メンバーの募集 Recruitment


We are currently seeking applications from students and postdoctoral researchers to investigate the intricate dynamics of plant-microbe interactions. The overarching themes of our research include but are not limited to parasitic-mutualistic continuums, comparative analyses of parasites and mutualists, plant growth promotion, plant nutrition, fluctuating environments, and the plant-microbe holobiont.

学部生の方 当研究室は、東京大学/教養学部/統合自然科学科に属しています。進振制度で総合自然科学学科に進学いただければ当研究室で研究することが可能です。興味を持たれたらまずは下記にご連絡下さい。
Our lab also participates in PEAK course (https://peak.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp). You can choose our lab for your graduation thesis.



・For Master, or PhD candidates
If you are interested in joining our laboratory as a master's or PhD candidate, we invite you to apply to The Graduate Program in Environmental Sciences (GPES).
Detailed information about the program can be found at this link (https://gpes.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp).
We are also accepting applications from postdoctoral candidates.
Before reaching out to us, we kindly ask that you familiarize yourself with our published works, which can be found at this link (https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ufAitXsAAAAJ&hl=en).


増田研究室 (植物分子生物学・葉緑体色素の分子生理学)

阿部研究室 (植物遺伝学・花発生)

末次研究室 (植物分子生理学・植物光生物学)

〒153-8902 東京都目黒区駒場3-8-1
Department of Life Sciences, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 3-8-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8902 Japan

晝間(ひるま)敬 Kei Hiruma
E-mail:hiruma アットマーク g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp

東京大学 The University of Tokyo

大学院総合文化研究科・教養学部 The University of Tokyo, Komaba

広域科学専攻 生命環境科学系 Department of Life Sciences
