2025/02/07A paper on acceptorless dehydrogenative aromatisation of cyclohexanones using Ni nanoparticle catalysts was published (Nat. Commun., 16, 1118 (2025). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-025-56361-4) and a press release was issued (press release by the Graduate School of Engineering, The Univ. of Tokyo, JST, and Nikkei).2024/12/26Mr. Hojo recieved the "Oral Presentation Award" at the 54th Petrol.-Petrochem. Symposium of JPI.2024/12/02Mr. Suzuki, Mr. Sekine, Mr. Sakai and Mr. Sasaki received "Excellent Poster Awards" at the 14 th CSJ Chemistry Festa 2024.2024/11/17Mr. Kenshiro Sekine, Ms. Nozomi Tanaka and Mr. Haruumi Sakai received "The Poster Award" at The 57th Oxidation Reaction Debate.2024/10/21Dr. Xia (Project Assistant Professor) received "Best Poster Award" at the 10th IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry (10th ICGC).2024/09/25Mr. Tomohiro Hojo received the Student Poster Presentation Award at the 134th CATSJ Meeting.2024/09/19Mr Masahiro Yamaguchi received the Student Oral Presentation Award at 74th Conference of Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry.2024/09/07Mr. Yamaguchi recieved "Presentation Award" and Mr. Sakai recieved "Poster Presentation Award" at The 44th Summer Seminar of Young Researchers’ Committee, Catalysis Society of Japan.2024/08/01Mr. Daiki Yanai won ‘Outstanding poster award’ at the 45th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry.2024/07/03Our recent research work on the site-selective sulfurization of polyoxometalates (Chem. Sci., 2024, DOI: 10.1039/D4SC02912G)was highlighted as ChemSci Pick of the Week.2024/04/23Mr. Matsuyama recieved the "Student Lecture Award" at The 104th CSJ Annual Meeting (2024).2024/04/06Dr. Yatabe (Research Associate) received IACS 2024 Awards (Young Researcher Support for attending ICC2024).2024/03/26Mr. Matsuyama recieved "Student Best Presentation Award", and Mr. Yamaguchi recieved "Student Presentation Award", at The 133th CATSJ Meeting.2024/03/22Seven students received awards for their graduation thesis presentations, master's thesis presentations, and doctoral dissertations in 2023.
Bachelor: Mr. Sakai (Dean of Engineering Award)
Bachelor: Mr. Watanabe (Presentation Excellence Award)
Master: Mr. Kimura (Presentation Excellence Award)
Master: Mr. Yamaguchi (Presentation Excellence Award)
Master: Mr. Gu (Presentation Excellence Award)
Master: Ms. Yu (Presentation Excellence Award)
Doctor:Mr. Koizumi (Fujishima Award)
2024/03/21Dr. Yatabe (Research Associate) received Young Generation's Special Lecture Award at The 104th CSJ Annual Meeting (2024).2024/03/15The study on the synthesis and catalysis of silver nanoclusters with exposed surfaces (Nat. Commun., 15, 940 (2023). DOI: 10.1038/s41557-023-01234-w) was introduced in SPring-8 NEWS No. 115.2024/02/06A paper on gold nanoparticle catalysts that combine high stability and reactivity in solution was published (Nat. Commun., 15, 851 (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-45066-9) and a press release was issued (press release by the Graduate School of Engineering, The Univ. of Tokyo and Nikkei). This paper was also featured in EurekAlert!, Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, The Iron and Steel Daily, Science Portal, and Chem-Station Spotlight Research.2024/01/30A paper on the development of molecular photocatalysts capable of efficiently and stably generating reactive oxygen species was published (J. Am. Chem. Soc., 146, 4549 (2024). DOI: 10.1021/jacs.3c11394) and a press release was issued (press release by the Graduate School of Engineering, The Univ. of Tokyo and Nikkei). This paper was also featured in MIT Technology Review and Chem-Station Spotlight Research.2023/12/14Yonesato Project Research Associate received 40th Inoue Research Encouragement Award.2023/12/07Mr. Lin and Mr. Matsuyama received "Outstanding Young Oral Prize" at the 9th International Symposium on Catalysis and Fine Chemicals (C&FC2023).2023/12/01Mr. Xia recieved "Magritek Student Oral Prize" and Mr. Matsuyama recieved "Green Chemistry Student Poster Prize" at the 8th Asia-Oceania Conference on Green Sustainable Chemistry.2023/12/01The following students received awards at the 13 th CSJ Chemistry Festa 2023.
Mr. Matsuyama: Doctoral Oral Award, Poster Presentation Award
Mr. Yamaguchi: Best Poster Presentation Award (CSJ Chemistry Festa Award)
Mr. Kimura: Poster Presentation Award
Mr. Gu: Poster Presentation Award
Mr. Wakabayashi: Poster Presentation Award
Ms. Kamachi: Poster Presentation Award2023/11/13Ms. Yu recieved "The Poster Award" at The 56th Oxidation Reaction Debate.2023/10/06Mr. Yanai recieved "The Student Presentation Award" at The 73rd debate of Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry.2023/09/22Mr. Kamachi recieved "The Poster Award (Dalton Transactions Award)" at The 73rd debate of Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry.2023/08/09Mr. Yamaguchi recieved "The Best Poster Presentation Award" and Mr. Kimura recieved "Poster Presentation Award" at The 43rd Summer Seminar of CATSJ Young Employees.2023/06/09Mr. Kimura and Mr. Wakabayashi recieved "Poster Award" at the 27th JPIJS.2023/06/09Our recent work about the synthesis and catalytic property of surfaceexposed silver nanoclusters (Nat. Chem. DOI: 10.1038/s41557-023-01234-w) was highlighted at News&Views of Nature Chemistry, Nikkei Inc., NIKKEI Tech Foresight, Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Ltd., The Chemical Daily Co., Ltd. and The Science News.2023/05/22Our recent work (JACS Au, 2023, 3, 1376-1384, DOI: 10.1021/jacsau.3c00049) was highlighted as Supplementary Cover.2023/04/26Mr. Xia and Mr. Koizumi recieved the "Student Lecture Award" at The 103rd CSJ Annual Meeting (2023).2023/04/17Our recent research work (ACS Catal., 2022, 12, 13600-13608, DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.2c03729) was highlighted in SYNFACTS (Highlights in Chemical Synthesis).2023/03/31Mr. Xia recieved The 16th GSC Student Travel Grant Award.2023/03/24Dr. Yatabe (Research Associate) received "Young Researcher Best Presentation Award",
Mr. Matsuyama received "Student Presentation Award",
at The 131th CATSJ Meetings2022/12/15Dr. Yatabe (Research Associate) received The 39th Inoue Research Award for Young Scientists.2022/11/10Mr. Matsuyama recieved the "Best Poster Awards (CSJ Chemistry Festa Awards)",
Mr. Xia received the "Excellent Oral Presentation Awards",
Mr. Xia, Mr. Hojo, Mr. Yanai, Ms. Yu received the "Excellent Poster Awards"
at The 12th CSJ Chemistry Festa 2022.[Link]2022/11/10Mr. Suzuki recieved the "Lecture Award" at the Nagano Conv. of JPI (52nd Petrol.-Petrochem. Symposium of JPI).2022/06/17Our recent work (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2022, 61, e202205873, DOI: 10.1002/anie.202205873) was highlighted as Hot Paper and Back Cover.2022/05/30Mr. Hojo recieved the "Award of Excellence" at the 26th JPIJS.2022/05/11Our recent research work (Chem. Sci., 2022, DOI: 10.1039/d2sc01156e) was highlighted as ChemSci Pick of the Week.2022/04/27Mr. Wachi recieved the "Student Lecture Award" at The 102nd CSJ Annual Meeting (2022).2021/12/22Prof. Yamaguchi received The CSJ Award for Creative Work.2021/12/03Mr. Koizumi, Mr. Kawakami, and Mr. Matsuyama received the "Excellent Poster Awards" at the 11th CSJ Chemistry Festa 2021.2021/12/01Mr. Wachi received the "Best Presentation Award" at the 18th Japan-Korea Symposium on Catalysis.2021/10/19Mr. Koizumi received "Student Lecture Award" and Mr. Okazaki reveived "Poster Award for Young Scientists (RSC, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers Award)" at the 71st Conference of Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry. [Link]2021/09/24Mr. Daisuke Takei won the "Student Oral Presentation Award" at the 128th CATSJ Meeting.2021/06/09Prof. Yamaguchi received The 20th GSC Award.2021/05/26Our recent research work (Catal. Sci. Technol., 2021, 11, 3333-3346, DOI: 10.1039/D1CY00178G) has been selected as an inside front cover.2021/04/23Mr. Takei received 14th GSC Student Travel Grant Award.2021/04/22Our recent research work (ACS Catal., 2021, 11, 2150-2155, DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.1c00185) was highlighted in SYNFACTS (Highlights in Chemical Synthesis).2021/04/06Our recent research work (Chem. Commun., 2021, DOI: 10.1039/D1CC00995H) as been selected as an outside front cover.2021/02/12Our recent research work (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2021, DOI: 10.1002/anie.202016642) as highlighted as a Hot Paper and an Inside Cover Picture.2021/01/13Our recent research work (Chem. Sci., 2021, DOI: 10.1039/d0sc06133f) as highlighted as ChemSci Pick of the Week.2020/09/08Our recent paper about an ultrastable silver nanocluster (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2020, 59, 16361-16365) has been selected as a Cover Picture.2020/07/21Our recent research work (ACS Catal., 2020, 10, 5057-5063) was highlighted in SYNFACTS (Highlights in Chemical Synthesis).2020/07/10Our recent paper about an ultrastable silver nanocluster (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2020, DOI: 10.1002/anie.202008402) has been selected as a Very Important Paper (VIP).2020/05/15Our recent research work (Chem. Sci., 2020, 11, 4074-4084) was highlighted in SYNFACTS (Highlights in Chemical Synthesis).2020/04/07Dr. Suzuki received The Young Scientists' Prize, The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan.2020/02/10The homepage has been redesigned.2020/01/01Dr. Yatabe assumed the office of 'Research Associate'.2019/09/20The Yamaguchi group's recent research work (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2019, 58, 10893-10897) was highlighted in SYNFACTS (Highlights in Current Synthetic Organic Chemistry).2019/06/17Our recent research work (Inorg. Chem., 2019, 58, 7722-7729) was highlighted as Supplementary Cover.2019/05/15Our recent research work (J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2019, 141, 7687-7692) was highlighted as Supplementary Cover.2019/04/02The Member was updated.2019/02/22Dr. Suzuki received the The Japan Petroleum Institute Award for Encouragement of Research and Development.