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2014年 夏学期 第7回 物性セミナー

 講師 Prof. Sung G Chung(Western Michigan University)

 題目 Entanglement perturbation theory: idea, success and challenge

 日時 2014年 6月 20日(金) 午後4時30分

 場所 16号館 827


Strong correlation has been an important key word in condensed matter physics and related fields. The so-called mean-field-theories qualitatively fail in such strongly correlated systems, and one resorts to methods such as numerical simulation, Monte Carlo and numerical renormalization group. The former two have a limitation in the system size while in the last the Hilbert space is systematically truncated to handle a macroscopic system. The numerical-RG has thus attracted much attention with significant success in physics, chemistry and other science fields, but its apparent lack of accuracy in two space dimensions has become clear over the last two decades. In this talk, I will introduce entanglement perturbation theory (EPT) as a novel, purely algebraic and non-RG many-body method. I will discuss its basic idea, progress so far, and its future prospect.







[ページのアクセス数: 0283377]

最終更新時間:2014年06月03日 06時49分43秒