degree at Chiba University. As a grad. student, he wants to study both animal and microbial rhodopsins.

Graduate Student


Kohei received his bachelor's degree at UTokyo. As a grad. student, he is interested in the structure-function relationship of enzyme rhodopsins.

Graduate Student (WINGS-ABC fellow)


Yuka received her bachelor's degree at Osaka Prefecture Univ., and she is interested in the development and application of novel optogenetics tools.

Graduate Student (WINGS-ABC fellow)

Yuzhong GU

Yuzhong received his bachelor's degree at Fudan Univ (Ichikawa lab).

Graduate Student

Jie MA

Jie received her bachelor's degree at Fudan Univ (Hattori lab).

Graduate Student


Niichi received his bachelor’s degree at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology. For him, structural biology is the source of “understanding” — the ultimate priority over anything. He is now looking forward to seeing what he will be in the future, living in this academic field.

Graduate Student (WINGS-ABC fellow)

Tomohiro NARITA

Tomohiro received his bachelor's degree at Tohoku University. As a grad. student, he is interested in the complexity of diverse GPCR signalings.

Research Staff

Hisako IKEDA

Lab Manager


Lab Manager


We are currently looking for highly motivated graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.
Background in protein engineering, computational biology, and/or electrophysiology is recommended.
If you are interested in joining our lab, please send your CV, a brief description of your scientific interests,
and name of 1-3 references to Hideaki (c-hekato[at]g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp).

University TOkyo Logo

map 4-6-1 Komaba, Meguroku, Tokyo, RCAST, Building-4, Room 212, 215

tell 03-5452-5117

mail c-hekato[at]g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp

