招待講演・全体講演 (野崎教授 1995年-)


  1. "樹脂分解触媒の開発とフロー系への期待", 野崎京子, 第9回FlowSTシンポジウム, イイノホール&カンファレンスセンター 東京, 2025/2/7, 招待講演


  1. "樹脂分解のための触媒開発", 野崎京子, 第55回中部化学関係学協会支部連合秋季大会, 名古屋工業大学, 2024/11/3, 招待講演
  2. "Late Transition-Metal Catalysts for Polymer Synthesis and Degradation", Kyoko Nozaki, The University of North Carolina Lecture, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2024/10/24, Invited Lecture.
  3. "Late Transition Metal Catalysts for Valorization of Unutilized Carbon Resources", Kyoko Nozaki, The 2024 Welch Conference “FRONTIERS IN MOLECULAR CATALYSIS", The Post Oak Hotel (Houston USA), 2024/10/22, Invited Lecture.
  4. "Catalyst development toward effective use of unutilized carbon resources", Kyoko Nozaki, SCS(Swiss Chemical Society) Lectureships, University of Geneva, 2024/10/18, Invited Lecture.
  5. "Catalyst development toward effective use of unutilized carbon resources", Kyoko Nozaki, SCS(Swiss Chemical Society) Lectureships, University of Bern, 2024/10/17, Invited Lecture.
  6. "Catalyst development toward effective use of unutilized carbon resources", Kyoko Nozaki, SCS(Swiss Chemical Society) Lectureships, University of Fribourg, 2024/10/16, Invited Lecture.
  7. "A 30-year journey of stereocontrol in polymer synthesis: Tacticity control in copolymers of propylene with unsymmetrical bidentate ligands", Kyoko Nozaki, SCS(Swiss Chemical Society) Lectureships, UZH Irchel, 2024/10/15, Invited Lecture.
  8. "Catalyst development toward effective use of unutilized carbon resources", Kyoko Nozaki, SCS(Swiss Chemical Society) Lectureships, ETH Hönggerberg, 2024/10/14, Invited Lecture.
  9. "水素を用いたプラスチックのケミカルリサイクルへ新たな道", 野崎京子, JPI-JCCP-MbSC2030共催シンポジウム, 東京大学 伊藤国際学術研究センター 謝恩ホール(東京都文京区本郷7-3-1), 2024/9/26, 招待講演
  10. "精密な分子設計と反応機構の精確な理解を通した高活性均一系触媒の創製", 野崎京子, 錯体化学会第74回討論会, 長良川国際会議 メインホール 岐阜市 岐阜県, 2024/9/19, 受賞講演(貢献賞)
  11. "隣接基協働効果の発現による未踏の樹脂分解触媒反応の追求と効率的なケミカルリサイクルへの展開", 野崎京子, 第40回有機合成化学セミナー, アートホテル新潟駅前 新潟市 新潟県, 2024/9/18, 招待講演
  12. "Metals and metalloids in cyclic pai-conjugated molecules", Kyoko Nozaki, 26th IUPAC International Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry (26th ICPOC), Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China. 2024/8/19, Plenary Lecture.
  13. "Ligand Participation in C-X Bond Cleavage", Kyoko Nozaki, 45th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ICCC2024), Colorado State University, Colorado, USA 2024/7/30, Keynote Lecture.
  14. "Oxidative Addition of C-H and E-H Bonds to Cyclopentadienone-Metal Complexes", Kyoko Nozaki, 23rd International Symposium on Homogeneous Catalysis (ISHC2024), the University of Trieste, Triest Italy (in the Campus of Piazzale Europa) 2024/7/23, Oral.
  15. "Late Transitionmetal Catalysts for Polymer Synthesis and Degradation", Kyoko Nozaki, 18th ICC(the 18th International Congress on Catalysis), Lyon Convention Centre, Lyon, France 2024/7/19, Keynote Lecture.
  16. "Catalyst development for the synthesis of small molecules and macromolecules", Kyoko Nozaki, New Fellow of the Royal Society initiation ceremony, Royal Society 2024/7/10, Initiation Ceremony.
  17. "後周期遷移金属錯体を用いる高分子の加水素分解", 野崎京子,錯体化学若手研究会「錯体化学若手の会夏の学校2024」, 三重県鳥羽市 鳥羽シーサイドホテル, 2024/6/28, 招待講演
  18. "アカデミアにおける研究の魅力:社会課題解決型研究と好奇心駆動型研究", 野崎京子,第23回キンカつくばサロン, 筑波大学総合研究棟B0110公開講義室, 2024/3/4, 招待講演


  1. "Polyolefins with toughness and beyond", Kyoko Nozaki, Asian Polyolefin Workshop 2023 (APO2023), Kinsho Hall, Todai-Ji, Nara, Japan 2023/12/13, Plenary Lecture.
  2. "Late Transitionmetal Catalysts for Polymer Synthesis and Degradation", Kyoko Nozaki, International Symposium on Catalysis and Fine Chemicals (C&FC2023), Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan 2023/12/5, Keynote Lecture.
  3. "Polymer Synthesis and Degradation for Sustainability", Kyoko Nozaki, 6th GLowing Polymer Symposium in KANTO, Online 2023/11/25, Keynote Lecture.
  4. "Toward sustainable future: Roles to be played by chemistry and messages to young researchers", Kyoko Nozaki, Asian Dean’s Forum: The Rising Stars Women in Engineering Workshop (RSE) 2023, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan 2023/11/21, Plenary Lecture.
  5. "Late Transition Metal Catalysts for Polymer Synthesis and Degradation", Kyoko Nozaki, 2023 Japan-US Seminar on Polymer Chemistry: Meeting the Challenges of a Sustainable Society with Macromolecules, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST), Okinawa, Japan 2023/10/31, Invited Lecture.
  6. "Catalyst Development toward Effective Use of Unutilized Carbon Resources", Kyoko Nozaki, 5th OKU-WuXi AppTec Symposium of Organic Chemistry, College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University, Peking, China 2023/10/21, Invited Lecture.
  7. "Late Transition Metal Catalysts for Polymer Synthesis and Degradation", Kyoko Nozaki, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Lecture, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China 2023/10/19, Invited Lecture.
  8. "Late Transition Metal Catalysts for Polymer Synthesis and Degradation", Kyoko Nozaki, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry (SIOC) Chinese Academy of Sciences Lecture, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry (SIOC) Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China 2023/10/18, Invited Lecture.
  9. "Catalytic Cleavage of C(sp3)-O bonds toward Deconstruction of Thermosetting Resins", Kyoko Nozaki, Princeton University Seminar, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA 2023/8/24, Invited Lecture.
  10. "Catalyst Development toward Effective Use of Unutilized Carbon Resources ", Kyoko Nozaki, Cornell University Aggarwal Lecturer (2023-2024), Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., USA 2023/8/22, Award Lecture.
  11. "A 30-year Journey of Stereocontrol in Polymer Synthesis: Tacticity Control in Copolymers of Propylene", Kyoko Nozaki, Cornell University Aggarwal Lecturer (2023-2024), Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., USA 2023/8/21, Award Lecture.
  12. "Catalytic Cleavage of C(sp3)-O bonds toward Deconstruction of Thermosetting Resins", Kyoko Nozaki, ACS FALL 2023, Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2023/8/13, Oral.
  13. "結合切断に着目した高分子設計と触媒開発", 野崎京子,第1回有機資源循環触媒セミナー, 東京大学本郷キャンパス 工学部5号館52号講義室, 2023/7/28, 招待講演
  14. "Catalyst for Polymer Synthesis and Polymer Degradation", Kyoko Nozaki, The 13th SPSJ International Polymer Conference (IPC 2023), Sapporo Convention Center, Hokkaido, Japan, 2023/7/19, Invited Lecture.
  15. "Neighboring-Group Effect in Homogeneous Catalysis: Non-innocence of Supporting Ligands and Counter Ions", Kyoko Nozaki, Organometallic Chemistry Gordon Research Conference New Frontiers in Synthesis, Catalysis and Materials Chemistry, Salve Regina University, Newport, RI, United States, 2023/7/12, Invited Lecture.
  16. "Polymer Synthesis and Degradation for Sustainability", Kyoko Nozaki, 16th International conference on materials chemistry (MC16), University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 2023/7/4, Keynote Lecture.
  17. "Catalysts for synthesis and degradation of tough polymers", Kyoko Nozaki, The Seventh International Symposium Frontiers in Polymer Science, The Swedish Exhibition and Congress Centre, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2023/5/31, Keynote Lecture.
  18. "Catalytic Hydrogenolysis of C–O and C–N Bonds Toward the Effective Use of Unutilized Carbon Resources", Kyoko Nozaki, University of Bergen lecture, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, 2023/5/26, Invited Lecture.
  19. "Novel π-Conjugated Molecules produced by Homogeneous Catalysis: How to play with them?", Kyoko Nozaki, Jagiellonian University lecture, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, 2023/5/24, Invited Lecture.
  20. "結合切断に着⽬した⾼分⼦設計と触媒開発", 野崎京子, 第 131 回触媒討論会特別シンポジウム, 神奈川⼤学みなとみらいキャンパス 第 131 回触媒討論会会場(オンサイト開催) 2023/3/17


  1. "触媒化学に立脚したサステイナブル高分子開発", 野崎京子, 公益財団法人 高分子学会 第31回ポリマー材料フォーラム, タワーホール船堀, 2022/11/15, 招待講演
  2. "Catalysts for Bond Formation and Cleavage", Kyoko Nozaki, The 22nd Tateshina Conference on Organic Chemistry, Skypark Hotel, Chino, Nagano, Japan, 2022/11/12, Poster.
  3. "二酸化炭素を原料とする新しいポリマー", 野崎京子, 22-4ポリマーフロンティア21 サステイナブル社会実現に貢献する高分子, オンライン, 2022/11/11, 招待講演
  4. "炭素循環型高分子合成を目指して", 野崎京子,日本学術会議公開シンポジウム「カーボンニュートラル化と資源循環に向けた高分子化学のチャレンジ」, 日本学術会議講堂, 2022/11/8, 招待講演
  5. "Late Transitionmetal Catalysts for Polymer Synthesis and Degradation", Kyoko Nozaki, The Gordon Stone Lecture and Symposium 2022, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK, 2022/11/2, Award Lecture.
  6. "Late Transitionmetal Catalysts for Polymer Synthesis and Degradation", Kyoko Nozaki, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Seminar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 2022/9/12, Invited Lecture.
  7. "Synthesis of Polyethylene-Poly(Methyl Acrylate) Multiblock COpolymers via a Dual Polymerization Pathway", Kyoko Nozaki, XXII-ISHC, Lisbon, Portugal, 2022/7/28, Oral.
  8. "Late Transitionmetal Catalysts for Polymer Synthesis and Degradation", Kyoko Nozaki, 29th-ICOMC, Prague Congress Centre, Prague, Czech, 2022/7/21, Plenary Lecture.
  9. "MOLECULAR SYNTHESIS FROM SMALL MOLECULES TO MACROMOLECULES mediated by well-designed organometallic catalysts", Kyoko Nozaki, L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science (FWIS) International Award 受賞講演, フランス科学アカデミー, 2022/6/21, Award Lecture.
  10. "Catalysts toward More Sustainable Chemical Synthesis", Kyoko Nozaki, Dr. Karl Wamsler Innovation Award Symposium 2022: Advancing Catalysis, TUM Institute for Advanced Study, Munich, Germany, 2022/5/25, Award Lecture.
  11. "Catalyst Development for Polymer Creation and Degradation", Kyoko Nozaki, ACS Spring Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA, 2022/3/23, Invited Lecture.
  12. "Homogeneous Catalysis for the Synthesis and Degradation of Macromolecules", Kyoko Nozaki, 33rd Annual Symposium,The Scripps Research Institute, Online, 2022/2/4, Award Lecture.
  13. "Catalysts toward More Sustainable Chemical Synthesis", Kyoko Nozaki, 第8回ITbM国際シンポジウム (ISTbM-8), Online, 2022/2/2, Invited Lecture.


  1. "Copolymerization of Ethylene with Methyl Acrylate Using a Cyclopentadienyl Cobalt Complex: Statistical and Block Copolymers", Kyoko Nozaki, PACIFICHEM2021, Online, 2021/12/20, Invited Lecture.
  2. "Polymer Synthesis from a CO2-Derived Bicyclic Lactone", Kyoko Nozaki, PACIFICHEM2021, Online, 2021/12/20, Invited Lecture.
  3. "Synthesis of Polyethylene with In-Chain Ketone or α,β-Unsaturated Ketone Units", Kyoko Nozaki, PACIFICHEM2021, Online, 2021/12/17, Invited Lecture.
  4. "Catalyst Design for Polymerization and Depolymerization", Kyoko Nozaki, National Taiwan University Department of Chemistry Seminar, Online, 2021/12/3, Invited Lecture.
  5. "次世代原料の利用を目指す後周期遷移金属触媒の開発", 野崎京子,九州工業大学 講演会, 九州工業大学, 2021/11/29, 招待講演
  6. "次世代原料の利用を目指す後周期遷移金属触媒の開発", 野崎京子,第722回化学・物質工学セミナー, 長崎大学文教キャンパス 文教スカイホール&オンライン(Zoom ハイブリット), 2021/11/25, 招待講演
  7. "New Polymers made from Carbon Dioxide and Alkenes", Kyoko Nozaki, ICCDU 2021, Online, 2021/7/21, Keynote Lecture.
  8. "Heterolytic Cleavage of H2 for Hydrogenolysis of Polar Bonds", Kyoko Nozaki, Hope for the Future - RIKEN Symposium on Sustainable Resource Science -, Online, 2021/5/28, Invited Lecture.
  9. "Metal-ligand Cooperative X–H Bond Cleavage/Formation in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis", Kyoko Nozaki, WCh UWr Online Seminars, Online, 2021/5/11, Invited Lecture.
  10. "Catalysts for Polymer Synthesis and Degradation toward Utilization of Renewable Resources", Kyoko Nozaki, MRS 2021 VIRTUAL SPRING MEETING & EXHIBIT, Online, 2021/4/19, Oral.
  11. "分子をつくる:化学と私", 野崎京子,【国際女性デー特別企画】野崎京子教授ロレアル-ユネスコ女性科学賞受賞記念講演会, オンライン, 2021/3/8, 受賞講演
  12. "Heterolytic Cleavage of H2 for Hydrogenation/Hydrogenolysis of Polar Bonds", Kyoko Nozaki, UniSysCat Colloquium, Online, 2021/3/3, Invited Lecture.
  13. "Synthesis and Properties of Heterohelicenes", Kyoko Nozaki, The Silver Jubilee Year Invited Lecture at CUSAT, Online, 2021/2/5, Invited Lecture.


  1. "次世代原料の利用を目指す後周期遷移金属触媒の開発", 野崎京子,第30回記念 万有福岡シンポジウム 持続可能な社会を支える有機合成化学, オンライン, 2020/10/24, 招待講演
  2. "Homogeneous Catalysis for Organic Synthesis and Polymer Synthesis", Kyoko Nozaki, The Gilbert Stork Lecture, Columbia University, NY, US, 2020/9/17, Invited Lecture.
  3. "合理的触媒設計に基づく極性小分子の活性化とその重合体の合成", 野崎京子,日本化学会第100春季年会, 東京理科大学野田キャンパス, 千葉県, 2020/3/22, 日本化学会賞受賞講演


  1. "Toward Efficient Utilization of Renewable Resources: Ligand Contribution to Late Transition Metal Mediated Reactions", Kyoko Nozaki, The 2nd Japan Germany Singapore Trilateral Symposium on Precision Synthesis and Catalysis, Kinsho Hall in Todaiji Culture Center, Nara, Japan, 2019/12/3, Invited Lecture
  2. "Metal-Ligand Cooperation in Catalysis mediated by Hydroxycyclopentadienyl Group 9 and 10 Metal Complexes", Kyoko Nozaki, Weizmann Institute of Science Seminar, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, 2019/11/7, Invited Lecture
  3. "Organic Synthesis of Polymers", Kyoko Nozaki, Israel-Japan Conference "Molecular Catalysis in the Service of Society", Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, 2019/11/4, Invited Lecture
  4. "Homogeneous Catalysis for Organic Synthesis and Polymer Synthesis", Kyoko Nozaki, Kuggie Vallee Distinguished Lecture (The Vallee Foundation), University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2019/10/21, Award Lecture
  5. "Copolymerization of Olefins with Polar Monomers by Group 10 Metal Complexes", Kyoko Nozaki, Advances in Polyolefins (APO-2019), Doubletree by Hilton Sanoma Wine Country, Rohnert Park, California, USA, 2019/9/22, Keynote Lecture
  6. "Copolymerization of Olefins with Polar Monomers by Group 10 Metal Complexes", Kyoko Nozaki, Earl L. Meutterties Lecture, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, California, USA, 2019/9/20, Award Lecture
  7. "Homogeneous Catalysis for Today and Tomorrow", Kyoko Nozaki, GDCh Science Forum Chemistry (WiFo 2019), Eurogress Aachen, Aachen, Germany, 2019/9/15, Award Lecture
  8. "Organometallic Chemistry Directed Towards Organic Synthesis (OMCOS) of Polymers", Kyoko Nozaki, 20th IUPAC International Symposium on Organometallic Chemistry Directed Towards Organic Synthesis, Heidelberg Convention Center, Heidelberg, Germany, 2019/7/22, Plenary Lecture
  9. "Homogeneous Catalysis for Organic Synthesis and Polymer Synthesis", Kyoko Nozaki, 47th IUPAC World Chemistry Congress, Palais des Congrès de Paris, Paris, France, 2019/7/11, Invited Lecture
  10. "均一系触媒を用いる有機合成と高分子合成", 野崎京子, 第52回有機金属若手の会 夏の学校, 倉敷せとうち児島ホテル, 倉敷市, 岡山県, 2019/6/26, 招待講演
  11. "Coordination copolymerization of olefins with polar monomers: Challenges for new monomers", Kyoko Nozaki, 2019US-Japan Symposium on Polymer Chemistry Logistics Information, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA, 2019/6/21, Invited Lecture
  12. "Coordination copolymerization of propylene with polar monomers", Kyoko Nozaki, 12th International School on Organometallic Chemistry Marcial Moreno Mañas, Universitat Jaume I, Plana, Spain, 2019/6/14, Plenary Lecture
  13. "新ポリプロピレン合成に向けて", 野崎京子, 日本学術振興会第116委員会 創造機能化学講演会, 学士会館, 千代田区, 東京都, 2019/6/11, 招待講演
  14. "再生可能資源の有効利用を目指した触媒開発", 野崎京子, 新学術領域研究「高難度物質変換反応の開発を指向した精密制御反応場の創出」第7回公開シンポジウム, 東北大学 青葉山東キャンパス, 仙台市, 宮城県, 2019/5/16
  15. "Novel π-Conjugated Molecules: Synthesis and Properties", Kyoko Nozaki, University of Notre Dame Reilly Lecture III, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA, 2019/5/1, Award Lecture
  16. "One-Step Formation of Multiple Bonds for the Synthesis of Novel π-Conjugated Molecules", Kyoko Nozaki, Boston College 2019 University Lectures in Chemistry, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, USA, 2019/4/26, Award Lecture
  17. "Coordination Copolymerization of Olefins with Polar Monomers", Kyoko Nozaki, Boston College 2019 University Lectures in Chemistry, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, USA, 2019/4/25, Award Lecture
  18. "Homogeneous Catalysis for Organic and Polymer Synthesis", Kyoko Nozaki, Boston College 2019 University Lectures in Chemistry, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, USA, 2019/4/24, Award Lecture
  19. "極性基含有ポリプロピレン:触媒開発と樹脂設計" 野崎京子, CREST&さきがけ「超空間制御」シンポジウム, 甲南大学 岡本キャンパス, 神戸市, 兵庫県, 2019/3/18


  1. "One-Step Catalytic Synthesis of All-Syn and All-anti-Deoxypropionate Motif from Propylene" Kyoko Nozaki, The 18th Tateshina Conference on Organic Chemistry, SKYPARK HOTEL, Nagano, Japan, 2018/11/10, Poster
  2. "Metal-Ligand Cooperative C-H Bond Cleavage and Formation by Group 9 and 10 Metal Complexes" Kyoko Nozaki, FHI-JST Joing Symposium "Current Topics and Challenges for Innovative Catalysts", Harnack-Haus Tagungsstätte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany, 2018/10/31, Keynote Lecture
  3. "Sequential Bond Formation Reactions for the Synthesis of Novel π-conjugated Molecules" Kyoko Nozaki, The Karl Ziegler Guest Professorship, Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Mülheim, Germany, 2018/10/31, Invited Lecture
  4. "Homogeneous Catalysis toward Utilization of Renewable Resources" Kyoko Nozaki, The Karl Ziegler Guest Professorship, Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Mülheim, Germany, 2018/10/30, Invited Lecture
  5. "Coordination copolymerization of propylene with polar monomers" Kyoko Nozaki, The Karl Ziegler Guest Professorship, Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Mülheim, Germany, 2018/10/29, Award Lecture
  6. "二酸化炭素をコモノマーとする高分子合成" 野崎京子, 第67回高分子討論会, 北海道大学 札幌キャンパス, 札幌市, 北海道, 2018/9/13, 特別講演
  7. "Coordination copolymerization of propylene with polar monomers" Kyoko Nozaki, 43rd International Conference on Coordination Chemistry, Sendai International Center, Sendai, Japan, 2018/8/3, Keynote Lecture
  8. "Stereocontrolled Propylene Insertion in Polymer Synthesis and Organic Synthesis" Kyoko Nozaki, 2018 Gordon Research Conference on Stereochemistry, Salve Regina University, Newport, Rhode Island, USA, 2018/7/23, Invited Lecture
  9. "Coordination copolymerization of propylene with polar monomers" Kyoko Nozaki, 21st International Symposium on Homogeneous Catalysis (ISHC 2018), Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2018/7/11, Invited Lecture
  10. "Coordination copolymerization of propylene with polar monomers" Kyoko Nozaki, 4th International Conference on Organometallic and Catalysis 2018 (OM&Cat 2018), Howard Civil Service International House, Taipei, Taiwan, 2018/6/24, Plenary Lecture
  11. "均一系触媒反応の開発に当たり理論化学に教えてもらったこと" 野崎京子, 新学術領域研究「精密制御反応場」第2回全体会議・第5回公開シンポジウム ワークショップ「理論と実験の融合による高難度物質変換の反応機構解明にむけて」, 北海道大学 クラーク会館講堂, 札幌市, 北海道, 2018/5/11, 招待講演
  12. "Organic Synthesis of Polymers Mediated by Pd-Catalyst Catalyst" Kyoko Nozaki, ICOPS2018, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Guangzhou, China, 2018/4/7, Invited Lecture
  13. "Copolymerization of Olefins with Polar Monomers", Kyoko Nozaki, LAC L. M. Venanzi Lecture 2018, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2018/3/28, Invited Lecture
  14. "Catalysis toward Utilization of Renewable Resources", Kyoko Nozaki, LAC L. M. Venanzi Lecture 2018, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2018/3/27, Invited Lecture
  15. "二酸化炭素と共役ジエンを原料とする高分子合成" 野崎京子, 第121回触媒討論会, 東京大学教養学部駒場キャンパス, 目黒区, 東京都, 2018/3/23, 招待講演
  16. "CO2を原料とする汎用化成品の製造:均一系触媒を用いて" 野崎京子, 日本化学会 第97春季年会(2018), 日本大学理工学部 船橋キャンパス, 船橋市, 千葉県, 2018/3/20, 基調講演
  17. "Spatial Control around the Active Site in Homogeneous Catalysis: Ligand Effect" Kyoko Nozaki, 日本化学会 第97春季年会(2018), 日本大学理工学部 船橋キャンパス, 船橋市, 千葉県, 2018/3/20, 招待講演
  18. "Mechanistic Studies on The Pd-Catalyzed Copolymerization of Olefins with Polar Monomers" Kyoko Nozaki, 14th International Conference of Computational Methods in Science and Engineering (ICCMSE2018), The Met Hotel, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2018/3/15, Invited Lecture


  1. "Catalysis toward Utilization of Renewable Resources" Kyoko Nozaki, SJG-TSPSC-2017 (1st Singapore Japan Germany Trilateral Symposium on Precision Synthesis & Catalysis), Nanyang Technological university School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (SPMS), Nanyang, Singapore, 2017/11/21, Invited Lecture
  2. "Dehydrogenation of Dimethylamine-Borane Catalyzed by Half-Sandwich Ir and Rh Complexes:Mechanism and The Role of Cp*Non-Innocence" Kyoko Nozaki, The 17th Tateshina Conference on Organic Chemistry, SKYPARK HOTEL, Nagano, Japan, 2017/11/12, Invited Lecture
  3. "Coordination copolymerization of propylene with polar monomers" Kyoko Nozaki, Asian Polyolefin Workshop 2017 (APO 2017), Haihe Wenhua Hotel, Tianjin ,China, 2017/10/24, Plenary Lecture
  4. "均一系触媒で何ができるだろう?" 野崎京子, グリーン自然科学レクチャー(第79回化学系セミナー)IGER, 名古屋大学野依記念学術交流館, 名古屋市, 愛知県, 2017/10/12, 特別講演
  5. "Unsymmterical bidentate ligand for homogeneous catalysis" Kyoko Nozaki, Symposium des 50 ans du LHFA, Universite de Toulouse, Toulouse, France, 2017/9/22, Invited lecture
  6. "Homogeneous Catalysis toward Utilizaton of Renewable Resources" Kyoko Nozaki, Universite de Lyon Symposium, Universite de Lyon, Lyon, France, 2017/9/20, Invited Lecture
  7. "New Aspects of Ethylene adnd Propyolene Polymerization" Kyoko Nozaki, Universite de Lyon Symposium, Universite de Lyon, Lyon, France, 2017/9/20, Invited Lecture
  8. "Homogeneous Catalysis toward Utilization of Renewable Resources" Kyoko Nozaki, Universite de Toulouse Symposium, Universite de Toulouse, Toulouse, France, 2017/9/18, Invited lecture
  9. "[7]-Helicenes with Heteroatoms at the Central Ring" Kyoko Nozaki, Universite de Rennes Symposium, Universite de Rennes, Rennes, France, 2017/9/15, Invited Lecture
  10. "Utilization of CO2 as a Carbon Source" Kyoko Nozaki, Universite de Rennes Symposium, Universite de Rennes, Rennes, France, 2017/9/15, Invited Lecture
  11. "Homogeneous Catalysis for Bulk Chemicals, Polymers, and Fine Chemicals" 野崎京子, 錯体化学若手の会夏の学校2017, ホテルたつき, 蒲生市, 愛知県, 2017/8/1, 招待講演
  12. "Catalysis toward Utilization of Renewable Resources" Kyoko Nozaki, 2nd International Symposium on Precisely Designed Catalysts with Customized Scaffolding, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, 2017/5/12, Invited Lecture
  13. "Development of New Catalytic Reactions toward Utilization of Renewable Resources" Kyoko Nozaki, U. Montreal Meeting, U. Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2017/3/16, Invited Lecture
  14. "Development of New Catalytic Reactions toward Utilization of Renewable Resources" Kyoko Nozaki, LAVAL University Meeting, LAVAL University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2017/3/15, Invited Lecture
  15. "Development of New Catalytic Reactions toward Utilization of Renewable Resources" Kyoko Nozaki, McGill University Meeting, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2017/3/14, Invited Lecture


  1. "Strong Electron Donors as Ligands and Their Role in Catalysis" Kyoko Nozaki, Nankai organic lectureship, Nankai University, Nankai, China, 2016/12/12, Invited Lecture
  2. "高分子の有機合成" 野崎 京子, 2016年度高分子講演会 金属錯体の特異な反応性を用いた新規高分子(超分子)の設計・合成と機能, 広島大学 東広島キャンパス, 東広島市, 広島県, 2016/11/15, 招待講演
  3. "Direct and Selective Hydrogenolysis of Arenols and Aryl Methyl Ethers" Kyoko Nozaki, International Symposium on C-O Activation (ISCO-2016), Himeji Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Hyogo, Japan, 2016/10/27, Invited Lecture
  4. "Development of New Catalytic Reactions toward Utilization of Renewable Resources" Kyoko Nozaki, 24th Solvay Conference on Chemistry Catalysis in Chemistry and Biology, Metropole Hotel, Brussels, Belgium, 2016/10/19, Invited Lecture
  5. "New Aspects Of Stereocontrolled Propylene Polymerization" Kyoko Nozaki, XX Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry, Iec Ekaterinburg Expo, Ekaterinburg, Russia, 2016/9/27, Keynote Lecture
  6. "Polar Polypropylene: Grop 10 Metal Catalyzed Coordination Copolymerization of Propylene with Polar Monomers" Kyoko Nozaki, 6th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress, FIBES – Seville Conference Centre, Seville, Spain, 2016/9/13, Invited Lecture
  7. "Development of New Catalysts toward Utilization of Renewable Resources" Kyoko Nozaki, Merck-Pfister Lecturer in Organic Chemistry MIT, Department of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 2016/9/9, Invited Lecture
  8. "Organic Synthesis of Polymers" Kyoko Nozaki, Merck-Pfister Lecturer in Organic Chemistry MIT, Department of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 2016/9/8, Invited Lecture
  9. "Group 10-Metal Catalyzed Copolymerization of Olefins with Polar Monomers" Kyoko Nozaki, 27th International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry (ICOMC2016), Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Melbourne, Australia, 2016/7/18, Invited Lecture
  10. "Development of New Catalytic Reactions toward Utilization of Renewable Resources" Kyoko Nozaki, National Sun Yat-sen University Symposium, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2016/6/1, Invited Lecture
  11. "Development of New Catalytic Reactions toward Utilization of Renewable Resources" Kyoko Nozaki, Mini-Symposium on Organic Synthesis, Organometallics and Elemento-Organic Chemistry, Ta-shue Chou Memorial Hall, Institute of Chemistry Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, 2016/5/30, Invited Lecture
  12. "New Aspects in Polymerization and Oligomerization of Propylene" Kyoko Nozaki, International Symposium on Functional Molecules and Materials "From Small to Big", Song-Pei Lecture Hall, National Taiwan University, Taipei Taiwan, 2016/5/28, Invited Lecture
  13. "Utilization of Carbon Dioxide as a Carbon Resource in Bulk Chemicals and in Polymeric Materials" Kyoko Nozaki, Carbon Dioxide Catalysis Conference 2016 (ZING Conference), Grande Real Santa Eulalia Hotel, Albuferira, Algarve, Portugal, 2016/4/21, Invited Lecture
  14. "Catalyst Development for Utilization of Renewable Resources" Kyoko Nozaki, SeleCa Workshop on Precision Polymerization Catalysis, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, 2016/4/18, Invited Lecture
  15. "分子触媒と元素戦略" 野崎 京子, 日本化学会第96春季年会, 同志社大学京田辺キャンパス, 京田辺市, 京都府, 2016/3/24-27, 3S6-07, 口頭
  16. "Development of New Catalysts toward Utilization of Renewable Resources" Kyoko Nozaki, Challenges in Organic Chemistry, University of California, Irvine, California, USA, 2016/3/21, Invited Lecture
  17. "Development of New Catalysts toward Utilization of Renewable Resources" 野崎 京子, 沖縄科学技術大学院大学(OIST)講演会, 沖縄科学技術大学院大学, 国頭郡, 沖縄県, 2016/2/19, Invited Lecture
  18. "二酸化炭素有効利用に向けた触媒開発" 野崎 京子, 新学術領域研究「精密制御反応場」第1回公開シンポジウム, 東京工業大学蔵前会館 くらまえホール, 大田区, 東京都, 2016/1/30, Invited Lecture


  1. "Metal-catalyzed olefin oligomerization for natural product synthesis" Kyoko Nozaki, The 2015 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (PACIFICHEM 2015), Hawaii Convention Center, Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2015/12/17, Invited Lecture
  2. "Carbon dioxide as a renewable C1 feedstock for polymer synthesis" Kyoko Nozaki, The 2015 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (PACIFICHEM 2015), Hawaii Convention Center, Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2015/12/15, Invited Lecture
  3. "Metal Catalyzed Copolymerization of Olefins with Polar Monomers" Kyoko Nozaki, Pacific Polymer Conference14, Grand Hyatt Resort and Spa Kauai, Kauai, Hawaii, USA, 2015/12/10, Invited Lecture
  4. "オレフィンと極性モノマーの配位共重合による官能基化ポリオレフィンの合成" 野崎 京子, 第24回ポリマー材料フォーラム, タワーホール船堀, 東京都, 2015/11/26, Invited Lecture
  5. "Homogeneous Catalysis for Organic Synthesis and Polymer Synthesis" Kyoko Nozaki, ETH-Monday Colloquium, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Zürich, Switerland, 2016/11/23, Invited Lecture
  6. "Group10-Metal Catalysed Copolymerization of Olefins with Polar Monomers" Kyoko Nozaki, The 11th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering (APME 2015), パシフィコ横浜, 横浜市, 神奈川県, 2015/10/20, Invited Lecture
  7. "触媒開発:再生可能資源を利用するために" 野崎 京子, 第5回CSJ化学フェスタ2015, タワーホール船堀, 東京都, 2015/10/13, Invited Lecture
  8. "Homogeneous Catalysis for Organic and Polymer Synthesis" Kyoko Nozaki, William S. Johnson Symposium, Department of Chemistry, Stanford University, California, USA, 2015/10/9, Invited Lecture
  9. "Coordination copolymerization of olefins with polar monomers catalyzed Pd complexes of unsymmetrical bidentate ligands" Kyoko Nozaki, 250th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, The Westin Boston Waterfront, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 2015/8/16, Invited Lecture
  10. "Development of New Catalytic Reactions toward Utilization of Renewable Resources" Kyoko Nozaki, IUPAC-2015, Busan Exhibition & Convention Center, Busan, Korea, 2015/8/11, Invited Lecture
  11. "Development of New Catalytic Reactions Toward Utilization of Renewable Resources" Kyoko Nozaki, Gordon Research Conference-New Challenges and Opportunities for Organometallic Chemistry-, Salve Regina University Newport, RI, USA, 2015/7/12, Invited Lecture
  12. "官能基化ポリオレフィン:合成とその目指すところ" 野崎 京子, 第60回高分子夏季大学「進化する高分子」, 朱鷺メッセ:新潟観光コンベンションセンター, 新潟市, 新潟県, 2015/7/9, Invited Lecture
  13. "Development of New Catalytic Reactions toward Utilization of Renewable Resources" Kyoko Nozaki, 7th International Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 一橋大学一橋講堂, Tokyo, 2015/7/7, Invited Lecture
  14. "Coordination Copolymerization of Olefins with Polar Monomers" Kyoko Nozaki, Gordon Research Conference-Inventive Synthesis for Innovative Technologies-, Mount Holyoke College South Hadley, MA, USA, 2015/6/16, Invited Lecture
  15. "再生可能資源の有効利用に資する均一系触媒化学" 野崎 京子, 第26回万有仙台シンポジウム 有機合成化学の多様性と未来への展開, 仙台国際センター, 仙台市, 宮城県, 2015/6/6, Invited Lecture
  16. "Catalyst Development for Utilization of Renewable Resources" Kyoko Nozaki, 九州大学分子システムデバイスセミナー, 九州大学 伊都キャンパス, 福岡市, 福岡県, 2015/5/15, Invited Lecture
  17. "均一系触媒にできることを求めて" Kyoko Nozaki, ファインケミカル研究会主催 第89回例会, 大阪国際交流センター, 大阪市, 大阪府, 2015/5/13, Invited Lecture
  18. "Catalyst Development for Coordination Copolymerization of Olefins with Polar Monomers" Kyoko Nozaki, University of Science and Technology of China Mini-Symposium, University of Science and Technology of China, Anhui, P.R.China, 2015/5/5, Invited Lecture
  19. "Late Transitionmetal Catalysis for Coordination Polymerization" Kyoko Nozaki, Tarrant Distinguished Visiting Professorship, University of Florida, Florida, USA, 2015/3/19, Invited Lecture
  20. "Homogeneous Catalysis toward Utillization of Renewable Resources" Kyoko Nozaki, Tarrant Distinguished Visiting Professorship, University of Florida, Florida, USA, 2015/3/18, Invited Lecture
  21. "Development of New Catalytic Reactions toward Utilization of Renewable Resources" Kyoko Nozaki, University of South Florida Seminar, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, USA, 2015/3/16, Invited Lecture
  22. "Consideration on the Role Played by Ligands in Late-Transition Metal Catalysis" Kyoko Nozaki, 48 Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker, Congress Centrum Neue Weimarhalle, Weimar, Germany, 2015/3/12, Invited Lecture
  23. "Homogeneous Catalysis for Utilization of Renewable" Kyoko Nozaki, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2015/3/9, Invited Lecture
  24. "Mechanistic Studies on the Pd-Catalyzed Copolymerization of Ethylene with Polar Monomers" Kyoko Nozaki, Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms Gordon Research Conference, Hotel Galvez Galveston, Texas, USA, 2015/3/2, Invited Lecture
  25. "Development of New Catalytic Reactions toward Utilization of Renewable Resources" Kyoko Nozaki, Simon Fraser University (SFU), Chemistry Seminar Series, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada, 2015/2/25, Invited Lecture
  26. "Development of New Catalytic Reactions toward Utilization of Renewable Resources" Kyoko Nozaki, Lectures in Modern Chemistry Winter/Spring 2015, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 2015/2/24, Invited Lecture
  27. "Development of new catalytic reactions toward utilization of renewable resources" Kyoko Nozaki, University of Victoria Seminar, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada, 2015/2/23, Invited Lecture


  1. "Quantification of Steric Influence in Palladium/Alkylphosphine-Sulfonate" Kyoko Nozaki, The 14th Tateshina Conference on Organic Chemistry, Tateshina Forum, Chino-shi, Nagano, 2014/11/7, Poster presentation
  2. "Hydrogenolysis of CO Single Bonds by Hydroxycyclopentadienyl Iridium Complexes. Unusual Reactivity and Selectivity by Metal Ligand Cooperation" Kyoko Nozaki, The 19th International Symposium on Homogeneous Catalysis (ISHCXIX), Ottawa Convention Centre, Ottawa, Canada, 2014/7/11, Invited Lecture
  3. "Asymmetric Catalysis in Polymer Synthesis" Kyoko Nozaki, Telluride Meeting: The Future of Asymmetric Catalysis, Telluride Intermediate School, Telluride, Colorado, USA, 2014/6/27, Invited Lecture
  4. "Utilization of Carbon Dioxide as a Carbon Resource" Kyoko Nozaki, IGER International Sumposium on Chemical Science in Asia, 野依記念学術交流会館, 名古屋大学, 名古屋市, 愛知県, 2014/5/27, Invited Lecture
  5. "Steric Effect of Ligands in the Late-Transition Metal Catalyzed Olefin/Polar Monomer Copolymerization" Kyoko Nozaki, The 247th ACS meeting, Dallas Convention Center, Dallas, TX, USA, 2014/3/19, Invited Lecture
  6. "Synthesis and Properties of Low-Oxidation State Boron Compounds”" Kyoko Nozaki, The 247th ACS meeting, Dallas Convention Center, Dallas, TX, USA, 2014/3/17, Invited Lecture
  7. "Coordination Polymerization of Polar Vinyl Monomers (Group 10 Metals)" Kyoko Nozaki, The First Chuck Casey Lecturer Ship, The University of Wisconsin Madison, 2014/2/26, Award Lecture
  8. "Mechanistic Studies on the Catalytic Reactions Mediated by Hydroxycyclopentadienyl Metal Species (Group 8 and 9 Metals)" Kyoko Nozaki, The First Chuck Casey Lecturer Ship, The University of Wisconsin Madison, 2014/2/24, Award Lecture


  1. "Coordination-Insertion Copolymerization of Polar Monomers" Kyoko Nozaki, The 2nd Japan-France Coordination Chemistry Symposium, 東大寺総合文化センター, 2013/11/25, Invited Lecture
  2. "極性モノマーの配位共重合" 野崎 京子, 有機金属部会平成25年度第3回例会, 北海道大学理学部大講堂, 札幌市, 北海道, 2013/11/19, Invited Lecture
  3. "New Catalysts for Carbonylation and Carboxylation Reactions" Kyoko Nozaki, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Lecture, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2013/11/15, Invited Lecture
  4. "Mechanistic Studies on the Copolymerization of Epoxide With Carbon Dioxide" Kyoko Nozaki, 15Th BMOS, Campos do Jordão Convention Center, Campos do Jordão, Brazil, 2013/11/13, Invited Lecture
  5. "New Catalysts for Carbonylation and Carboxylation Reactions" Kyoko Nozaki, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM) Lecture, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), Mexico, 2013/10/18, Invited Lecture
  6. "Coordination Polymerization of Polar Vinyl Monomers Catalyzed by Palladium Complexes" Kyoko Nozaki, SILQCOM2013, Las Brisas Hotel, Huatulco, Mexico, 2013/10/13, Plenary Lecture
  7. "Coordination Polymerization of Polar Monomers Catalyzed by Late Transition-Metal Complexes" Kyoko Nozaki, IUPAC International Symposium on lonic Polymerization 2013 (IP2013 Awaji), Awaji Yumebutai International Conference Center, Hyogo, Japan, 2013/9/28, Invited Lecture
  8. "New Catalyst Design for Carbonylation and Carboxylation" Kyoko Nozaki, Univ of Tübingen Lecture, Univ of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany, 2013/8/5, Invited Lecture
  9. "Coordination Polymerization of Polar Monomers" Kyoko Nozaki, CaRLa, Heidelberg Lecture, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, 2013/8/1, Invited Lecture
  10. "New Catalyst Design for Carbonylation and Carboxylation" Kyoko Nozaki, BASF Lecture, BASF, Ludwigshafen, Germany, 2013/7/31, Invited Lecture
  11. "Coordination Polymerization of Polar Monomers" Kyoko Nozaki, University of Konstanz Lecture, University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany, 2013/7/30, Award Lecture
  12. "New Catalyst Design for Carbonylation and Carboxylation" Kyoko Nozaki, University of Freiburg Lecture, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2013/7/29, Invited Lecture
  13. "Coordination Polymerization of Polar Monomers" Kyoko Nozaki, The Schlenk-Lecture 2013, Eberhard-Karls-Universitat Tubingen, Tubingen, Germany, 2013/7/24, Award Lecture
  14. "後周期遷移金属と配位重合" 野崎 京子, 第58回高分子夏季大学−未来を拓く高分子−, 広島国際会議場, 広島市, 広島県, 2013/7/18, Invited Lecture
  15. "Utilization of CO and CO2 as a Carbon Resource in Organic Synthesis and Polymer Synthesis" Kyoko Nozaki, ICIQ Seminar, Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia, Tarragona, Spain, 2013/7/5, Invited Lecture
  16. "Coordination-Insertion Copolymerization of Polar Monomers" Kyoko Nozaki, 20th EuCheMS Conference on Organometallic Chemistry, Medical Science Building, University of St Andrews, St Andrews, Scotland, United Kingdom, 2013/7/2, Plenary Lecture
  17. "Coordination Copolymerization of Polar Monomers" Kyoko Nozaki, SeleCa International Symposium, RWTH Aachen, Germany, 2013/6/28, Invited Lecture
  18. "極性モノマー配位共重合触媒の開発" 野崎 京子, 第62回高分子学会年次大会, 国立京都国際会館, 京都市, 京都府, 2013/5/30, Award Lecture
  19. "Tandem hydroformylation/hydrogenation of alkenes to normal-alcohols using Rh/Ru dual catalyst or Ru single component catalyst" Kyoko Nozaki, ACS 245th National Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 2013/4/7, Invited Lecture
  20. "Synthesis of Sterecontrolled Polymers Made of Carbon Monoxide or Carbon Dioxide" Kyoko Nozaki, The G.Stafford Whitby Memorial Lecture Series, The University of Akron, Ohio, USA, 2013/4/5, 40th G. Stafford Whitby Memorial Lectureship of the University of Akron, Award Lecture
  21. "Synthesis and Properties of Linear Ethylene/Polar Monomer Copolymers" Kyoko Nozaki, The G.Stafford Whitby Memorial Lecture Series, The University of Akron, Ohio, USA, 2013/4/4, 40th G. Stafford Whitby Memorial Lectureship of the University of Akron, Award Lecture


  1. "Phosphine-sulfonates Beyond:Magic Ligands for Palladium-Catalyzed Coordination-Insertion Copolymerization of Polar Monomers" Kyoko Nozaki, 2012 USA-JAPAN Seminar on Polymer Synthesis From Monomers to Polymers to Materials to Applications, Santa Barbara, California, USA, 2013/12/2, Invited Lecture
  2. "Phosphine-sulfonates Beyond: Magic Ligands for Palladium-Catalyzed Coordination-Insertion Copolymerization of Polar Monomers" Kyoko Nozaki, 1st International Conference on Organometallics and Catalysis(OM Cat), Peking University, Beijing, Chaina, 2013/10/19, Invited Lecture
  3. "Phosphine-sulfonates and beyond: Magic ligands for palladium-catalyzed coordination-insertion copolymerization of polar monomers" Kyoko Nozaki, ACS 244th National Meeting, The 2012 Organometallics Symposium, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Pennsylvania, USA, 2013/8/21, ACS 2012 Organometallics Lecturer, Award Lecture
  4. "New Catalysts for Carbonylation and Carboxylation." Kyoko Nozaki, Challenges in Inorganic and Materials Chemistry (ISACS8), Univesity of Tronto, Toronto, Canada, 2012/7/20, Plenary Lecture
  5. "New Catalysts For Carbonylation and Carboxylation." Kyoko Nozaki, 18th International Symposium on Homogeneous Catalysis, Centre de Congres Pierre Baudis, Toulouse, France, 2012/7/10, Invited Lecture
  6. "カルボニル化・カルボキシル化の新しい触媒を目指して" 野崎 京子, 第39回有機金属化学セミナー, キャンパスプラザ京都, 京都市, 京都府, 2012/6/22, Invited Lecture
  7. "New Catalysts for Carbonylation and Carboxylation." Kyoko Nozaki, Seminar, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea, 2012/6/4, Invited Lecture
  8. "New Catalysts for Carbonylation and Carboxylation." Kyoko Nozaki, 95th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Calgary TELUS Convention Center, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 2012/5/27, Invited Lecture
  9. "カルボニル化・カルボキシル化の新触媒開発:どうやって活性な均一系触媒をみつけるか" 野崎 京子, 有機合成2月セミナー 有機合成のニュートレンド2012, エル・おおさか, 大阪市, 大阪府, 2012/2/2, Invited Lecture
  10. "CO2を原料とするポリマー:合成と構造制御の新展開" 野崎 京子, 平成23年度 東海シンポジウム:精密高分子の拓く未来, 名古屋国際会議場, 2012/1/13, Invited Lecture


  1. "Utilization of CO2 as a Carbon Resource." Kyoko Nozaki, 1st International Symposium on Molecular Activation, Awaji Yumebutai International Conference Center, Hyogo, Japan, 2011/11/9-10, Invited Lecture
  2. "New Catalysts for Carbonylation and Carboxylation." Kyoko Nozaki, 14-ACC, The Queen Sirikit National Convention Center (QSNCC), Bangkok, Thailand, 2011/9/5-8, Invited Lecture
  3. "New Catalysts for Carbonylation and Carboxylation." Kyoko Nozaki, 14-ACC Cambodia Satellite Meeting, Sofitel Luxury Hotel, Siem Reap, Cambodia, 2011/9/3-5, Invited Lecture
  4. "Catalyst Design for Tandem Hydroformylation/Hydrogenation of Alkenes." Kyoko Nozaki, 43rd IUPAC 2011, Symposium 47 CSY400 “Transition Metal Homogeneous Catalysis", state-of-the-art Puerto Rico Convention Center, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2011/7/30-8/7, Invited Lecture
  5. "Utilization of CO2 as a Carbon Resource." Kyoko Nozaki, France-Japan Coordination Chemistry Symposium (FJCCS 11), Rennes, France, 2011/6/28-7/2, Invited Lecture
  6. "Catalytic hydrogenation of carbon dioxide using Ir(III)-Pincer Complexes." Kyoko Nozaki, 11th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization (ICCDU 11), Universite de Bourgogne, Dijon, France, 2011/6/27-30, Invited Lecture
  7. "Group 10 metal catalyzed copolymerization of ethylene with polar monomers." Kyoko Nozaki, 2nd FAPS Polymer Congress 2011, China National Convention Center (CNCC), Beijing, China, 2011/5/8-11, Invited Lecture
  8. "Boron nucleophiles in organic synthesis." Kyoko Nozaki, ACS 241st National Meeting Acceptance, Anaheim, USA, 2011/3/27-31, Invited Lecture
  9. "Tandem hydroformylation/hydrogenation of terminal olefins." Kyoko Nozaki, ACS 241st National Meeting Acceptance, Anaheim, USA, 2011/3/27-31, Invited Lecture


  1. "Structural Control in Polymerization Utilizing CO or CO2" Kyoko Nozaki, 18th Gordon Research Conference Stereochemistry, Salve Regina University Newport, RI, USA, 2010/8/2, Invited Lecture
  2. "UTILIZATION OF CARBON DIOXIDE AS A CARBON RESOURCE" Kyoko Nozaki, BOSSXII(12th Belgian Organic Synthesis Symposium), 2010/7/15, Invited Lecture
  3. "Metal-Catakyzed Coordination-Insertion Polymerization of Polar Monomers" Kyoko Nozaki, ISHC-17(International Symposium on Homogeneous Catalysis), Poznan Poland, 2010/7/8, Plenary Lecture
  4. "Coordination Polymerization of Polar Monomers", Kyoko Nozaki, 2nd International Symposium on Polymer Materials Science and Technology, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, China, Invited Lecture, 2010/5/31
  5. "Development of Highly Efficient Catalyst for Alternating Copolymerization of Epoxide and Carbon Dioxide", Kyoko Nozaki, 2010 Tsinghua University Week at the University of Tokyo Symposium on Frontier Chemistry II, Chemistry Auditorium, the University of Tokyo, Invited Lecture, 2010/5/13
  6. "一酸化炭素、二酸化炭素をモノマーとする高分子合成", 野崎 京子, 10-1 ポリマーフロンティア21 炭素循環型社会に貢献する高分子科学・産業, 東工大蔵前会館 ロイアルブルーホール, 東京都, Invited Lecture, 2009/4/9
  7. "Stereocontrol in the alternating copolymerization of epoxide with carbon dioxide", Kyoko Nozaki, 239th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2010/3/21, Invited Lecture
  8. "Coordination polymerization of polar monomers" Kyoko Nozaki, ACP 2008 Lectureship award winner Seminar, National Taiwan University, Taipei, 2010/1/7, Award Lecture
  9. "Coordination polymerization of polar monomers" Kyoko Nozaki, ACP 2008 Lectureship award winner Seminar, National Tsing-Hua University, Taipei, 2010/1/6, Award Lecture
  10. "Coordination polymerization of polar monomers" Kyoko Nozaki, ACP 2008 Lectureship award winner Seminar, Academia Sinica, Taipei, 2010/1/5, Award Lecture


  1. "Coordination Polymerization of Polar Monomers" Kyoko Nozaki, Catalysis and Fine Chemicals 2009(C&FC2009), Seoul, 2009/12/17 Plenary Lecture
  2. "均一系触媒を用いる極性モノマーの精密重合", 野崎 京子, 泉科学技術振興財団創立20周年記念シンポジウム, メルパルク大阪, 大阪市, 大阪府, 2009/11/13 Invited Lecture
  3. "Coordination Polymerization of Polar Monomers", Kyoko Nozaki, Heidelberg Forum of Molecular Catalysis, University of Heidelberg, 2009/11/6 Invited Lecture
  4. "Ligand Design for Metal-catalyzed Polymerization of Polar Monomers", Kyoko Nozaki, The Nagoya Medal of Organic Chemistry 2009, 名古屋大学, 名古屋市, 愛知県, 2009/11/16, Silver Medal Lecture
  5. "Homogeneous catalysis for controlled polymerization of polar monomers", Kyoko Nozaki, GRATAMA WORKSHOP 2009, Delft University of Technology, 2009/9/14, Invited Lecture
  6. "coordination polymerization of polar monomers", Kyoko Nozaki, Seminar at University of Chicago, Invited Lecture, 2009/7/31
  7. "Carbon Monoxide and Carbon Dioxide as a C1 Synthon in Organic Synthesis", Kyoko Nozaki, Gordon Research Conferences, Tilton School, Invited Lecture, 2009/7/29
  8. "Alternating copolymerization of epoxide with CO2" Kyoko Nozaki, ACP Organic Seminar, SIOC(上海有機化学研究所), 2009/6/22
  9. "Coordination Polymerization of Polar Monomers" Kyoko Nozaki, Henkel Technical Conference, 2009/5/14, Invited Lecture
  10. "二酸化炭素をコモノマーとする重合反応" 野崎 京子, 第9回 グリーン・サステイナブルケミストリーシンポジウム, 学術総合センター 一橋記念講堂, 2009/3/9, Invited Lecture
  11. "極性モノマーの配位共重合のための新しい触媒の開発" 野崎 京子, 三井化学第4回触媒科学国際シンポジウム, かずさアカデミアホール, 千葉県, 2009/3/11, 受賞講演


  1. "Metal Complexes Bearing Anionic Ligands as Polymerization Catalysts", Kyoko Nozaki, 2008 Japan-USA Seminar on Polymer Synthesis, The Awaji Yumebutai International Conference Center, Awaji, Hyogo, Japan, Invited lecture, 2008/12/14
  2. "New Chemistry for Renewable Raw Materials", Kyoko Nozaki, Eleventh Annual Japanese-American Kavli Frontiers of Science Symposium, Beckman Center, Irvine, CA, USA, Invited Lecture, 2008/12/5
  3. "Neighboring group effect in homogeneous catalysis: Cobalt-Salen complex bearing ammonium arms", Kyoko Nozaki, 3rd International Conference on Cutting-Edge Organic Chemistry in Asia, Hangzhou, China, Invited Lecture, 2008/10/21
  4. "Late Transition Metal Complexes with Anionic Ligands and Their Application to Polymerization Catalysts", Kyoko Nozaki, The 12th International Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry, 2008/7/13-18, Plenary Lecture
  5. "Fine-Structural Control in Material Science: Materials…..where are we and where to go?", Kyoko Nozaki, Frontiers in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, Strasbourg, France, Plenary Lecture, 2008/5/28
  6. "金属錯体触媒を用いる極性モノマーの精密重合の研究", 野崎 京子, 第28回猿橋賞贈呈式, 東海大学校友会館, 東京都, 2008/5/24, 受賞講演
  7. "OMCOS (OrganoMetallic Chemistry directed towards Organic Synthesis) for polymer synthesis" Kyoko Nozaki, Bürgenstock Conference on Stereochemistry, 2008/4/12-18, Plenary Lecture
  8. "Catalytic C-C bond formations in organic synthesis and polymer synthesis", Kyoko Nozaki, University of Texas Symposium, University of Texas, Invited Lecture, 2008/3/22


  1. "Homogeneous Catalysis with Group 9 and 10 Metal Complexes", Kyoko Nozaki, BASF research meeting, 2007/10, Invited Lecture
  2. "Palladium-catalyzed coordination polymerization of polar vinyl monomers", Kyoko Nozaki, XVII EuCheMS Conference on Organometallic Chemistry, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2007/9/1-6, Plenary Lecture
  3. "Nucleophilic Introduction of a Boryl Ligand using Boryllithium", Kyoko Nozaki, 8th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry, Riverside, USA, 2007/8/12-16 Invited Lecture
  4. "New Catalysts for the Alternating Copolymerization of Epoxide and CO2", Kyoko Nozaki, A Star SYmposium, Singapore, 2007/5, Invited Lecture
  5. "New Catalysts for the Alternating Copolymerization of Epoxide and CO2", Kyoko Nozaki, The 8th International Symposium on Green Chemistry in China, Beijing, China, 2007/5/21-24, Invited Lecture


  1. "New Methylpalladium Complexes for Olefin Polymerization", Kyoko Nozaki, The 22nd International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry, Zaragoza, Spain, 2006/7/23-38, Sesional Lecture
  2. "Asymmetric Hydroformylation Catalyzed by a Rhodium complex Immobilzed to Highly Cross-Linked Polystyrene", Kyoko Nozaki, 12th International Conference on Polymer and Organic Chemistry, Okazaki, 2006/7/3-6, Invited Lecture
  3. "New Methylpalladium Complexes for Repetitive C-C Bond Formations", Kyoko Nozaki, The 8th International Symposium on Organic Reactions, Awaji, Hyogo, 2006/4/23-26.


  1. "Optically Active Polyketones: Synthesis, Structure, and Reactions", Kyoko Nozaki, The 3rd International Symposium on Integrated Synthesis, Ikoma, Osaka, 2005/9/30-10/1, Invited Lecture
  2. "Metal-catalyzed carbonylation and carboxylation of cyclic ethers" Kyoko Nozaki, Merck Symposium, University of Irvine, CA, USA, 2005/9/17, Invited Lecture
  3. "Asymmetric Alternating Copolymerization of Fluorinated Olefins with Carbon Monoxide", Kyoko Nozaki, The 8th International Polymer Conference, Fukuoka, 2005/7/27-29, Invited Lecture


  1. "Asymmetric Alternating Copolymerization of Cyclohexene Oxide with Carbon Dioxide", Kyoko Nozaki, The 8th SFB-Symposium Research Centre Jülich, Germany, 2004/10/7-8, Invited Lecture
  2. "Solvent-Free Asymmetric Olefin Hydroformylation Catalyzed by Highly Crosslinked Polystyrene-Supported Chiral Rh(I) Complex", Kyoko Nozaki, Green Solvents for Synthesis, Bruchsal, Germany, 20004/10/3-6, invited Lecture
  3. "Solvent-free asymmetric olefin hydroformylation catalyzed by highly crosslinked polystyrene-supported (R, S)-BINAPHOS-Rh(I) complex", Kyoko Nozaki, The 228th ACS national meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2004/8/21-23, Invited Lecture
  4. "Asymmetric Carbonylation of Olefins", Kyoko Nozaki, International Conference on Catalysis in Organic Synthesis: New Horizons Hyderabad, India, 2004/8/3-4


  1. "Metal-catalyzed Synthesis of Stereoregular Polyketones, Polyesters, and Polycarbonates", Kyoko Nozaki, Dalton Discussion 6, Organometallic Chemistry and Catalysis, University of York, UK, 2003/9/9-11, Invited Lecture
  2. "Asymmetric Alternating Copolymerization of Cyclohexene Oxide and Carbon Dioxide Catalyzed by Chiral Zinc Complexes", Kyoko Nozaki, The 39th IUPAC Congress and the 86th Conference of The Canadian Society for Chemistry, 2003/8/10-15, Invited Lecture
  3. "New Metal-Catalyzed Carbonylation Reactions", Kyoko Nozaki, Gordon Research Conference: Organometallic Chemistry, New Port, RI, USA, 20003/7/20-25, Invited Lecture
  4. "Asymmetric Catalytic Synthesis of Polyketones and Polycarbonates", Kyoko Nozaki, OMCOS Award Lecture, The 12th Organo-Metallic Chemistry directed towards Organic Synthesis, University of Toronto, Canada, 2003/7/6-10.


  1. "Asymmetric Alternating Copolymerization of Cyclohexene Oxide and Carbon Dioxide", Kyoko Nozaki, The 224th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Control of Polymer Stereochemistry Using Single-Site Catalysts, Boston, MA, USA, 2002, 8/19-22, Invited Lecture
  2. "Asymmetric Hydroformylation: Mechanism and Applications", Kyoko Nozaki, The 8th International Conference on the Chemistry of Platinum Metals, Southampton, 2002/7/7-12, Invited Lecture
  3. "光学活性ポリマーの合成と機能化", 野崎 京子, 高分子年次大会, パシフィコ横浜, 横浜市, 神奈川県, 5月29−31日, Invited Lecture


  1. "Asymmetric Alternating Copolymerization of Olefins with CO: What Kind of “Function” Can We Expect ?", Kyoko Nozaki, COST D24 Management Committee Meeting and Workshop, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, 2001/11/15-18, Invited Lecture
  2. "Asymmetric Hydroformylation Catalyzed by Polymer-Supported Rh Catalysts", Kyoko Nozaki, The 221st American Chemical Society National Meeting, Special Symposium for Phase Separable Catalyst of the Inorganic Division, San Diego, CA, USA, 2001/4/1-3, Invited Lecture


  1. "Asymmetric Hydroformylation of Olefins with (R, S)-BINAPHOS–Rh", Kyoko Nozaki, PACIFICHEM 2000, symposium # 65 Discovery and Development of Asymmetric Synthesis and Chiral Technology, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A, 2000/12/14-19, Invited Lecture
  2. "Asymmetric Synthesis Polymerization of C1 Resources", Kyoko Nozaki, PACIFICHEM 2000, symposium # 57 Precision Polymerization and Controlled Supramolecular Architectures, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A, 2000/12/14-19, Invited Lecture


  1. "Catalytic Asymmetric Carbonylation of Olefins", Kyoko Nozaki, Royal Chemical Society Dalton Division, The 7th International Symposium on Pt Group Metal Chemistry, Nottingham, UK, 1999/7/25-30, Invited Lecture


  1. "Asymmetric Carbonylation of Olefins", Kyoko Nozaki, European Research Conferences/EICS VII on Inorganic Chemistry, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain, 1998/9/4-9, Invited Lecture
  2. "Asymmetric Alternating Copolymerization of Olefins with CO", Kyoko Nozaki, Gordon Research Conference: Organometallic Chemistry, New Port, RI, USA, 1998/7/26-31, Invited Lecture
  3. "Asymmetric Hydroformylation of Olefins", Kyoko Nozaki, Gordon Research Conference: Organic Reactions & Processes, Henniker, NH, USA, 1998/7/12-17, Invited Lecture


  1. "Asymmetric Carbonylation of Olefins", Kyoko Nozaki, Symposium on "Catalysis in Organometallic Chemistry, model, Mechanism and application" in 80th Canadian Society for Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Windsor, Canada, 1997/5/31-6/6, Invited Lecture


  1. "Enantioselective Copolymerization of α-Olefins with Carbon Monoxide Catalyzed by a Pd(II) Complex of a Chiral Phosphine-phosphite", Kyoko Nozaki, 10th International Symposium on Homogeneous Catalysis (ISCH10), IL-12, Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.A., 1996/8/11-16, Invited Lecture


  1. "Highly Enantioselective Carbonylations of Olefins Catalyzed by BINAPHOS–Metal Complexes", Kyoko Nozaki, PACIFICHEM 1995, symposium #07-M, Activation and Utilization of Small Molecules, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A., 1995/12/17-22, Invited Lecture
  2. "Chiral Lewis Acid with Two Metal Centers", Kyoko Nozaki, The 10th Nozaki Conference, Nagoya, Japan, 1995/6/17-18, Invited Lecture
