国際物理オリンピック日本大会 実験問題作成の舞台裏
深津 晋 大学の物理教育 30, 4-9 (2024).
第1章 バルク半導体. 第3編 各物質・構造における量子相互作用
深津 晋(分担執筆)「光と物質の量子相互作用ハンドブック (荒川泰彦監修、エヌ・ティー・エス) 301-321 (2023).
2 光子干渉の基礎と計測への応用
深津 晋 光アライアンス 9, 49-54 (2022).
第3編 薄膜 第1章 薄膜形成の基礎 第1節 薄膜とは
深津 晋 (分担執筆)「最新 実用真空技術総覧」 (エヌ・ティー・エス, 2019)
第9群(電子材料・デバイス)ー3編(半導体)2-1 Si, 2-2 Ge, SiGe
深津 晋 (分担執筆)「知識の森」 (電子情報通信学会, 2012)
図解入門 よくわかる最新薄膜の基本と仕組み (秀和システム, 2010)
深津 晋 著
深津 晋、光アライアンス 20, 23-28 (2009).
ついに実現 シリコンレーザー (日経サイエンス社, 2007)
R. Jalili (深津 晋 監修)日経サイエンス 2007/05, 74-82 (2007).
シリコンフォトニクス―先端光テクノロジーの新展開 (オーム社, 2007)
金光 義彦・深津 晋 共編
シリコンをベースとして光機能素子の開発 (オーム社, 2004)
深津 晋、OHM 8, 10-11 (2009)
表面科学の基礎と応用 日本表面科学会編 (エヌ・ティー・エス、2004)
深津 晋(分担執筆)
第2編 基盤技術編 第2章表面・界面の作製技術第2節 薄膜・ナノ構造形成技術
第3編 応用編 第2節半導体界面 2.半導体ヘテロ界面
Optical Properties of Low-Dimensional Materisls
World Scientific, 2003, Eds. T. Ogawa and Y. Kanemitsu
S. Fukatsu, pp.231-302 (2003).
深津 晋(分担執筆)「結晶成長のダイナミクス3巻」
エピタキシャル成長のメカニズム 中嶋一雄編 第4章 第3節 153-169 (共立出版、2002)
深津 晋、エレクトロニクス 9, 50-56 (1993).
深津 晋、エレクトロニクス 8, 89-91 (1993).
Near‐Infrared‐III Absorbing and Emitting Dyes: Energy Gap Engineering of Expanded Porphyrinoids via Metallation
Y. Wang, K. Ogasahara, D. Tomihama, R. Mysliborski, M. Ishida, Y. Hong, Y. Notsuka, Y. Yamaoka, T. Murayama, A. Muranaka, M. Uchiyama, S. Mori, Y. Yasutake, S. Fukatsu, K. Dongho, and H. Furuta
Angew.Chem. Int. Ed. 59,16161–16166 (2020). doi.org/10.1002/anie.202006026
Synthesis of a Black Dye with Absorption Capabilities Across the Visible-to-Near-Infrared Region: A MO-Mixing Approach via Heterometal Coordination of Expanded Porphyrinoid
Y. Wang, H. Kai, M. Ishida, S. Gokulnath, S. Mori, T. Murayama, A. Muranaka, M. Uchiyama, Y. Yasutake, S. Fukatsu, Y. Notsuka, Y. Yamaoka, M. Hanafusa, M. Yoshizawa, G. Kim, D. Kim, H. Furuta
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 6807-6813 (2020).
Heralded single-photon source fueled by light-emitting diode
D. Nishii, Y. O-oka, Y. Okawa, and S. Fukatsu
Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 211106 (2019).
Ambipolar transistor action of germanane electric double layer transistor
Y. Katayama, R. Yamauchi, Y. Yasutake, S. Fukatsu, and K. Ueno
Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 122101 (2019). "Editor's pick"
UT Focus
Quantum-Enhanced Magneto-optic Measurements in a Dissipative Medium
Y. Okawa, S. Morimoto, Y. Yasutake, and S. Fukatsu
Quantum Information and Measurement (QIM) V: Quantum Technologies, paper T5A.37 (2019).
Hierarchical Hybrid Metal–Organic Frameworks: Tuning the Visible/Near-Infrared Optical Properties by a Combination of Porphyrin and Its Isomer Units
Yufeng Yang, Masatoshi Ishida, Yuhsuke Yasutake, Susumu Fukatsu, Chihoko Fukakusa, Masa-aki Morikawa, Teppei Yamada, Nobuo Kimizuka, Hiroyuki Furuta
Inorg. Chem., 58, 4647-4656 (2019). DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.9b00251
Doubly N‐Confused Calix [6] phyrin Bis‐Organopalladium Complexes: Photostable Triplet Sensitizers for Singlet Oxygen Generation
Poornenth Pushpanandan, Dong-Hoon Won, Shigeki Mori, Yuhsuke Yasutake, Susumu Fukatsu, Masatoshi Ishida, Hiroyuki Furuta
Chemistry–An Asian Journal14, 1729-1736 (2019).DOI:10.1002/asia.201801671
Phosphorescent rhenium-dipyrrinates: efficient photosensitizers for singlet oxygen generation
Neha Manav, Praseetha E Kesavan, Masatoshi Ishida, Shigeki Mori, Yuhsuke Yasutake, Susumu Fukatsu, Hiroyuki Furuta, Iti Gupta
Dalton Transactions48, 2467-2478 (2019).
Electronic structure of the surface unoccupied band of Ge (001)-c (4x2)
: Direct imaging of surface electron relaxation pathways
J. Kanasaki, I. Yamamoto, J. Azuma, and S. Fukatsu
Phys. Rev. B 96, 115301 (2017).
Autosurfactant of the second kind: Bi enables δ-doping of Bi in Si
K. Murata, K. Miki, and S. Fukatsu
Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 152104 (2017). "Editor's pick"
Singly and Doubly N-Confused Calix[4]phyrin Organoplatinum(II) Complexes
as Near-IR Triplet Sensitizers
P. Pushpanandan, Y. K. Maurya, T. Omagari, R. Hirosawa, M. Ishida, S. Mori, Y. Yasutake,
S. Fukatsu, J. Mack, T. Nyokong, and H. Furuta
Inorg. Chem. 56, 12572–12580 (2017).
Differential ghost imaging in time domain
Y. O-oka and S. Fukatsu
Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 061106 (2017).
Photon heterodyning
Y. Okawa, F. Omura, Y. Yasutake, and S. Fukatsu
Opt. Express 25, 20156-20161 (2017).
Boron Difluoride Complexes of Expanded N‐Confused Calix [n] phyrins That Demonstrate Unique Luminescent and Lasing Properties
M. Ishida, T. Omagari, R. Hirosawa, K. Jono, Y. M. Sung, Y. Yasutake, H. Uno, M. Toganoh, H. Nakanotani, S. Fukatsu, D. Kim, and H. Furuta
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 55, 12045-12049 (2016).
Near-Infrared Phosphorescent Iridium (III) Benzonorrole Complexes Possessing Pyridine-based Axial Ligands
Y. K. Maurya, T. Ishikawa, Y. Kawabe, M. Ishida, M. Toganoh, S. Mori, Y. Yasutake, S. Fukatsu, and H. Furuta
Inorg. Chem. 55, 6223-6230 (2016)
Photoluminescence from a quantum well in a ghost cavity
F. Omura, Y. Yasutake, and S. Fukatsu
Appl. Phys. Express 9, 032402 (2016).
Fabrication of Ge-based light-emitting diodes with a ferromagnetic metal/insulator tunnel contact
S. Iba, H. Saito, S. Yuasa, Y. Yasutake, and S. Fukatsu
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 04DM02 (2015).
An alternative route for efficient optical indirect-gap excitation in Ge
T. Sakamoto, S. Hayashi, Y. Yasutake, and S. Fukatsu
Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 042101 (2014).
Morphology-driven Stark shift switching in Ge/Si type-Ⅱ heterointerfaces
Y. Miyake, Y. Yasutake, and S. Fukatsu
Advanced Materials Research 893, 39 (2014).
Strain-induced direct band gap shrinkage in local Ge-on-insulator structures fabricated by lateral liquid-phase epitaxy
M. Matsue, Y. Yasutake, S. Fukatsu, T. Hosoi, T. Shimura and H. Watanabe
Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 031106 (2014).
Observation of optical spin injection into Ge-based structure at room temperature
Y. Yasutake, S. Hayashi, H. Yaguchi, and S. Fukatsu
Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 242104 (2013).
Controlling the Propagation of X-Ray Waves inside a Heteroepitaxial Crystals Containing Quantum Dots Using Berry's Phase
Y. Kohmura, K. Sawada, S. Fukatsu, and T. Ishikawa
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 057402 (2013). Highlighted Articles
See accompanying Physcs Synopsis
Time-Resolved Electroluminescence of Bulk Ge at Room Temperature
Y. Terada, Y. Yasutake, and S. Fukatsu
Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 041102 (2013).
Characterization of Highly Concentrated Bi Donors Wire-delta-Doped in Si
K. Murata, P. L. Neumann, T. Koyano, Y. Yasutake, K. Nittoh, K. Sakamoto, S. Fukatsu, and K. Miki
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 51, 11PE05 (2012).
Recombination Dynamics of High-Density Photocarriers in Type-II Ge/Si Quantum Dots
T. Tayagaki, K. Ueda, S. Fukatsu, and Y. Kanemitsu
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 81, 064712 (2012).
High-density carrier dynamics in Ge/Si quantum dots studied by time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy
K. Ueda, T. Tayagaki, S. Fukatsu, and Y. Kanemitsu
J. Non-Cryst. Solids 358, 2122-2125 (2012).
An artificial nonradiative recombination center model created by use of a Si1−xGex/Si quantum-well-inserted pseudomorphic superlattice
Y. Terada, Y. Yasutake, and S. Fukatsu
Thin Solid Films 520, 3365 (2012).
High-density G-centers, light-emitting point defects in silicon crystal
K. Murata, Y. Yasutake, K. Nittoh, S. Fukatsu, and K. Miki
AIP Advances 1, 032125 (2011).
Auger recombination in Si1-xGex/Si quantum wells under high-density photoexcitation
T. Tayagaki, S. Fukatsu, and Y. Kanemitsu
phys. stat. sol. (c) 8, 1049 (2011). (Invited Review)
Hybrid Laser Activation of Highly Concentrated Bi Donors in Wire-δ-Doped Silicon
K. Murata, Y. Yasutake, K. Nittoh, K. Sakamoto, S. Fukatsu, and K. Miki
Appl. Phys. Express 3, 061302 (2010).
A MHz Modulable Si-based LED Afforded by Engineering Light-emitting Defects in Si
N. Tana-ami, J. Igarashi, Y. Terada, Y. Yasutake, and S. Fukatsu
Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 1195, B03-03 (2010).
Control of Auger Recombination Rate in Si1-xGex/Si Heterostructures
T. Tayagaki, S. Fukatsu, and Y. Kanemitsu
Journal of Physical Soceity of Japan 79, 013701 (2010).
An electric-field-active 1377-nm narrow-line Si light-emitting diode at 150 K
Y. Yasutake, J. Igarashi, N. Tana-ami, S. Fukatsu
Opt. Express 17, 16739-16744 (2009).
Photoluminescence dynamics and reduced Auger recombination in Si1-xGex/Si superlattices under high-density photoexcitation
T. Tayagaki, S. Fukatsu, and Y. Kanemitsu
Phys. Rev. B 79, 041301 (2009).
Near-infrared emission from bis-Pt-II complexes of doubly N-confused calix[6]phyrins(
D. H. Won, M. Toganoh, Y. Terada, S. Fukatsu, H. Uno, and H. Furuta
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 47, 5438-5441 (2008).
Amplified spontaneous emission from GaSb quantum dots in Si grown by MBE
N. Yasuhara, M. Jo, Y. SUgawara, K. Kawamoto, and S. Fukatsu
J. Cryst. Growth 301, 718-721 (2007).
A single-chip two-wavelength switchable strained Si1-xGex/Si-quantum-well LED
N. Yasuhara, and S. Fukatsu
Thin Solid Films 508, 410-413 (2006).
Diminished Shockley-Read-Hall recombination in near-surface pseudomorphic Si1-xGex/Si double quantum wells
Y. Sugawara, N. Nakajima, and S. Fukatsu
Thin Solid Films 508, 414-417 (2006).
Near-infrared gain in GaSb quantum dots in Si grown by MBE
M. Jo, N. Yasuhara, Y. Sugawara, K. Kawamoto, and S. Fukatsu
J. Cryst. Growth, 278, 142-145 (2005).
Triggered luminescence in a strained Si1-xGex/Si single quantum well with surface as an electron reservoir
N. Yasuhara, and S. Fukatsu
J. Cryst. Growth 278, 512-515(2005).
A Si-based quantum-dot light-emitting diode
M. Jo, K. Ishida, N. Yasuhara, Y. Sugawara, K. Kawamoto, and S. Fukatsu
Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 103509 (2005).
Influence of band alignment on recombination in pseudomorphic SiGe/Si quantum wells
Y. Sugawara,Y. Kishimoto, Y. Akai, and S. Fukatsu
Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 011907 (2005).
Semiconductor Superheterointerface
S. Fukatsu, M. Jo, N. Yasuhara, K. Ishida, and K. Kawamoto
表面科学 Vol.25, No.12, 768 (2004).
Voltage-Controlled Emission Wavelength Switching in a Pseudomorphic SiGe/Si double quantum well
N. Yasuhara and S. Fukatsu
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 43, 4B 2073-2075 (2004).
Highly efficient radiative recombination of electron-hole pairs localized at compound semiconductor quantum dots embedded in Si
M. Jo, N. Yasuhara, K. Ihida, K. Kawamoto and S. Fukatsu
Physica E 2-4, 354-357 (2004).
Anomalous relaxation of dynamically localized indirect excitons in a pseudomorphic SiGe/Si double quantum well
N. Yasuhara, and S. Fukatsu
Physica E 21, 798-801 (2004).
Electroluminescence and infrared gain in strained GaSb quantum dots in silicon
S. Fukatsu, M. Jo, N. Yasuhara, Y. Sugawara, and K. Kawamoto
Group IV Photonics, 2004. First IEEE International Conference, page58-60 (2004).
Postgrowth annealing effects on photoluminescence from strained GaSb quantum dots grown on silicon-on-insulator substrate
M. Jo, N. Yasuhara, Y. Sugawara, K. Kawamoto, and S. Fukatsu
Group IV Photonics, 2004. First IEEE International Conference, page121-123 (2004).
Evidence for amplified interband spontaneous emission in Si-based trans-column quantum dots
S. Fukatsu, M. Jo, K. Ishida, N. Yasuhara, and K. Kawamoto
Materials Science and Engineering C 23, 6-8, 683 (2003).
Evolution of In-based compound semiconductor quantum dots on Si(001)
M. Jo, K. Ishida, K. Kawamoto, and S. Fukatsu
Physica status Solidi (c) 0, 1117-1120 (2003).
Laser-Induced Photoluminescence Enhancement in a Room-Temperature Emitting SiGe-Based Alloy Quantum Well
D. Hippo, Y. Sugawara, Y. Kishimoto, K. Kawamoto, and S. Fukatsu
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 41, 12B L1449 (2002).
Anomalous surface absorption band at 1.2 eV in Si1− xGex alloy-based structures
Y Kishimoto, K Kawamoto, S Fukatsu
Thin solid films 369 (1-2), 423-425 1 2000
Factors limiting the composition window for fabrication of SiGe-on-insulator substrate by low-energy oxygen implantation
Y Ishikawa, N Shibata, S Fukatsu
Thin Solid Films 369 (1-2), 213-216 7 2000
Field-enhanced Stokes shifts in strained Si1− yCy/Si (001) quantum wells
Y Sugawara, S Fukatsu, K Brunner, K Eberl
Thin solid films 369 (1-2), 402-404 2000
Si (Ge)/oxide-based heterostructures and their applications to optoelectronics
S Fukatsu, Y Kishimoto, Y Ishikawa, N Shibata
Applied surface science 159, 472-480 3 2000
Diminished photoluminescence polarization due to exciton ionization in strained quantum wells
T Miyazaki, S Fukatsu
Applied Physics Letters 75 (25), 3962-3964 6 1999
Development of a new class of selective dry etching technique with atomic-layer precision featuring in-situ diagnosis based on time-domain optical reflectometry in an attempt …
S Fukatsu
SiGe-on-insulator substrate using SiGe alloy grown Si (001)
Y Ishikawa, N Shibata, S Fukatsu
Applied physics letters 75 (7), 983-985 64 1999
Field-enhanced Stokes shifts in tensilely strained carbon-based quantum wells
Y Sugawara, S Fukatsu, K Brunner, K Eberl
Applied physics letters 74 (24), 3630-3632 2 1999
STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL, THERMODYNAMIC, AND OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF CONDENSED MATTER-Field-enhanced Stokes shifts in tensilely strained carbon-based quantum wells
Y Sugawara, S Fukatsu, K Brunner, K Eberl
Applied Physics Letters 74 (24), 3630-3632 1999
Fabrication of [110]-aligned Si quantum wires embedded in SiO2 by low-energy oxygen implantation
Y Ishikawa, N Shibata, S Fukatsu
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam … 9 1999
ELECTRONIC TRANSPORT AND SEMICONDUCTORS-Diminished photoluminescence polarization due to exciton ionization in strained Si1-xGex/Si (001) quantum wells
T Miyazaki, S Fukatsu
Applied Physics Letters 75 (25), 3962-3964 1999
SiGe-on-insulator substrate fabricated by low energy oxygen implantation
Y Ishikawa, T Saito, N Shibata, S Fukatsu
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam … 6 1999
Scattering-controlled recombination of Δ2-light-hole indirect excitons and apparently enhanced quantum confined Stark effect in tensilely strained Si1− yCy/Si (0 0 1) quantum wells
S Fukatsu, Y Sugawara, D Hippo, K Brunner, K Eberl
Journal of luminescence 80 (1-4), 429-433 4 1998
Scattering-controlled recombination of {delta}{sub 2}-light-hole indirect excitons and apparently enhanced quantum confined Stark effect in tensilely strained Si {sub 1-y} C …
S Fukatsu, Y Sugawara, D Hippo, K Brunner, K Eberl
SiGe-on-insulator substrate created by low-energy oxygen implantation into a thick pseudomorphic SiGe grown on Si [100]
Y Ishikawa, N Shibata, S Fukatsu
1998 IEEE International SOI Conference Proceedings (Cat No. 98CH36199), 51-52 3 1998
Radiative Recombination in Strained SiGe-BASED Microstructures
S Fukatsu
Optical Properties of Low-Dimensional Materials 2 11 1998
SiGe-based semiconductor-on-insulator substrate created by low-energy separation-by-implanted-oxygen
S Fukatsu, Y Ishikawa, T Saito, N Shibata
Applied physics letters 72 (26), 3485-3487 80 1998
Epitaxial Si/SiO2 low dimensional structures
Y Ishikawa, N Shibata, S Fukatsu
Thin Solid Films 321 (1-2), 234-240 8 1998
Gas-source molecular beam epitaxial growth of SiGe alloy-basednaked'quantum wells
Y Kishimoto, Y Shiraki, S Fukatsu
Thin Solid Films 321 (1-2), 81-85 9 1998
Spontaneous oscillator strength modulation in MBE-grown Si/Ge superlattices
Y Miyake, Y Shiraki, S Fukatsu
Thin solid films 321 (1-2), 153-157 1998
Suppression of phonon replica in the radiative recombination of an MBE-grown type-II Ge/Si quantum dot
S Fukatsu, H Sunamura, Y Shiraki, S Komiyama
Thin Solid Films 321 (1-2), 65-69 27 1998
Creation of [110]-aligned Si quantum wires encompassed by using low-energy separation-by-implanted-oxygen on a V-groove patterned substrate
Y Ishikawa, N Shibata, S Fukatsu
Applied physics letters 72 (20), 2592-2594 14 1998
New strain-relieving microstructure in pure-Ge/Si short-period superlattices
H Sunamura, N Usami, Y Shiraki, S Fukatsu
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer … 3 1998
Spectroscopic study of Si-based quantum wells with neighbouring confinement structure
N Usami, Y Shiraki, S Fukatsu
Semiconductor science and technology 12 (12), 1596 7 1997
Fabrication of Si/SiO/sub 2/Bragg reflectors by low energy multiple SIMOX
Y Ishikawa, N Shibata, S Fukatsu
1997 IEEE International SOI Conference Proceedings, 58-59 1997
Creation of SiGe-based SIMOX structures by low energy oxygen implantation
Y Ishikawa, T Saito, N Shibata, S Fukatsu
1997 IEEE International SOI Conference Proceedings, 16-17 1997
Phononless radiative recombination of indirect excitons in a Si/Ge type-II quantum dot
S Fukatsu, H Sunamura, Y Shiraki, S Komiyama
Applied physics letters 71 (2), 258-260 143 1997
Creation of highly-ordered Si nanocrystal dots suspended in SiO2 by molecular beam epitaxy with low energy oxygen implantation
Y Ishikawa, N Shibata, S Fukatsu
Japanese journal of applied physics 36 (6S), 4035 9 1997
Photoluminescence study of surface quantum wells
Y Kishimoto, Y Shiraki, S Fukatsu
Applied physics letters 70 (21), 2837-2839 8 1997
Stratified suspension of highly ordered Si nanoparticles in SiO2 created by Si MBE with oxygen co-implantation
Y Ishikawa, N Shibata, S Fukatsu
Journal of crystal growth 175, 493-498 5 1997
Luminescence study on Ge islands as stressors on Si1− xGexSi quantum well
ES Kim, N Usami, H Sunamura, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki
Journal of crystal growth 175, 519-523 2 1997
Optical and Electrical Properties of Si/Ge Quantum Confinement Structures
Y Shiraki, N Usami, H Sunamura, ES Kim, A Yutani, S Fukatsu
Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Quantum Confinement … 1997
Why is a quantum-confined stark shift absent in type-I strained Si1− xGexSi symmetric quantum wells?
Y Miyake, JY Kim, Y Shiraki, S Fukatsu
Journal of crystal growth 175, 465-468 5 1997
Photoluminescence study of the optical properties of SiGe quantum wells on separation by implanted oxygen substrates
DK Nayak, N Usami, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki
Journal of applied physics 81 (8), 3484-3489 4 1997
Dynamical behavior in a shallow quantum confinement system
S Fukatsu
Thin solid films 294 (1-2), 318-324 6 1997
Anomalous photoluminescence of pure-Ge/Si type-II coupled quantum wells (II-CQWs)
H Sunamura, N Usami, Y Shiraki, S Fukatsu
Thin Solid Films 294 (1-2), 336-339 5 1997
Highly oriented Si nanoparticles in SiO2 created by Si molecular beam epitaxy with oxygen implantation
Y Ishikawa, N Shibata, S Fukatsu
Thin Solid Films 294 (1-2), 227-230 15 1997
Time-resolved dislocation-related luminescence in strain-relaxed SiGe/Si
S Fukatsu, Y Mera, M Inoue, K Maeda
Thin solid films 294 (1-2), 33-36 8 1997
Anomalous photoluminescence of pure-Ge
Thin solid films 294 (1-2), 340-343 1997
Influence of disorder on luminescence from pseudo-randomized strained Si1-xGex/Si superlattices
Y. Miyake, Y. Shiraki, and S. Fukatsu
Appl. Phys. Lett. 69, 3881 (1996).
Epitaxy-ready Si/SiO2 Bragg reflectors by multiple separation-by-implanted-oxygen
Y. Ishikawa, N. Shibata, and S. Fukatsu
Appl. Phys. Lett. 69, 3972 (1996).
Formation and optical properties of SiGe/Si quantum structures
Y. Shiraki, H. Sunamura, N. Usami, and S. Fukatsu
Appl. Surf. Sci. 102, 236 (1996).
Effcient carrier blocking by an attractive potential in strained Si1-xGex/Si quantum well
Y. Kishimoto, Y. Shiraki, and S. Fukatsu
Appl. Phys. Lett. 69, 635 (1996).
Improved luminescence quality with an asymmetric confinement potential in Si-based type-II quantum wells grown on a graded
SiGe relaxed buffer
S. Fukatsu, N. Usami, and Y. Shiraki
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 14, 2387-2390 (1996).
Evidence for resonant electron capture and charge buildup in GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs quantum wells
K. Muraki, A. Fujiwara, S. Fukatsu, and Y. Shiraki, and Y. Takahashi
Phys. Rev. B 53, 15477-15480 (1996).
Photoluminescence from submonolayer Ge embedded in Si(100)
H. Sunamura, Y. Shiraki, and S. Fukatsu
SOLID-STATE ELECTRONICS 40, 1-8 Sp.Iss. SI, 693-696 (1996).
Exciton diffusion dynamics in SiGe/Si quantum wells on a V-groove patterned Si substrate
N. Usami, H. Akiyama, Y. Shiraki, and S. Fukatsu
SOLID-STATE ELECTRONICS 40, 1-8 Sp.Iss. SI, 733-736 (1996).
Role of heterointerface on enhancement of no-phonon luminescence in Si-based neighboring confinement structure
N. Usami, Y. Shiraki, and S. Fukatsu
Appl. Phys. Lett. 68, 2340 (1996).
Fabrication of higly-oriented Si:SiO2 nanoparticles using low energy oxygen ion implantation during Si molecular beam epitaxy
Y. Ishikawa, N. Shibata, and S. Fukatsu
Appl. Phys. Lett. 68, 249 (1996).
Absence of Stark shift in strained Si1-xGex/Si type-I quantum wells
Y. Miyake, J. Y. Kim, Y. Shiraki, and S. Fukatsu
Appl. Phys. Lett. 68, 2097 (1996).
Time-resolved D-band luminescence in strain-relieved SiGe/Si
S. Fukatsu, Y. Mera, M. Inoue, K. Maeda, H. Akiyama, and H. Sakaki
Appl. Phys. Lett. 68, 1889 (1996).
Observation of lateral confinement effect in Ge quantum wires self-aligned at step edges on Si(100)
H. Sunamura, N. Usami, Y. Shiraki, and S. Fukatsu
Appl. Phys. Lett. 68, 1847-1849 (1996).
Efficient luminescence from AlP/GaP neighboring confinement structure with AlGaP barrier layers
F. Issiki, S. Fukatsu, and Y. Shiraki
Appl. Phys. Lett. 68, 431-431 (1996).
Observation of lateral confinement effect in Ge quantum wires self‐aligned at step edges on Si (100)
H Sunamura, N Usami, Y Shiraki, S Fukatsu
Appl. Phys. Lett. 68, 1847-1849 (1996).
Physics and Control of Si/Ge Heterointerfaces
S Fukatsu, N Usami, H Sunamura, Y Shiraki, R Ito
MRS Online Proceedings Library Archive 448, (1996).
Photoluminescence from submonolayer Ge embedded in Si (100)
H Sunamura, Y Shiraki, S Fukatsu
Solid-State Electronics 40 (1-8), 693-696 (1996).
Efficient green luminescence from a type-II neighboring confinement structure realized in an AlPGaP system
F Issiki, S Fukatsu, T Ohta, Y Shiraki
Solid-State Electronics 40 (1-8), 43-46 (1996).
Radiative recombination in near‐surface strained Si1−xGex/Si quantum wells
S Fukatsu, H Akiyama, Y Shiraki, H Sakaki
Applied physics letters 67 (24), 3602-3604 (1995).
Photoluminescence investigation on growth mode changeover of Ge on Si (100)
H Sunamura, S Fukatsu, N Usami, Y Shiraki
Journal of crystal growth 157 (1-4), 265-269 (1995).
Intense photoluminescence from Si-based quantum well structures with neighboring confinement structure
N Usami, Y Shiraki, S Fukatsu
Journal of crystal growth 157 (1-4), 27-30 (1995).
Anomalous spectral shift of photoluminescence from MBE-grown strained Si1− xGexSi quantum wells mediated by atomic hydrogen
G Ohta, S Fukatsu, N Usami, Y Shiraki, T Hattori
Journal of crystal growth 157 (1-4), 36-39 (1995).
Incorporation kinetics of rare earth impurities in Si during molecular beam epitaxy
K Miyashita, DC Houghton, Y Shiraki, S Fukatsu
Journal of crystal growth 157 (1-4), 333-337 (1995).
Field-driven blue shift of excitonic photoluminescence in Si-Ge quantum wells and superlattices
JY Kim, S Fukatsu, N Usami, Y Shiraki
Journal of crystal growth 157 (1-4), 40-44 (1995).
Quantitative analysis of light emission from SiGe quantum wells
S Fukatsu, H Akiyama, Y Shiraki, H Sakaki
Journal of crystal growth 157 (1-4), 1-10 (1995).
Dependence of inter-edge-channel scattering on temperature and magnetic field: Insight into the edge-confining potential
H Hirai, S Komiyama, S Fukatsu, T Osada, Y Shiraki, H Toyoshima
Physical Review B 52 (15), 11159 (1995).
Optoelectronic aspects of strained Si1−xGex/Si quantum wells
S Fukatsu
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 6 (5), 341-349 (1995).
Characterization of SiGe quantum wire structures by cathodoluminescence imaging and spectroscopy
V Higgs, EC Lightowlers, N Usami, T Mine, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki
Applied physics letters 67 (12), 1709-1711 (1995).
Erratum: ‘‘Electronic passivation of GaAs surfaces by electrodeposition of organic molecules containing reactive sulfur’’ [J. Appl. Phys. 77, 1582 (1995)]
K Asai, T Miyashita, K Ishigure, S Fukatsu
Journal of Applied Physics 78 (5), 3549-3549 (1995).
Efficient luminescence from AlP/GaP neighboring confinement structure with AlGaP barrier layers
F Issiki, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki
Applied physics letters 67 (8), 1048-1050 (1995).
Dynamics of exciton diffusion in SiGe quantum wells on a ssV-groove patterned Si substrate
N Usami, H Akiyama, Y Shiraki, S Fukatsu
Physical Review B 52 (7), 5132 (1995).
Enhancement of radiative recombination in Si‐based quantum wells with neighboring confinement structure
N Usami, F Issiki, DK Nayak, Y Shiraki, S Fukatsu
Applied physics letters 67 (4), 524-526 (1995).
Incorporation kinetics of rare‐earth elements in Si during molecular beam epitaxy
K Miyashita, Y Shiraki, DC Houghton, S Fukatsu
Applied physics letters 67 (2), 235-237 (1995).
Island formation during growth of Ge on Si (100): A study using photoluminescence spectroscopy
H Sunamura, N Usami, Y Shiraki, S Fukatsu
Applied physics letters 66 (22), 3024-3026 (1995).
Enhancement of nonradiative recombination due to resonant electron capture in As/GaAs quantum-well structures
A Fujiwara, K Muraki, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki, R Ito
Physical Review B 51 (20), 14324 (1995).
Photoluminescence investigation on growth mode changeover in Ge-rich Si1− xGex/Si strained quantum wells
H Sunamura, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki
Journal of crystal growth 150, 1038-1044 (1995).
Si/1ML-Ge/Si (001) interface structure characterized by surface X-ray diffraction and X-ray standing-wave method
M Takahasi, S Nakatani, T Takahashi, X Zhang, M Ando, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki
Japanese journal of applied physics 34 (5R), 2278 (1995).
Observation of spatially-indirect transition and accurate determination of band offset ratio by excitation spectroscopy on GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells lightly doped with Be acceptors
K Muraki, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki, Y Takahashi
Journal of crystal growth 150, 49-53 (1995).
Crucial role of Si buffer layer quality in the photoluminescence efficiency of strained Si1− xGex/Si quantum wells
T Mine, N Usami, Y Shiraki, S Fukatsu
Journal of crystal growth 150, 1033-1037 (1995).
Cavity mode luminescence of strained Si1− xGex/Si quantum wells grown on a buried-oxide substrate
S Fukatsu, DK Nayak, Y Shiraki
Journal of crystal growth 150, 1055-1059 (1995).
Strain-induced lateral band gap modulation in Si1− xGex/Si quantum well and quantum wire structures
N Usami, H Sunamura, T Mine, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki
Journal of crystal growth 150, 1065-1069 (1995).
Luminescence of strained Si1− xGex/Si quantum wells and microstructures
S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki
Journal of crystal growth 150, 1025-1032 (1995).
Cathodoluminescence investigation of SiGe quantum wires fabricated on V-groove patterned Si substrates
V Higgs, EC Lightowlers, N Usami, Y Shiraki, T Mine, S Fukatsu
Journal of crystal growth 150, 1070-1073 (1995).
Growth of InGaAs/GaAs strained quantum wells on GaAs (111) B substrates and continuous wave operation of (111)-oriented InGaAs strained quantum well lasers
T Takeuchi, K Muraki, Y Hanamaki, S Fukatsu, N Yamada, N Ogasawara, N MIkoshiba, Y. Shiraki
Journal of crystal growth 150, 1338-1343 (1995).
Growth of vertical cavity on buried‐oxide substrate by gas‐source Si molecular‐beam epitaxy and coupled mode luminescence of strained Si1−xGex/Si quantum wells
S Fukatsu, DK Nayak, Y Shiraki
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 13, 724 (1995).
Growth mode transition and photoluminescence properties of Si1−xGex/Si quantum well structures with high Ge composition
H Sunamura, Y Shiraki, S Fukatsu
Applied physics letters 66 (8), 953-955 (1995).
Electronic passivation of GaAs surfaces by electrodeposition of organic molecules containing reactive sulfur
K Asai, T Miyashita, K Ishigure, S Fukatsu
Journal of applied physics 77 (4), 1582-1586 (1995).
Resonant electron capture in As/AlAs/GaAs quantum wells
A Fujiwara, Y Takahashi, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki, R Ito
Physical Review B 51 (4), 2291 (1995).
Postgrowth of a Si contact layer on an air‐exposed Si1−xGex/Si single quantum well grown by gas‐source molecular beam epitaxy, for use in an electroluminescent device
Y Kato, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 13, 111 (1995).
S Fukatsu
Optical Properties of Low-dimensional Materials 2, 231 1995
Formation and Properties of SiGe/Si Quantum Wire Structures
Y Shiraki, N Usami, T Mine, N Akiyama, S Fukatsu
Low Dimensional Structures Prepared by Epitaxial Growth or Regrowth on … 1995
Spectral modulation of luminescence of strained Si1−xGex/Si quantum wells in a vertical cavity with air/Si and Si/SiO2 interface mirrors
S Fukatsu, DK Nayak, Y Shiraki
Applied physics letters 65 (24), 3039-3041 15 1994
Abrupt Si/Ge interface formation using atomic hydrogen in Si molecular beam epitaxy
G Ohta, S Fukatsu, Y Ebuchi, T Hattori, N Usami, Y Shiraki
Applied physics letters 65 (23), 2975-2977 54 1994
Quantum Well Luminescence in Strained Si~ 1~-~ xGe~ x/Si
S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki
Local Ga implantation with focused ion beam and ambipolar lateral carrier transport in strained Si1−xGex /Si quantum wells
A Okubo, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki
Applied physics letters 65 (20), 2582-2584 8 1994
Investigation of luminescence in strained SiGe/Si modulated quantum well and wire structures
Y Shiraki, S Fukatsu
Semiconductor science and technology 9 (11S), 2017 18 1994
The effect of electric field on the excitonic states in coupled quantum well structures
Y Takahashi, Y Kato, SS Kano, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki, R Ito
Journal of applied physics 76 (4), 2299-2305 27 1994
Optical transition energies of GaInP quantum wells with GaInP/AlInP superlattice barriers
Y Seko, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki, M Fuse
Journal of applied physics 76 (2), 1355-1357 1 1994
Missing-dimer complexes and dimers on the Ge (001) surface
WS Yang, XD Wang, K Cho, J Kishimoto, S Fukatsu, T Hashizume, ...
Physical Review B 50 (4), 2406 34 1994
Observation of the Stark effect in coupled quantum wells by electroluminescence and circularly polarized photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy
Y Kato, Y Takahashi, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki, R Ito
Journal of applied physics 75 (11), 7476-7481 15 1994
Photoluminescence of Si/SiGe/Si quantum wells on separation by oxygen implantation substrate
DK Nayak, N Usami, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki
Applied physics letters 64 (18), 2373-2375 7 1994
Direct observation of exciton localization in a GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well
Y Takahashi, SS Kano, K Muraki, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki, R Ito
Applied physics letters 64 (14), 1845-1847 12 1994
Luminescence investigation on strained Si1− xGex/Si modulated quantum wells
S Fukatsu
Solid-state electronics 37 (4-6), 817-823 30 1994
An application of electrolytic deposition for the electronic passivation of GaAs surfaces through the formation of thin organic films
K Asai, T Miyashita, K Ishigure, S Fukatsu
Surface science 306 (1-2), 37-41 12 1994
Optical Detection of Interdiffusion in Strained Si1-xGex/Si Quantum Well Structures
H Sunamura, S Fukatsu, N Usami, Y Shiraki
Japanese journal of applied physics 33 (4S), 2344 15 1994
Fabrication of SiGe/Si quantum wire structures on a V-groove patterned Si substrate by gas-source Si molecular beam epitaxy
N Usami, T Mine, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki
Solid-state electronics 37 (4-6), 539-541 16 1994
Photoluminescence of Si1-xGex/Si Quantum Wells with Abrupt Interfaces Formed by Segregant-Assisted Growth
N Usami, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki
Japanese journal of applied physics 33 (4S), 2304 2 1994
Enhancement of free-to-bound transitions due to resonant electron capture in Be-doped AlGaAs/GaAs quantum wells
K Muraki, Y Takahashi, A Fujiwara, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki
Solid-state electronics 37 (4-6), 1247-1250 9 1994
Band-edge photoluminescence of SiGe/strained-Si/SiGe type-II quantum wells on Si (100)
DK Nayak, N Usami, H Sunamura, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki
Solid-State Electronics 37 (4-6), 933-936 1994
Room temperature photoluminescence in strained Si1−xGex/Si quantum wells
S Fukatsu, H Sunamura, Y Shiraki
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer … 13 1994
Quantum‐confined Stark shift observed by electroluminescence and circularpolarized luminescence excitation spectroscopy in GaAs/AlGaAs coupled quantum wells
Y Kato, Y Takahashi, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki, R Ito
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer … 1994
Gas-source molecular beam epitaxy and luminescence characterization of strained Si1− xGex/Si quantum wells
S Fukatsu, N Usami, Y Kato, H Sunamura, Y Shiraki, H Oku, T Ohnishi, ...
Journal of crystal growth 136 (1-4), 315-321 47 1994
Time‐of‐flight measurement of carrier transport and carrier collection in strained Si1−xGex/Si quantum wells
S Fukatsu, A Fujiwara, K Muraki, Y Takahashi, Y Shiraki
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer … 14 1994
A Si1− xGex/Si single quantum well pin structure grown by solid-source and gas source “hybrid” Si molecular beam epitaxy
Y Kato, S Fukatsu, N Usami, Y Shiraki
Journal of crystal growth 136 (1-4), 355-360 1 1994
Optical anisotropy in wire‐geometry SiGe layers grown by gas‐source selective epitaxial growth technique
N Usami, T Mine, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki
Applied physics letters 64 (9), 1126-1128 84 1994
Quantum well luminescence in epitaxial Si1-xGex/Si strained layers
S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki
Superconductors, Surfaces and Superlattices, 25-31 1994
Solid- and gas-source “hybrid” Si molecular beam epitaxy for a Si1−xGex/Si single quantum well electroluminescent device
Y Kato, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki
Journal of electronic materials 23 (1), 47-51 1 1994
Control of electron capture in AlGaAs/GaAs quantum wells with tunnel barriers at heterointerfaces
A Fujiwara, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki
Babd-edge photoluminescence of SiGe/strained-Si/SiGe type-II quantum wells on Si (100)
DK Nayak, N Usami, H Sunamura, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki
Solid-state electronics 37 (4-6), 933-936 11 1994
Band‐edge photoluminescence of SiGe/strained‐Si/SiGe type‐II quantum wells on Si (100)
DK Nayak, N Usami, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki
Applied physics letters 63 (25), 3509-3511 39 1993
Fast lateral transport of excitons in a GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well
Y Takahashi, K Muraki, S Fukatsu, SS Kano, Y Shiraki, R Ito
Japanese journal of applied physics 32 (12R), 5586 10 1993
In-plane transport of excitons in quantum well structures
Y Takahashi, K Muraki, S Fukatsu, SS Kano, Y Shiraki, R Ito
Solid state communications 88 (9), 677-681 10 1993
Realization of crescent‐shaped SiGe quantum wire structures on a V‐groove patterned Si substrate by gas‐source Si molecular beam epitaxy
N Usami, T Mine, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki
Applied physics letters 63 (20), 2789-2791 56 1993
Optical investigation of interwell coupling in strained Si1−xGex/Si quantum wells
S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki
Applied physics letters 63 (17), 2378-2380 47 1993
Hybrid Si molecular beam epitaxial regrowth for a strained Si1−xGex/Si single‐quantum‐well electroluminescent device
Y Kato, S Fukatsu, N Usami, Y Shiraki
Applied physics letters 63 (17), 2414-2416 12 1993
Self-modulating Sb incorporation in Si/SiGe superlattices during molecular beam epitaxial growth
K Fujita, S Fukatsu, N Usami, Y Shiraki, H Yaguchi, R Ito, K Nakagawa
Surface science 295 (3), 335-339 9 1993
14p-DH-8 STM study of the Pb/Ge (001) system
Y WS, K Cho, J Kishimoto, XD Wang, S Fukatsu, T Hashizume, T Sakurai
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 1993.2, 538 1993
Luminescence study on interdiffusion in strained Si1−xGex/Si single quantum wells grown by molecular beam epitaxy
H Sunamura, S Fukatsu, N Usami, Y Shiraki
Applied physics letters 63 (12), 1651-1653 56 1993
14p-DH-7 A common complex defect on the Ge (001) 2x1 surface
Y WS, XD Wang, K Cho, J Kishimoto, S Fukatsu, T Hashizume, T Sakurai
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 1993.2, 537 1993
Dislocation filters utilizing anisotropic dislocation glide motion in modulus-modulated multilayer structures
K Maeda, Y Yamashita, S Fukatsu, K Suzuki, Y Shiraki
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 126 (1-3), 210-213 1993
High‐temperature operation of strained Si0.65Ge0.35/Si(111) p‐type multiple‐quantum‐well light‐emitting diode grown by solid source Si molecular‐beam epitaxy
S Fukatsu, N Usami, Y Shiraki, A Nishida, K Nakagawa
Applied physics letters 63 (7), 967-969 39 1993
Abrupt compositional transition in luminescent Si1−xGex/Si quantum well structures fabricated by segregant assisted growth using Sb adlayer
N Usami, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki
Applied physics letters 63 (3), 388-390 31 1993
Determination of quadratic nonlinear optical coefficient of AlxGa1−xAs system by the method of reflected second harmonics
M Ohashi, T Kondo, R Ito, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki, K Kumata, SS Kano
Journal of applied physics 74 (1), 596-601 82 1993
Luminescence from Si1−xGex/Si quantum wells grown by Si molecular‐beam epitaxy
S Fukatsu, N Usami, Y Shiraki
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer … 18 1993
Luminescence from Strained Si1-xGex/Si Quantum Wells Grown by Si Molecular Beam Epitaxy
S Fukatsu, N Usami, Y Shiraki
Japanese journal of applied physics 32 (3S), 1502 41 1993
Sub‐100 nm pattern formation using a novel lithography with SiNx resist by focused ion beam exposure and dry‐etching development
S Takahashi, M Ohashi, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki, R Ito
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer … 13 1993
Dislocation glide motion in heteroepitaxial thin films of Si1−xGex/Si(100)
Y Yamashita, K Maeda, K Fujita, N Usami, K Suzuki, S Fukatsu, Y Mera, ...
Philosophical magazine letters 67 (3), 165-171 55 1993
Observation of electroluminescence above room temperature in strained p-type Si0. 65Ge0. 35/Si (111) multiple quantum wells
S Fukatsu, N Usami, Y Shiraki, A Nishida, K Nakagawa
Journal of crystal growth 127 (1-4), 1083-1087 6 1993
Surface segregation of In atoms and its influence on the quantized levels in InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells
K Muraki, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki, R Ito
Journal of crystal growth 127 (1-4), 546-549 77 1993
Intersubband absorption in n-type Si⧸ Si1− xGex multiple quantum well structures formed by Sb segregant-assisted growth
K Fujita, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki, H Yaguchi, R Ito
Journal of crystal growth 127 (1-4), 416-420 6 1993
Is low temperature growth the solution to abrupt Si⧸ Si1-xGex interface formation?
S Fukatsu, N Usami, K Fujita, H Yaguchi, Y Shiraki, R Ito
Journal of crystal growth 127 (1-4), 401-405 20 1993
Intense photoluminescence from strained Si1-xGex⧸ Si quantum well structures
S Fukatsu, N Usami, H Yoshida, A Fujiwara, Y Takahashi, Y Shiraki, R Ito
Journal of crystal growth 127 (1-4), 489-493 4 1993
On optimum design of dislocation filters for reduction of misfit dislocations
K Maeda, Y Yamashita, K Fujita, S Fukatsu, K Suzuki, Y Mera, Y Shiraki
Journal of crystal growth 127 (1-4), 451-455 1 1993
Is low temperature growth the solution to abrupt Si/Si [sub 1-x] Ge [sub x] interface formation
S Fukatsu, N Usami, K Fujita, Y Shiraki, H Yaguchi, R Ito
Intersubband absorption in n-type Si/Si [sub 1-x] Ge [sub x] multiple quantum well structures formed by Sb segregant-assisted growth
K Fujita, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki, H Yaguchi, R Ito
Intense photoluminescence from strained Si [sub 1-x] Ge [sub x]/Si quantum well structures
S Fukatsu, N Usami, H Yoshida, A Fujiwara, Y Takahashi, Y Shiraki, R Ito
Observation of electroluminescence above room temperature in strained p-type Si [sub 0. 65] Ge [sub 0. 35]/Si (111) multiple quantum wells
S Fukatsu, N Usami, Y Shiraki, A Nishida, K Nakagawa
Observation of the Stark Effect in GaAs/AlGaAs Coupled Quantum Wells by Electroluminescence and Circularly Polarized Photoluminescence Excitation
Y Kato, Y Takahashi, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki, R Ito
MRS Online Proceedings Library Archive 326 1993
Segregant-Assisted Growth of SiGe/Si Heterostructures and their Optical Properties
Y Shiraki, S Fukatsu, K Fujita, T Usami
MRS Online Proceedings Library Archive 318 1 1993
Formation of high quality SiGe/Si heterostructures
Y Shiraki, S Fukatsu, K Fujita, T Usami, DK Nayak, H Sunamura, R Ito
Solid State Phenomena 32, 373-384 1 1993
Fernandez, A., see Espin6s Frauenheim, Th., see Busmann French, C., see Nekrylova Freytag, B. and U. R6ssler, The Fano-Anderson model applied to electrons in MIS-inversion layers
K Fujita, S Fukatsu, N Usami, Y Shiraki, H Yaguchi, R Ito, K Nakagawa, ...
Surface Science 295, 486-491 1993
Self-Modulating Incorporation of Sb in Si/SiGe Superlattices during Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth
K Fujita, S Fukatsu, N Usami, H Yaguchi, Y Shiraki, R Ito
Materials Science Forum 117, 159-164 (1993).
Systematic blue shift of exciton luminescence in strained Si1− s xGex/Si quantum well structures grown by gas source silicon molecular beam epitaxy
S Fukatsu, H Yoshida, N Usami, A Fujiwara, Y Takahashi, Y Shiraki, R Ito
Thin Solid Films 222 (1-2), 1-4 (1992).
MOVPE growth of cubic GaN on GaAs using dimethylhydrazine
S Miyoshi, K Onabe, N Ohkouchi, H Yaguchi, R Ito, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki
Journal of crystal growth 124 (1-4), 439-442 (1992).
Photogeneration and Transport of Carriers in Strained Si1-xGex/Si Quantum Well Structures
S. Fukatsu, N. Usami, Y. Shiraki
Japanese journal of applied physics 31 (11A), L1525 (1992).
Observation of deep‐level‐free band edge luminescence and quantum confinement in strained Si1−xGex/Si single quantum well structures grown by solid source Si molecular beam epitaxy
N Usami, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki
Applied physics letters 61 (14), 1706-1708 (1992).
Initial oxidation of MBE-grown Si (100) surfaces
H. Yaguchi, K. Fujita, S. Fukatsu, Y. Shiraki, R. Ito, T. Igarashi, T. Hattori
Surface science 275 (3), 395-400 (1992).
Quantum Size Effect of Excitonic Band-Edge Luminescence in Strained Si1-xGex/Si Single Quantum Well Structures Grown by Gas-Source Si Molecular Beam Epitaxy
S Fukatsu, H Yoshida, N Usami, A Fujiwara, Y Takahashi, Y Shiraki, R Ito
Japanese journal of applied physics 31 (9B), L1319 (1992).
Spectral blue shift of photoluminescence in strained‐layer Si1−xGex/Si quantum well structures grown by gas‐source Si molecular beam epitaxy
S Fukatsu, H Yoshida, A Fujiwara, Y Takahashi, Y Shiraki, R Ito
Applied physics letters 61 (7), 804-806 (1992).
Surface segregation of In atoms during molecular beam epitaxy and its influence on the energy levels in InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells
K Muraki, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki, R Ito
Applied Physics Letters 61 (5), 557-559 (1992).
Band-Edge Luminescence of Strained SixGe1-x/Si Single Quantum Well Structures Grown on Si (111) by Si Molecular Beam Epitaxy
S Fukatsu, N Usami, Y Shiraki
Japanese journal of applied physics 31 (8A), L1018 (1992).
Electroluminescence from strained SiGe/Si quantum well structures grown by solid source Si molecular beam epitaxy
S Fukatsu, N Usami, T Chinzei, Y Shiraki, A Nishida, K Nakagawa
Japanese journal of applied physics 31 (8A), L1015 (1992).
Intersubbband absorption in narrow Si/SiGe multiple quantum wells without interfacial smearing
K Fujita, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki, H Yaguchi, R Ito
Applied physics letters 61 (2), 210-212 (1992).
Nonlinear optical coefficient of AlAs thin film on GaAs substrate
M Ohashi, T Kondo, K Kumata, S Fukatsu, SS Kano, Y Shiraki, R Ito
Japanese journal of applied physics 31 (7A), L843 (1992)/
Geometry-dependent resistances of two-dimensional electron gas at high magnetic fields
H Nii, M Ohsawa, S Komiyama, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki, R Itoh, H Toyoshima
Surface science 263 (1-3), 275-279 (1992).
Observation of resonant electron capture in AlGaAs/GaAs quantum well structures
A Fujiwara, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki, R Ito
Surface science 263 (1-3), 642-645 (1992).
Y Shiraki, S Fukatsu, R Ito, E Ishikawa, K ONABE, K MOMMA,et al.,
Optical characterization of band-edge lineups in GaAs/GaAs1− xPx strained-layer quantum wells
X Zhang, K Onabe, Y Nitta, B Zhang, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki, R Ito
Surface science 267 (1-3), 110-113 (1992).
Ultrafine AlGaAs/GaAs Quantum-Well Wire Fabrication by Combining Electron Beam Lithography and Two-Step Wet Chemical Etching
E Ishikawa, S Fukatsu, K Onabe, Y Shiraki, R Ito
Science and Technology of Mesoscopic Structures, 373-378 (1992).
Anomalies in photoluminescence linewidth of InGaAs/GaAs strained-layer quantum wells
K Muraki, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki, R Ito
Surface science 267, 107 (1992).
Atomistic picture of interfacial mixing in the Si/Ge heterostructures
S Fukatsu, K Fujita, H Yaguchi, Y Shiraki, R Ito
Surface science 267, 79 (1992).
Involvement of the topmost Ge layer in the Ge surface segregation during Si/Ge heterostructure formation
K Fujita, S Fukatsu, H Yaguchi, Y Shiraki, R Ito
Applied physics letters 59, 2240 (1991).
Self‐limitation in the surface segregation of Ge atoms during Si molecular beam epitaxial growth
S Fukatsu, K Fujita, H Yaguchi, Y Shiraki, R Ito
Applied physics letters 59, 2103 (1991).
Resistance and resistivity of two dimensional electron gas at high magnetic fields
S Komiyama, H Nii, M Ohsaw, S Fukatsu, Y Shiraki, R Itoh, H Toyoshima
Solid state communications 80, 157 (1991).
Strain Relaxation in MBE-Grown Si1-xGex/Si (100) Heterostructures by Annealing
H. Yaguchi, K. Fujita, S. Fukatsu, Y. Shiraki, and R. Ito
Japanese journal of applied physics 30 L1450 (1991).
Dependence of Band Offsets on Elastic Strain in GaAs/GaAs1-xPx Strained-Layer Single Quantum Wells
X. Zhang, K. Onabe, Y. Nitta, B. Zhang, S. Fukatsu, Y. Shiraki, and R. Ito
Japanese journal of applied physics 30 L1631 (1991).
Reflectance characterization of semiconductor quantum wells by Fourier transform spectroscopy
B. Zhang, S. Fukatsu, Y. Shiraki, and R. Ito
Semiconductor Science and Technology 6, 822 (1991).
Redistribution of delta-doped Sb in Si
S. Fukatsu, S. Kubo, Y. Shiraki, and R. Ito
Journal of Crystal Growth 111, 843 (1991).
Compositional latching in GaAs1-xPx/GaAs metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy
Y. Miura, K. Onabe, X. Zhang, Y. Nitta, S. Fukatsu, Y. Shiraki, and R. Ito
Japanese journal of applied physics 30, L664 (1991).
Well-width dependence of photoluminescence excitation spectra in GaAs-AlxGa1-xAs quantum wells
N. Ogasawara, A. Fujiwara, N. Ohgushi, S. Fukatsu, Y. Shiraki, Y. Katayama, R. Ito
Physical Review B 42, 9562 (1990).
Realization of abrupt interfaces in Si/Ge superlattices by suppressing Ge surface segregation with submonolayer of Sb
Fujita, Ken and Fukatsu, Susumu and Yaguchi, Hiroyuki and Igarashi, Takayuki and Shiraki, Yasuhiro and Ito, Ryoichi
Japanese journal of applied physics 29, L1981 (1990).
Fabrication of ultrafine gratings on GaAs by electron beam lithography and two‐step wet chemical etching
T. Katoh, Y. Nagamura, G. P. Li, S. Fukatsu, Y. Shiraki, and R. Ito
Applied Physics Letters 57, 1212 (1990).
Fabrication of GaAs Ultrafine Gratings by Single-Layer-Masked SiCl4 Reactive Ion Etching
G. P. Li, L. Guo, T. Katoh, Y. Nagamura, S. Fukatsu, Y. Shiraki, R. Ito
Japanese journal of applied physics 29, L1213 (1990).
Anomalous permeation of low energy neon atoms in tungsten at low temperatures
S. Fukatsu, T. Hashizume, A. Sakai, T. Sakurai, S. Hyodo
Japanese journal of applied physics 25, L240 (1986).