User Policy利用規約

A special site for “Challenge!! Open Governance 2021” ( and its subordinate directories (the “Website”) is a deliverable of “Public Administration & Information Technology” (PadIT), a research project maintained by the Graduate School of Public Policy, the University of Tokyo, and managed by the Secretariat for Challenge!! Open Governance 2021 (the “COG Secretariat”).
Please use the Website with an understanding of the considerations mentioned below.

Terms of Use for the Website

Article 1 (Application of Terms)

  1. 1. The Terms of Use for the Website (“Terms”) shall be applied to use of the Website as a service for providing contest information via the Website operated by the COG Secretariat.
  2. 2. Anyone using the Website shall be deemed to have agreed to all provisions of the Terms.
  3. 3. Designated notices given to users by the COG Secretariat shall constitute part of the Terms.

Article 2 (Change of Terms)

  1. 1. Terms may be changed at the discretion of the COG Secretariat and without prior notice. Continuous use of the Website indicates that users have agreed to the changed provisions.
  2. 2. The changed Terms shall become effective when they are posted on the Website, except in case(s) separately designated by the COG Secretariat.

Article 3 (Notice by the COG Secretariat)

  1. 1. The COG Secretariat shall give users notices as needed at any time by posting on the Website or sending e-mails, for example, as deemed appropriate by the COG Secretariat.
  2. 2. A notice described in the preceding provision shall become effective when posted on the Website or sent via e-mail (in cases of such notification methods).

Article 4 (Use of the Website)

Users shall take full responsibility in using information distributed on the Website in accordance with the following provisions.

  1. 1. Links to pages
    Users are at liberty to provide a link to the pages on the Website or publicize the URL in magazines or other media, although prohibitions may be applicable for specific contents. Please note the following considerations:
    • (1) Linking to the Website for commercial or sales purposes of other websites is prohibited.
    • (2) It should be made clear that the link is for the Website operated by the COG Secretariat.
    • (3) Displaying the Website pages within a frame disturbs proper display, which may mislead viewers. Proper set-up is necessary for users to open a link in another window.
    *It is not necessary to notify the Secretariat about your link or publication in a magazine and other media. However, such notification is appreciated.
    *Please acknowledge that we may change the URL for certain pages or discontinue posting without prior notice.
  2. 2. External linking
    The COG Secretariat assumes no responsibility for the contents of external links posted on the Website. Further, the COG Secretariat does not accept any requests for external linking. Linking to other websites is only for users’ convenience and is not an endorsement of privacy policies or accessibility associated with such websites.
  3. 3. Users shall prepare and use necessary communication environments, including both hardware and software, at their own expense. Applicants shall take full responsibility for preserving documents and other data that they prepared for application.
    • - Recommended environments
      To use the Website safely, the following environments are recommended. When using the Website in other environments, some functions may not work or some pages may not be displayed or read properly. Even when the recommended browsers are used, some pages may not function or may not be displayed or read properly, depending on the computer environments used.

      Microsoft Edge (latest version)
      Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
      Google Chrome (latest version)
      Mozilla Firefox (latest version)

      Apple Safari (latest version)
      Google Chrome (latest version)
      Mozilla Firefox (latest version)

      <Smartphone and tablet>
      iOS 8 or newer version
      Android 4.4 or newer version

      When using a media player, e-book reader, or game console, some pages may not function or may not be displayed or read properly.
    • - Browser set-up
      JavaScript needs to be effective to use the Website.

      [JavaScript environments]
      The Website uses JavaScript. Please note that pages may not be displayed properly if it is not activated.
    • - Precautions
      *Setting up a spam e-mail filter to enable the receipt of responses from the COG Secretariat at your e-mail address is recommended.

Article 5 (Intellectual Property Rights)

Users shall acknowledge and agree to the contents of the following provisions:

  1. 1. Copyright
    Use of photographs posted on the Website (excluding photos of human subjects), site design, HTML, or copyrighted works in the texts (e.g., reproductions, public transmission, adaptation of translation or variation) shall be licensed under Creative Commons license (“CC License”), Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)—copyright licensing conditions specified at Please refer to “How to give credit” in the next section for an overview of the CC License and use of copyrighted works.
    CC BY 4.0 is not applied to the copyrights of elements on the Website other than those mentioned above (including, but not limited to, numerical or graphical data). These rights are protected by Japanese laws and international treaties. Copyrights of organizations’ logo designs are attributed to each organization and any secondary use on websites other than the Website is prohibited.
  2. 2. How to give cred
    The Website applies CC BY 4.0, as mentioned in Article 5-1, to some pages. Please refer to the Creative Commons site ( for an overview of the CC License and description of icons.
    CC BY 4.0 ( requires indication of sources in the use of copyrighted works as follows (users should complete the items shown in brackets [ ]):

    ◎Using a reproduction without any alteration
    [Title of the data], Challenge!! Open Governance 2021, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) (

    A licensed URL can be provided using a hyperlink to the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) characters, instead of providing information as text.
  3. 3. Third parties’ rights
    For data or any portions of data that are copyrighted by a third party or data for which a third party holds rights other than copyright (e.g., right of portrait or publicity regarding photographs), users shall take responsibility for gaining approval of use from the respective third party, except in cases in which a clear statement has been issued that such rights have been handled already. The COG Secretariat does not identify or clarify any data or portions thereof for which a third party holds a right, in principle.

Article 6 (Prohibitions)

  1. 1. The following actions are prohibited on the Website:
    • a) Any actions that violate laws and any actions soliciting or promoting illegal acts
    • b) Any actions offending public order and morals or which are contrary to accepted wisdom
    • c) Any actions creating disadvantages for other users, third parties, or the COG Secretariat
    • d) Any queries to the COG Secretariat that disturb the smooth operation of Challenge!! Open Governance 2021
    • e) Any queries to judges for Challenge!! Open Governance 2021
  2. 2. Any other activities that the COG Secretariat considers inappropriate are prohibited.
  3. 3. If any activities specified in the preceding items are confirmed, the COG Secretariat may take adequate action, including implementing a change in registered information or deregistration, without prior notice to users.
  4. 4. All communications before and after a violation of the Terms are made to the registered e-mail address. Even if users cannot confirm the e-mail from the COG Secretariat for personal reasons, the communication shall be deemed to have been completed.
  5. 5. No questions or complaints regarding actions that violate the Terms are accepted.

    *The following acts are strictly prohibited:
    - Any acts that overload the server or disturb other users’ access or operation
    - Any acts that disturb the operation of the Website or its network system

Article 7 (Suspension of Services)

  1. 1. The COG Secretariat may suspend the services of the Website temporarily at any time and at its discretion.
  2. 2. The COG Secretariat shall assume no indemnity or obligation for any damages, losses, or other expenditures incurred from suspension of services to users.

Article 8 (Termination of Services)

  1. 1. The COG Secretariat shall assume no indemnity or obligation for any damages, losses, or other expenditures incurred from termination of services to users.
  2. 2. A notice of the preceding item shall be posted on the Website or sent via e-mail to users of the mail service provided by the Website. Such notice shall become effective under the provisions of Article 3.
  3. 3. The COG Secretariat shall assume no indemnity or obligation for any damages, losses, or other expenditures incurred by the termination of services to users when it discontinues services after notifying the users by the means specified in item 1 above.

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