At the 18th Symposium on Biorelevant Chemistry, Hiroyuki Yatabe received the RSC poster award, and Takashi Furuhata (currently Assistant Professor, The University of Tokyo) received the lecture award! Congratulations!
We welcome post-docs and students for master's and doctroral programs who are interested in our research projects. Contact us by sending an email to Prof. Sando (ssando@chembio.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp).
Department of Chemistry & Biotechnology,
Department of Bioengineering (adjunct),
School of Engineering,
The University of Tokyo
7-3-1 Hongo, Kougakubu Buid. 3
Tokyo, Japan113-8656
TEL: 03-5841-6978
Email: ssando@chembio.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp(Contacts of project leaders can be found at Member)