Qu Y, Sakoda K, Wakabayashi Y, Nakajima Mi, Asami T, Terashima I, Yamori
W* (2025) Identification and characterization of compounds that improve
plant photosynthesis and growth under light stress conditions. Communications
Biology. プレスリリース(農)
Nakazato I, Yamori W, Matsumura H, Qu Y, Okuno M, Tsutsumi N, Arimura SI
(2024) Resistance to the herbicide metribuzin conferred to Arabidopsis
thaliana by targeted base editing of the chloroplast genome. Plant Biotechnology
Journal. e14431. プレスリリース(農)
Tanigawa K, Qu Y, Katsuhama N, Sakoda K, Wakabayashi Y, Tanaka Y, Sage
R, Lawson T, Yamori W* (2024) C4 monocots and C4 dicots exhibit rapid photosynthetic
induction response in contrast to C3 plants. Physiologia Plantarum, 176(4),
e14431. プレスリリース(農)
Yoshiyama Y, Wakabayashi Y, Mercer KL, Kawabata S, Kobayashi T, Tabuchi
T, Yamori W* (2024). Natural genetic variation in dynamic photosynthesis
is correlated with stomatal anatomical traits in diverse tomato species
across geographical habitats. Journal of Experimental Botany, erae082.プレスリリース(農)
Hayashi S, Levine CP, Yu W, Usui M,Yukawa A, Ohmori Y, Kusano M, Kobayashi
M,Nishizawa T, Kurimoto I, Kawabata S and Yamori W* (2024) Raising root
zone temperature improves plant productivity and metabolites in hydroponic
lettuce production.Frontiers in Plant Science.i. 15:1352331. プレスリリース(農)
Fukano Y*, Yamori W, Misu H, Sato M, Shirasawa K, Tachiki Y, Uchida K (2023) From green to red: Urban heat stress drives leaf color evolution. Science Advances, 9, eabq354. プレスリリース(農)
Levine C.P.+, Hayashi S.+, Ohmori Y., Kusano M., Kobayashi M., Nishizawa
T., Kurimoto I., Kawabata S. & Yamori W.* (2023) Controlling Root Zone
Temperature Improves Plant Growth and Pigments in Hydroponic Lettuce. Annals
of Botany, mcad127. (+) equally contributed.
Basso L., Sakoda K., Kobayashi R., Yamori W. & Shikanai T.* (2022)
Flavodiiron proteins enhance the rate of CO2 assimilation in Arabidopsis
under fluctuating light intensity. Plant Physiology, 189, 375-387.
Yamori N., Levine C.P., Mattson N.S. & Yamori W.* (2022) Optimum root
zone temperature of photosynthesis and plant growth depends on air temperature
in lettuce plants.Plant Molecular Biolog. 110, 385-395.
Sakoda K*, Taniyoshi K,Yamori W, Tanaka Y (2022) Drought stress reduces
crop carbon gain due to delayed photosynthetic induction under fluctuating
light conditions. Physiologia Plantarum. 174, e13603.
Yamori N, Matsushima Y, & Yamori W* (2021) Upward LED Lighting from
the Base Suppresses Senescence of Lower Leaves and Promotes Flowering in
Indoor Rose Management. HortScience, 56, 716-721. プレスリリース(農)
Qu Y, Sakoda K, Fukayama H, Kondo E, Suzuki Y, Makino A, Terashima I &
Yamori W* (2021). Overexpression of both Rubisco and Rubisco activase rescues
rice photosynthesis and biomass under heat stress. Plant, Cell & Environment, 44, 2308-2320.プレスリリース(農)
Furuya T, Saito M, Uchimura H, Satake A, Nosaki S, Miyakawa T, Shimadzu
S, Yamori W, Tanokura M, Fukuda H, Kondo Y* (2021) Gene co-expression network
analysis identifies BEH3 as a stabilizer of secondary vascular development
in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 33, 2618–2636.
Terashima, I., Matsuo, M., Suzuki, Y., Yamori, W., & Kono, M. (2021).
Photosystem I in low light-grown leaves of Alocasia odora, a shade-tolerant
plant, is resistant to fluctuating light-induced photoinhibition. Photosynthesis
Research, 1-14. プレスリリース(農)
Inoue T, Sunaga M, Ito M, Qu Y, Matsushima Y, Sakoda K & Yamori W*
(2021). Minimizing VPD Fluctuations Maintains Higher Stomatal Conductance
and Photosynthesis, Resulting in Improvement of Plant Growth in Lettuce.
Frontiers in Plant Science, 12, 458.
Chen Y, Yamori W, Tanaka A, Tanaka R, & Ito H (2021) Degradation of
the photosystem II core complex is independent of chlorophyll degradation
mediated by Stay-Green Mg2+ dechelatase in Arabidopsis. Plant Science,
Suganami M, Suzuki Y, Tazoe Y, Yamori W & Makino A (2021) Co-overproducing
Rubisco and Rubisco Activase Enhances Photosynthesis in the Optimal Temperature
Range in Rice. Plant Physiology, 185, 108-119.
Sakoda K*, Yamori W*, Groszmann M & Evans JR (2021) Stomatal, mesophyll
conductance and biochemical limitations to photosynthesis during induction.
Plant Physiology, 185, 146-160. プレスリリース(農)
Saengtharatip S, Joshi J, Zhang G, Takagaki M, Kozai T, Yamori W* (2021) Optimal light wavelength for a novel cultivation system with a supplemental upward lighting in plant factory with artificial lighting. Environmental Control in Biology, 59, 21-27.
Ohtake N, Ju Y, Ishikura M, Suzuki H, Adachi S & Yamori W* (2021) Alternating
red/blue light increases leaf thickness and mesophyll cell density in the
early growth stage, improving photosynthesis and plant growth in lettuce.
Environmental Control in Biology, 59, 59-67.
Monda K*, Mabuchi A, Takahashi S, Negi J, Tohmori R, Terashima I, Yamori
W & Iba K (2020). Increased Cuticle Permeability Caused by a New Allele
of ACETYL-COA CARBOXYLASE 1 Enhances CO2 Uptake. Plant Physiology, 184, 1917-1926.
Basso L, Yamori W, Szabò I, & Shikanai T* (2020) Collaboration between
NDH and KEA3 allows maximally efficient photosynthesis after a long dark
adaptation. Plant Physiology, 184, 2078-2090.
Sakoda, K., Yamori, W., Shimada, T., Sugano, S. S., Hara-Nishimura, I.,
& Tanaka, Y. (2020). Higher Stomatal Density Improves Photosynthetic
Induction and Biomass Production in Arabidopsis under Fluctuating Light.
Frontiers in Plant Science, 11, 1609.
Ohkubo S., Tanaka Y., Yamori W.* & Adachi S.* (2020). Rice cultivar
Takanari has higher photosynthetic performance under fluctuating light
than Koshihikari, especially under limited nitrogen supply and elevated
CO2. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11, 1308.
Kang H, Zhu X, Yamori W, Tang Y* (2020). Concurrent increases in leaf temperature with light accelerate photosynthetic induction in tropical tree seedlings.
Frontires in Plant Science 11, 1216.
Kimura H, Hashimoto-Sugimoto M, Iba K, Terashima I & Yamori W* (2020).
Improved stomatal opening enhances photosynthetic rate and biomass production
in fluctuating light . Journal of Experimental Botany 71, 2339-2350. プレスリリース(理) , プレスリリース(農)
Yamori W*, Kusumi K, Iba K & Terashima I (2020). Increased stomatal
conductance induces rapid changes to photosynthetic rate in response to
naturally fluctuating light conditions in rice. Plant, Cell & Environment
43, 1230-1240.
Busch, FA., Tominaga, J., Muroya, M., Shirakami, N., Takahashi, S., Yamori,
W., et al. (2020) Overexpression of BUNDLE SHEATH DEFECTIVE 2 improves
the efficiency of photosynthesis and growth in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 102, 129-137.
Saengtharatip S, Goto N, Kozai T & Yamori W* (2020) Green light penetrates
inside crisp head lettuce leading to chlorophyll and ascorbic acid content
enhancement. Acta Horticulturae. 1273. ISHS.
Kono M*, Kawaguchi H, Mizusawa N, Yamori W, Suzuki Y & Terashima I
(2020) Far-Red Light Accelerates Photosynthesis in the Low-Light Phases
of Fluctuating Light. Plant & Cell Physiology, 61, 192–202. プレスリリース
Shimadzu S, Seo M, Terashima I & Yamori W* (2019) Whole irradiated
plant leaves showed faster photosynthetic induction than individually irradiated
leaves via improved stomatal opening. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10, 1512.
プレスリリース(理) , プレスリリース(農)
Adachi S, Tanaka Y, Miyagi A, Kashima M, Tezuka A, Toya Y, Kobayashi S,
Ohkubo S, Shimizu H, Kawai-Yamada M, Sage RF, Nagano AJ & Yamori W.*
(2019) High-yielding rice Takanari has superior photosynthetic response
under fluctuating light to a commercial rice Koshihikari. Journal of Experimental
Botany, 70, 5287–5297.
Suzuki Y.*, Wada S., Kondo E., Yamori W. & Makino A. (2019). Effects
of co-overproduction of sedoheptulose-1, 7-bisphosphatase and Rubisco on
photosynthesis in rice. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 65, 36-40.
Tewolde F.T., Shiina K., Maruo T., Takagaki M., Kozai T. & Yamori W.*
(2018). Supplemental LED inter-lighting compensates for a shortage of light
for plant growth and yield under the lack of sunshine. PloS One, 13, e0206592.
Ohtake N., Ishikura M, Suzuki H, Yamori W* & Goto E. (2018) Continuous
irradiation with alternating red and blue light enhances plant growth while
keeping nutritional quality in lettuce. HortScience, 53, 1804–1809.
Lu N., Takagaki M, Yamori W. & Kagawa N.* (2018) Flavonoid Productivity
Optimized for Green and Red Forms of Perilla frutescens via Environmental
Control Technologies in Plant Factory. Journal of Food Quality, Article
ID 4270279.
Goto E.*, Suetsugu N., Yamori W., Ishishita K., Kiyabu R., Fukuda M., ...
& Wada M. (2018). Chloroplast accumulation response enhances leaf photosynthesis
and plant biomass production. Plant Physiology, 178, 1358-1369.
Yamakawa S., Ohyama K, Yamori W. & Suzuki T.* (2018) Effects of anoxia
and hypoxia on the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae (Acari:
Tetranychidae). Applied Entomology and Zoology, 53, 535–541.
Yoshida Y., Sarmiento-Mañús R., Yamori W., Ponce M. R., Micol J. L. &
Tsukaya H.* (2018). The Arabidopsis phyB-9 Mutant Has a Second-Site Mutation
in the VENOSA4 Gene That Alters Chloroplast Size, Photosynthetic Traits,
and Leaf Growth. Plant Physiology. 178, 3-6.
Wada S., Yamamoto H., Suzuki Y., Yamori W., Shikanai T. & Makino A.*
(2018) Flavodiiron Protein Substitutes for Cyclic Electron Flow without Competing CO2 Assimilation in Rice. Plant physiology. 176, 1509–1518
Ushijima T., Hanada K., Gotoh E., Yamori W., ... & Matsushita T.* (2017).
Light Controls Protein Localization through Phytochrome-Mediated Alternative
Promoter Selection. Cell. 171, 1316-1325.
Lu N., Bernardo E.L., Tippayadarapanich C., Takagaki M., Kagawa N., Yamori
W.* (2017) Growth and Accumulation of Secondary Metabolites in Perilla
as Affected by Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density and Electrical Conductivity
of the Nutrient Solution. Frontiers in Plant Science. 8, 708. プレスリリース
Joshi J., Zhang G., Shen S., Supaibulwatana K., Watanabe C.K.A., Yamori
W.* (2017) A combination of downward lighting and supplemental upward lighting
improves plant growth in a closed plant factory with artificial lighting.
HortScience. 52, 831-835.
Makabe S., Yamori W., Kong K., Niimi H., Nakamura I. (2017) Expression
of rice 45S rRNA promotes cell proliferation, leading to enhancement of
growth in transgenic tobacco. Plant Biotechnology. 34, 29-38.
Kono, M., Yamori, W., Suzuki, Y., & Terashima, I. (2017). Photoprotection
of PSI by Far-Red Light Against the Fluctuating Light-Induced Photoinhibition
in Arabidopsis thaliana and Field-Grown Plants. Plant & Cell Physiology.
58, 35-45.
Yamori W.*, Makino A., Shikanai T. (2016) A physiological role of cyclic
electron transport around photosystem I in sustaining photosynthesis under
fluctuating light in rice. Scientific Reports 6, 20147.プレスリリース
Tewolde FT, Lu N, Shiina K, Maruo T, Takagaki M, Kozai T, Yamori W* (2016)
Nighttime Supplemental LED Inter-lighting Improves Growth and Yield of
Single-truss Tomatoes by Enhancing Photosynthesis in Both Winter and Summer.
Frontiers in Plant Science 7, 448.
Watanabe CKA*, Yamori W, Takahashi S, Terashima I, Noguchi K (2016) Mitochondrial
Alternative Pathway-Associated Photoprotection of Photosystem II is Related
to the Photorespiratory Pathway. Plant and Cell Physiology.
Yamori W.*, Kondo E., Sugiura D., Terashima I., Suzuki Y., Makino A. (2016)
Enhanced leaf photosynthesis as a target to increase grain yield: Insights
from transgenic rice lines with variable Rieske FeS protein content in
the Cytochrome b6/f complex. Plant, Cell & Environment 39, 80-87.
Maneejantra N, Tsukagoshi S*, Lu N, Supaibulwatana K, Takagaki M, Yamori
W (2016) A Quantitative Analysis of Nutrient Requirements for Hydroponic
Spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) Production Under Artificial Light in a Plant
Factory. J Fertil Pestic 7:170.
Zhang G, Shen S, Takagaki M, Kozai T, Yamori W* (2015) Supplemental upward
lighting from underneath to obtain higher marketable lettuce (Lactuca sativa)
leaf fresh weight by retarding senescence of outer leaves. Frontiers in
Plant Science 6, 1110.プレスリリース
Yamori W.*, Shikanai T., Makino A. (2015) Photosystem I cyclic electron
flow via chloroplast NADH dehydrogenase-like complex performs a physiological
role for photosynthesis at low light. Scientific Reports 5, 13908.プレスリリース
Lu N, Nukaya T, Kamimura T, Zhang D, Kurimoto I, Takagaki M, Maruo T, Kozai
T, Yamori W* (2015) Control of Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD) in Greenhouse
Enhanced Tomato Growth and Productivity during the Winter Season. Scientia
Horticulturae 197, 17–23.
Noguchi K*, Yamori W, Hikosaka K, Terashima I (2015) Homeostasis of the
temperature sensitivity of respiration over a range of growth temperatures
indicated by a modified Arrhenius model. New Phytologist 207, 34-42.
Hu Y., Oguchi R.*, Yamori W., von Caemmerer S., Chow W.S., Zhang W.F. (2013)
Cotton bracts are adapted to a micro-environment of concentrated CO2 produced
by rapid fruit respiration. Annals of Botany 112, 31-40.
Yamori W.*, Masumoto C., Fukayama H. & Makino A. (2012) Rubisco activase
is a key regulator of non steady-state photosynthesis at any leaf temperature
and, to a lesser extent, of steady-state photosynthesis at high temperature.
The Plant Journal 71, 871-880.
Dwyer S.A., Chow W.S., Yamori W., Evans J.R., Kaines S., Badger M.R. &
von Caemmerer S.* (2012) Antisense reductions in the PsbO protein of photosystem
II leads to decreased quantum yield but similar maximal photosynthetic
rates. Journal of Experimental Botany 63, 4781-4795.
Scafaro A.P., Yamori W., Carmo-Silva A.E., Salvucci M.E., von Caemmerer
S. & Atwell B.J.* (2012) Rubisco activity is associated with photosynthetic
thermotolerance in the wild rice (Oryza meridionalis). Physiologia Plantarum
146, 99-109.
Yamori W.*, Sakata N., Suzuki Y., Shikanai T. & Makino A. (2011) Cyclic
electron flow around photosystem I via chloroplast NAD(P)H dehydrogenase
(NDH) complex performs a significant physiological role during photosynthesis
and plant growth at low temperature in rice. The Plant Journal 68, 966-976.
Yamori W.*, Takahashi S., Makino A., Price G.D., Badger M.R. & von
Caemmerer S. (2011) The roles of ATP synthase and the cytochrome b6/f complexes
in limiting chloroplast electron transport and determining photosynthetic
capacity. Plant Physiology 155, 956-962.
Yamori W.*, Nagai T. & Makino A. (2011). The rate-limiting step for
CO2 assimilation at different temperatures is influenced by the leaf nitrogen
content in several C3 crop species. Plant, Cell & Environment 34, 764-777.
Takahashi S.*, Milward S.E., Yamori W., Evans J.R., Hillier W. & Badger
M.R. (2010) The solar action spectrum of photosystem II damage. Plant Physiology
153, 988-993.
Yamori W.*, Evans J.R. & von Caemmerer S. (2010) Effects of growth
and measurement light intensities on temperature dependence of CO2 assimilation
rate in tobacco leaves. Plant, Cell & Environment 33, 332-343.
Yamori W.*, Noguchi K., Hikosaka K. & Terashima I. (2010) Phenotypic
plasticity in photosynthetic temperature acclimation among crop species
with different cold tolerances. Plant Physiology 152, 388-399.
Yamori W.*, Noguchi K., Hikosaka K. & Terashima I. (2009) Cold-tolerant
crop species have greater temperature homeostasis of leaf respiration and
photosynthesis than cold-sensitive species. Plant & Cell Physiology
50, 203-215.
Yamori W.* & von Caemmerer S. (2009) Effect of Rubisco activase deficiency
on the temperature response of CO2 assimilation rate and Rubisco activation
state: Insights from transgenic tobacco with reduced amounts of Rubisco
activase. Plant Physiology 151, 2073-2082.
Yamori W.*, Noguchi K., Kashino Y. & Terashima I. (2008) The role of
electron transport in determining the temperature dependence of the photosynthetic
rate in spinach leaves grown at contrasting temperatures. Plant & Cell
Physiology 49, 583-591.
Yamori W.*, Noguchi K., Hanba Y.T. & Terashima I. (2006) Effects of
internal conductance on the temperature dependence of the photosynthetic
rate in spinach leaves from contrasting growth temperatures. Plant &
Cell Physiology 47, 1069-1080.
Yamori W.*, Suzuki K., Noguchi K., Nakai M. & Terashima I. (2006) Effects
of Rubisco kinetics and Rubisco activation state on the temperature dependence
of the photosynthetic rate in spinach leaves from contrasting growth temperatures.
Plant, Cell & Environment 29, 1659-1670.
Yamori W.*, Kogami H., Yoshimura Y., Tsuji T. & Masuzawa T. (2006)
A new application of the SFDA-staining method to assessment of the freezing
tolerance in leaves of alpine plants. Polar Bioscience 20, 82-91.
Yamori W.*, Noguchi K. & Terashima I. (2005) Temperature acclimation
of photosynthesis in spinach leaves: analyses of photosynthetic components
and temperature dependencies of photosynthetic partial reactions. Plant,
Cell & Environment 28, 536-547.
Yamori W.*, Kogami H. & Masuzawa T. (2005) Freezing tolerance in alpine
plants as assessed by the FDA-staining method. Polar Bioscience 18, 73-81.
Qu Y., Mueller-Cajar O. & Yamori W.* (2023) Improving plant heat tolerance through modification of Rubisco activase in C3 plants to secure crop yield and food security in a future warming world. Journal of Experimental Botany. 74: 591-599.
Yamori W.*, & Ghannoum O* (2022) Adaptation of plants to a high CO2
and high-temperature world. Plant Molecular Biology, 110, 301–303.
Mizokami Y.*, Oguchi R., Sugiura D., Yamori W., Noguchi K. & Terashima
I. (2022) Cost-benefit analysis of mesophyll conductance-Diversities of
anatomical, biochemical and environmental determinants. Annals of Botany.130,
Sakoda K., Adachi S., Yamori W. & Tanaka Y.* (2022) Towards improved
dynamic photosynthesis in C3 crops by utilising natural genetic variation.
Journal of Experimental Botany 73, 3109-3121.
Tanaka Y*, Adachi S, Yamori W. (2019) Natural genetic variation of the
photosynthetic induction response to fluctuating light environment. Current
Opinion in Plant Biology. 49: 52-59.
Yamori W*, Shikanai T (2016) Physiological Functions of Cyclic Electron
Transport Around Photosystem I in Sustaining Photosynthesis and Plant Growth.
Annual Review of Plant Biology 67:81–106.
Yamori W.* (2016) Photosynthetic response to fluctuating environments and
photoprotective strategies under abiotic stress. Journal of Plant Research
Yamori W.*, Zhang G, Takagaki M, Maruo T (2014) Feasibility study of rice
growth in plant factories. Journal of Rice Research 2: 119.
Yamori W.*, Hikosaka K, Way DA (2014) Temperature response of photosynthesis
in C3, C4 and CAM plants: Temperature acclimation and Temperature adaptation.
Photosynthesis Research 119, 101-117.
Way DA*, Yamori W (2014) Thermal acclimation of photosynthesis: on the
importance of definitions and accounting for thermal acclimation of respiration.
Photosynthesis Research 119, 89-100.
Yamori W.* (2013) Improving Photosynthesis to Increase Food and Fuel Production
by Biotechnological Strategies in Crops. J Plant Biochem & Physiol
1: 113. doi:10.4172/2329-9029.1000113
Yamori W*, Irving LJ, Adachi S and Busch FA (2024) Strategies for optimizing
photosynthesis with biotechnology to improve crop yield. In Handbook of
Photosynthesis, 4th Edition. CRC Press. p759-779.
Levine CP, Li L and Yamori W* (2024) The Next Evolution of Agriculture:
A review of innovations in Plant Factories. In Handbook of Photosynthesis,
4th Edition. CRC Press. p740-758.
Sakoda K, Tanaka Y, Yamori W (2021) Genetic Diversity in Leaf Photosynthesis
among Soybeans under the Field Environment. Handbook of Plant and Crop
Physiology, 1026-1040
Yamori W.* (2021) Strategies for engineering photosynthesis for enhanced plant biomass production. In "Rice Improvement: Physiological, Molecular
Breeding and Genetic Perspectives" Springer-Nature. p 31-58.
Tsukagoshi S. & Yamori W.* Beneficial effects of various environmental
stresses on vegetables and medicinal plants for the production of high
value-added plants. In Handbook of Plant & Crop Stress, 4th Edition.
CRC Press, Chapter 50, 2019.
Yamori W*, Irving LJ, Adachi S and Busch FA. (2016) Strategies for optimizing
photosynthesis with biotechnology to improve crop yield. In Handbook of
Photosynthesis, 3rd Edition. CRC Press. 741-760.
Merrill BF, Lu N, Yamaguchi T, Takagaki M, Maruo T, Kozai T, Yamori W*
(2016) The Next Evolution of Agriculture: A review of innovations in Plant
Factories. In Handbook of Photosynthesis, 3rd Edition. CRC Press. pp723-740.
Yamori W* (2016) Photosynthesis and respiration. In Plant Factory: An Indoor
Vertical Farming System for Efficient Quality Food Production, Elsevier.
Yamori W. & von Caemmerer S. (2010) Quantification of Rubisco activase
content in leaf extracts. Photosynthesis Research Protocols, Methods in
Molecular Biology (Springer) vol.684, p 383-391.