東京大学大学院 農学生命科学研究科 応用生命化学専攻 生物有機化学研究室




  1. Iwano, M., Ito, K., Shimosato-Asano, H., Lai, K.-S., and Takayama, S. Self-Incompatibility in the Brassicaceae, In "Sexual Reproduction in Animals and Plants" (Eds. Sawada, H., Inoue, N., and Iwano, M.), Springer pp. 245-254, 2014

  2. Kaothien-Nakayama, P., Isogai, A., and Takayama, S. Self-incompatibility systems in flowering plants, In "Plant Developmental Biology-Biotechnological Perspectives" Vol. 1, Springer, pp. 459-485, 2010

  3. Watanabe, M., Suzuki, G., and Takayama, S. Milestones identifying self-incompatibility genes in Brassica species - From old stories to new findings. In "Self-Incompatibility in Flowering Plants: Evolution, Diversity, and Mechanisms" (Ed. Franklin-Tong, V.E.), Springer, pp. 151-172, 2008

  4. Watanabe, M., Suzuki, G., Shiba, H., and Takayama, S. Molecular mechanisms of self-incompatibility in Brassicaceae, In ''Floriculture, Ornamental and Plant Biotechnology: Advances and Topical Issues (1st Edition)" (Ed. da Silva, J.A.T.), Global Science Books, pp. 552-555, 2006