パーソナリティ特性が自分の声の知覚に及ぼす影響日本基礎心理学会第43回大会. 2024年12月
Changes in Bayesian properties induced by visual temporal learning in humans.Society for Neuroscience 2024, USA. 2024年10月
The impact of arm-crossing and simultaneity on tactile temporal perception in young and older adults.Society for Neuroscience 2024, USA. 2024年10月
ゲーミングモニタは高額な研究用LCD モニタの代用となり得るか?日本視覚学会夏季大会, 2024.9.
Brain Development of Selective Attention Enhances Credit Assignment.The 7th annual conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience. Cambridge, USA. 2024年8月
The effects of tactile temporal frequency on the distortion of perceived time.33rd International Congress of Psychology. Prague, Czech Republic. 2024年7月
Understanding How Flickers Distort Perception of Time: Role of Conscious PerceptionThe Cognitive Science Arena. Brixen, Italy. 2024年2月
Nonlinear Analysis of Foreperiod Data: Time Perception ApplicationsUTIDAHM 2023年度公開シンポジウム, 2023年12月
Predicting Compulsivity From Learning Behavior With Deep Neural NetworkUTIDAHM 2023年度公開シンポジウム, 2023年12月
Relative Neural Representations of Time and NumerosityUTIDAHM 2023年度公開シンポジウム, 2023年12月
Influence of external frame of reference on non-spatial tactile perceptionUTIDAHM 2023年度公開シンポジウム, 2023年12月
The Impact of Stimulus Duration Distributions on Perception: A Study via Bayesian Recency ModelPsychonomic Society 64th Annual Meeting., San Francisco, USA 2023年11月
Aging and Timing: Examining the link between Explicit and Implicit Timing Across Age Groups3rd conference of Timing Research Forum., Lisbon, Portugal 2023年10月
Flicker-induced Time Dilation in the Absence of Conscious Timing: Insights from the Implicit Timing Paradigm3rd conference of Timing Research Forum., Lisbon, Portugal 2023年10月
Relative Neural Representations of Time and Numerosity3rd conference of Timing Research Forum., Lisbon, Portugal 2023年10月
The Nonlinearity Issue in Modeling Foreperiod Effect: Origins, Solution, Implications3rd conference of Timing Research Forum., Lisbon, Portugal 2023.10
時間知覚の加齢変化:時間長知覚と時間的予測の関係の検討日本視覚学会夏季大会 2023年9月
人間はAI生成絵画を見分け,評価できるか?日本視覚学会夏季大会 2023年9月
Shared Neural Representations of Relative Magnitudes for Numerosity and Time第7回ヒト脳イメージング研究会 2023年9月
Generalization and Discrimination in Reinforcement Learning: Developmental Trajectories and the Potential Link with Psychotic Symptoms.Cognitive Computational Neuroscience (CCN) 2023.08
同じ視覚刺激に含まれる異なる次元のマグニチュード情報の統合日本視覚学会冬季大会 2023年1月
触覚刺激の時間変調が知覚時間に及ぼす効果の検討日本基礎心理学会第41回大会 2022年12月
Effect of temporal modulation of tactile stimulus on time perceptionUTIDAHM 2022年度公開シンポジウム, 2022年12月
Investigation of the changes of psychological indexes associated with time compression effect in VR environment.UTIDAHM 2022年度公開シンポジウム, 2022年12月
刺激呈示パターンに基づく予測が主観時間長に及ぼす影響UTIDAHM 2022年度公開シンポジウム, 2022年12月
Non-spatial tactile perception: Is is affected by external frame of reference?UTIDAHM 2022年度公開シンポジウム, 2022年12月
時間と数のマグニチュード情報の最適な統合UTIDAHM 2022年度公開シンポジウム, 2022年12月
Young children generalize as fast as adults, but discrimination matures at adolescence.UTIDAHM 2022年度公開シンポジウム, 2022年12月
Overestimation of Flickers Is Accompanied by Higher Temporal Precision in a Phase-Independent MannerUTIDAHM 2022年度公開シンポジウム, 2022年12月
Scalable Representation of Numerosity and Its Representational Space時間生成学 第1回国際シンポジウム 2022年11月
Non-spatial tactile perception: Is is affected by external frame of reference?The Society for Neuroscience 2022.11
Scalable representations of numerical magnitude in human frontoparietal cortexEuropean Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP) 2022, 2022年8–9月
"Flicker-induced time dilation does not depend on the phase of visually-entrained alpha oscillations"European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP) 2022, 2022年8–9月
Magnitude integration of time and numerosity evaluated using Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) modelEuropean Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP) 2022, 2022年8–9月
前頭頭頂ネットワークにおける数量情報の相対的符号化NEURO2022 2022年7月
Developmental Trajectory of Generalization and Discrimination in Human Reinforcement Learning.RLDM2022 June 2022
“Investigating self-advantage in face processing using an adapted ABX procedure and face morphing”Vision Science Society, 22nd Annual Meeting. St Pete Beach FL USA 2022.5
多変量パターン解析による数の相対的符号化仮説の検証.時間生成学2021年度第2回領域会議 2022年2月
顔のmorphing画像を用いた自己の顔に対する弁別閾と他者の顔に対する弁別閾の比較日本視覚学会冬期大会 2022年1月
Negative Aftereffect for Distance But Not for Time Estimation in an Egocentric Navigation TaskPsychonomic Society 62nd Annual Meeting, Online, Nov 2021.
視覚情報に基づく移動距離および移動時間推定に対する順応効果日本視覚学会夏季大会, オンライン, 9月, 2021年.
COVID-19流行による外出規制が人々の心理状態におよぼす影響時間生成学2020年度第2回領域会議 2021年1月
tRNS-EEG 同時使⽤によるノイズ誘発位相同期の検証時間生成学2020年度第2回領域会議 2021年1月
順応法を用いたVR環境における移動距離/時間知覚メカニズムの検討時間生成学2020年度第2回領域会議 2021年1月
時間長情報の視聴覚間統合における注意の役割時間生成学2020年度第2回領域会議 2021年1月
Longitudinal study of time perception of Tokyoites by age group during the COVID-19 pandemic時間生成学2020年度第2回領域会議 2021年1月
向社会行動における意思決定過程の個人差の検討日本社会心理学会第61回大会 2020年11月
呈示刺激への注意が視聴覚間の時間長情報統合に及ぼす効果日本視覚学会夏期大会 2020年9月
Neural entrainment influences visual perception without the conscious perception of stimulus changes.Virtual Vision Sciences Society, 2020.06
Effects of attentional load on the reproduction of visually marked rhythmic interval compared to auditory modality in older adultsVirtual Vision Sciences Society, 2020.06
Shared frequency-specific coding between auditory perception and auditory imagery revealed by multi-voxel pattern analysisSociety for Neuroscience 49th annual meeting. Chicago, USA. 2019.10
Response characteristics to own voice in the human auditory cortexSociety for Neuroscience 49th annual meeting. Chicago, USA. 2019.10
Brain pattern in V1 changes after receiving social informationSociety for Neuroscience 49th annual meeting. Chicago, USA. 2019.10
Tactile Vibration Near 1-Hz Affects the Passage of Time in a Waiting Situation2nd conference of Timing Research Forum., Queretaro, Mexico 2019.10
Perception and production of Rhythmic timing in older adults2nd conference of Timing Research Forum., Queretaro, Mexico 2019.10
The Influence of social information on visual perceptual decision making3rd Japanese Meeting for Human Brain Imaging, Tokyo, Japan 2019.9
Bayesian item response model with condition-specific parameters for evaluating the differential effects of perspective-taking on emotional sharingThe 41st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Montreal QB Canada 2019.7
Multitask item response model revealed bias in estimated emotional features due to response style within the Open Affective Standardized Image Set (OASIS)The 52nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Psychology. Montreal QB Canada 2019.7
Ensemble perception for durations of visual stimuliVision Science Society, 19th Annual Meeting. St Pete Beach FL USA 2019.5
Effects of irrelevant information on duration perceptionVision Science Society, 19th Annual Meeting. St Pete Beach FL USA 2019.5
視覚刺激持続時間のアンサンブル知覚日本視覚学会冬季大会 2019年1月
無関係な時間情報が間隔時間知覚に及ぼす影響日本視覚学会冬季大会 2019年1月
神経引き込みを用いた時間長の記憶表象の検証日本基礎心理学会第37回大会 2018年12月
周期的な刺激が時間知覚に及ぼす影響日本基礎心理学会第37回大会 2018年12月
Inducing Time Dilation by the Beat Frequency of Combinative High-Frequency Flickers: An EEG StudyPsychonomic Society 59th Annual Meeting. New Orleans, America. 2018.11
Role of the Basal Ganglia in Explicit and Implicit Rhythmic TimingPsychonomic Society 59th Annual Meeting. New Orleans, America. 2018.11
The Effect of Stimulus Positions on Statistical LearningPsychonomic Society 59th Annual Meeting. New Orleans, America. 2018.11
刺激の運動パタンが時間知覚に及ぼす影響日本視覚学会夏期大会 2018年8月
内側前頭前皮質(mPFC)への経頭蓋直流電気刺激(tDCS)が与える「美しさ」への感情への効果日本視覚学会夏期大会 2018年8月
明滅刺激による周波数引き込みが時間長の知覚と記憶に及ぼす効果日本視覚学会夏期大会 2018年8月
How do transcranial Electric Stimulations modulate functional connectivity? Within-subject comparison of four different stimulation protocolsThe Japan Neuroscience Society Meeting. 2018.7
Optimal multisensory integration precedes optimal time estimationInternational Multisensory Research Forum 2018. Toronto, Canada. 2018.6
Larger time dilation induced by 10-Hz flicker is associated with larger 10-Hz neural entrainmentsVision Science Society, 18th Annual Meeting. St Pete Beach FL USA 2018.5
Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (lDLPFC) selectively modulates our sense of beautyVision Science Society, 18th Annual Meeting. St Pete Beach FL USA 2018.5
Saccadic eye movement following a moving object results in a longer perceived duration compared with smooth pursuitVision Science Society, 18th Annual Meeting. St Pete Beach FL USA 2018.5
Effects of Transcranial Electric Stimulation to Early Visual Areas on Regional BOLD fMRI Activity During Visual TaskVision Science Society, 18th Annual Meeting. St Pete Beach FL USA 2018.5
Effects of tACS on time perceptionThe 4th CiNet Conference: Neural oscillation and functional connectivity: from anatomy to perception. Osaka, Japan. 2018.2
Comparison of Effects of Different Transcranial Electric Stimulations Applied to Visual CortexThe 4th CiNet Conference: Neural oscillation and functional connectivity: from anatomy to perception. Osaka, Japan. 2018.2
視覚野への経頭蓋電気刺激が視覚課題遂行中のBOLD信号に及ぼす効果日本視覚学会冬期大会 2018年1月
Auditory traits of “own voice”Psychonomic Society 58th Annual Meeting. Vancouver, Canada. 2017.11
Multiple Intervals of Events can be Represented in Working Memory as Discrete ItemsPsychonomic Society 58th Annual Meeting. Vancouver, Canada. 2017.11
Evidence against Increased Temporal Resolution Induced by Images That Give Impression of Danger1st Conference of the Timing Research Forum. Strasbourg, France. 2017.10
Effect of Entrainment at Intermodulation Frequency on Perceived Duration1st Conference of the Timing Research Forum. Strasbourg, France. 2017.10
Transcranial electric stimulation (tES) to early visual areas alters large-scale functional connectivityVision Sciences Society, 17th Annual Meeting. St Pete Beach FL USA 2017.5
Luminance motion induces larger time compression and larger time dilation than equiluminant motionVision Sciences Society, 17th Annual Meeting. St Pete Beach FL USA 2017.5
経頭蓋電気刺激が視覚野-全脳間の機能的結合に与える影響日本視覚学会冬期大会 2017年1月
Altered brain networks in congenital adrenal hyperplasia revealed using multimodal MRISociety for Neuroscience 46th annual meeting, San Diego, CA, USA. 2016.11
Role of interhemispheric cortical connections in time perception: a case study with agenesis of the corpus callosumSociety for Neuroscience 46th annual meeting, San Diego, CA, USA. 2016.11
「自分の声」の音響特性日本基礎心理学会第35回大会 2016年10月30日
主観的な時間経過の判断は時間的予期に依存する日本基礎心理学会第35回大会 2016年10月29日
時間長符号化の計算方略:時間長順応および中心化傾向の時間スケール依存性日本基礎心理学会第35回大会 2016年10月29日
Optimal encoding of event duration: Modality-dependence of the central tendency.日本基礎心理学会第35回大会サテライトオーラルセッション 2016年10月28日
周期的に変動する知覚時間日本視覚学会夏期大会 2016年8月
時間長符号化の最適化ー中心化傾向の感覚モダリティ依存性ー日本視覚学会夏期大会 2016年8月
フリッカ刺激による知覚時間延長への大細胞系の影響の検討日本視覚学会夏期大会 2016年8月
時間長知覚における脳梁の役割:脳梁無形成の症例研究からの検討日本視覚学会夏期大会 2016年8月
Modality-dependent and modality-independent nature of central tendency in time perceptionVision Sciences Society, 16th Annual Meeting. St Pete Beach FL USA 2016.5
Flickering task-irrelevant distractors dilate the perceived duration of a target not on the retinotopic coordinate but on the cortical coordinateVision Sciences Society, 16th Annual Meeting. St Pete Beach FL USA 2016.5
Perceived time fluctuates at around theta rhythmVision Sciences Society, 16th Annual Meeting. St Pete Beach FL USA 2016.5
課題無関連の明滅刺激が知覚時間を歪める日本視覚学会冬期大会 2016年1月20日
時間長順応による知覚時間の歪みは幅広い時間長で生じる日本視覚学会冬期大会 2016年1月20日
現在と過去の時間長知覚-異なる2つの記憶メカニズム日本基礎心理学会第34回大会 2015年11月28日
Predictive and relative coding of interval time revealed by fMRISociety for Neuroscience 45th annual meeting, Chicago, U.S.A. 2015.10
Time distortions and neural modulations induced by temporally modulated multi-modal stimuliSociety for Neuroscience 45th annual meeting, Chicago, U.S.A. 2015.10
運動軌跡の知覚と相関する腹側視覚路の活動日本視覚学会夏期大会 2015年7月27日
時間知覚の脳内ネットワークの文脈依存的な活動変化日本視覚学会夏期大会 2015年7月27日
視聴覚刺激の時間変調に誘発される時間知覚の変化と脳波の周波数特性の変化の関係第30回 日本生体磁気学会大会 2015年6月
Context-dependent neural modulations in the perception of duration, revealed by fMRIVision Sciences Society, 15th Annual Meeting. St Pete Beach FL USA 2015.5
Contribution of the ventral visual pathway to Perception of the Wriggling Motion Trajectory Illusion: an fMRI studyVision Sciences Society, 15th Annual Meeting. St Pete Beach FL USA 2015.5
フリッカー,フラッターを知覚した際の主観的時間の歪みの検証日本視覚学会冬期大会 2015年1月
Visually perceived time dilates with flickering in alpha frequency, but not with flickering in other frequency rangesVision Sciences Society, 14th Annual Meeting. St Pete Beach FL USA 2014.5
Neural mechanisms of the distortion of interval-time perception in response to visual flicker and auditory flutterAsian-Pacific Conference on Vision., Takamatsu Japan 2014.5.20
Neural mechanisms of the distortion of interval-time perception in response to visual flicker and auditory flutterConscious Experience of Time. Berlin, Germany. 2014.9
フリッカ刺激の時間周波数成分が時間知覚延長に及ぼす効果日本視覚学会冬季大会 2014年1月22日
長期の運動学習における逆行性干渉日本基礎心理学会 2013年12月8日
The role of awareness on visual perceptual learning of inhibition: a fMRI studyVision Sciences Society, 13th Annual Meeting. Naples FL USA 2013.5
When is old better? Task irrelevant perceptual learning with older peopleVision Sciences Society, 13th Annual Meeting. Naples FL USA 2013.5
Brain morphological changes associated with normal aging in the early visual cortexVision Sciences Society, 12th Annual Meeting. Naples FL USA 2012.5
Wriggling Motion Trajectory IllusionVision Sciences Society, 12th Annual Meeting. Naples FL USA 2012.5
Shape-from-Motion is intact even when motion perception is impaired: a TMS studyVision Sciences Society, 12th Annual Meeting. Naples FL USA 2012.5
Age-associated changes on human retinotopic representation in the early visual cortexSociety for Neuroscience Annual meeting, Washington DC, 2011.11
Inhibitory modulation to non-target stimulus disrupts visual perceptual learning of target stimulus : a fMRI studySociety for Neuroscience Annual meeting, Washington DC, 2011.11
White matter anisotropy changes in early visual areas only with older subjects in association with visual perceptual learningSociety for Neuroscience Annual meeting, San Diego, 2010.11
Perceptual learning and changes in white matter in the aged brain revealed by diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)Vision Sciences Society, 10th Annual Meeting. Naples FL USA 2010.5
Interference and feature specificity in visual perceptual learningVision Sciences Society, 10th Annual Meeting. Naples FL USA 2010.5
Cortical recruitment of multiple areas for perceptual learning of elderly adults is specific for the trained locationVision Sciences Society, 9th Annual Meeting. Naples FL USA 2010.5
fMRI assessment of recovery from age-related visual loss using perceptual learningSociety for Neuroscience Annual meeting, Washington DC, 2008.11
While V1 activity enhancement that occurs immediately after PL training is nullified due to consolidation, the performance enhancement sustainsVision Sciences Society, 7th Annual Meeting. Floroda, USA 2007.5
Trained location-specific neural changes during sleep after a visual perceptual learningSociety for Neuroscience Annual meeting, San Diego, 2007.11
Brain activity related to consolidation of perceptual learning during sleepVision Sciences Society, 7th Annual Meeting. Florida, USA 2007.5
Greater response conflict from weaker visual signalsVision Sciences Society, 6th Annual Meeting. Florida, USA 2006.5
Electrophysiological evidence of intentional suppression in human visual working memorySociety for Neuroscience Annual meeting, Washington DC, 2005.11
Vision leaves its fingerprints on memory: Recognition and identification memory for compound gratingsVision Sciences Society, 5th Annual Meeting. Florida, USA 2005.5
What can and cannot we ignore? : Implicit process behind intentional ignoringVision Sciences Society, 5th Annual Meeting. Florida, USA 2005.5
Signal detection analysis for recognition and identification of episodic visual memoryPsychonomic Society, Minneapolis MN, 2004.11
Applying Noisy Exemplar Model to human visual memory with synthetic facesMathematical Psychology Meeting, Ann Arbor, 2004.8
Vergence eye movement elicited by second-order motionThe Association for Research in Vision and Opthalomology, Fort Lauderdale, FL 2001.4
Two depth mechanisms invoked by vergence modulationThe Association for Research in Vision and Opthalomology, Fort Lauderdale, FL 2000.4
Effectiveness of Vergence Cue at Very Short Viewing DistanceThe Association for Research in Vision and Opthalomology, Fort Lauderdale, FL 1999.4