Credit Transfer

I would like to clarify the procedure to apply for credit transfer from your study abroad.

  1. Please send an email to director[at] and okada[at], stating your request for credit transfer and briefly about your study abroad experience, including the department and school that you attended, the country where the school is locating and the length of your stay. No attachment, please.
  2. I will most probably approve the filing of your application. Please take note that nothing is guaranteed at this point. It is simply that you can now apply for credit transfer.
  3. Upon receiving my approval, please go visit the following website, read instructions and upload the necessary documents at the designated site. In lieu of my seal, you may upload the PDF or photo image of my approval email.

The due date for 3 is Friday, May 15. So if you are thinking about credit transfer, please start now.

Taihei Okada, JEA Director