Innovative Basic Research Toward Creation of High-performance Battery

Innovative Basic Research Toward Creation of High-performance Battery

Project Outline

In this research project we are targeting the development of post-lithium ion batteries through the design and synthesis of battery materials on the atomic and molecular level based on the ideal for battery construction without limiting ourselves to existing battery materials.

In this research proposal, the leading chemistry and physics researchers in Japan will participate as core researchers, co-core researchers and sub-project members. They will pursue academic integration through an organic process of coordination as they pursue basic research such as:

(i) Rational materials design on the atomic and molecular level (active materials, electrodes, electrolytes and separators, etc.),

(ii) Developing new-concept storage batteries,

(iii) Developing high level analysis and interpretation technologies,

(iv) Developing material computation and simulation technologies.

This basic research will develop the component technologies of post-lithium ion batteries a step ahead of the world. According to the above research plan, this project is will design new-concept battery systems, synthesize revolutionary new materials and establish cutting edge simulation and measurement/analysis technologies.

Storage Battery System Development Based on Revolutionary Materials Development

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Storage Battery System Development Based on Revolutionary Materials Development

(i) Rationally designing and synthesizing materials on the atomic and molecular level

All battery materials such as active materials, electronics, electrolytes, separators, binders and interfaces, etc.

(ii) Developing new-concept storage batteries

Charge carriers other than lithium, high energy density electrodes, completely solid-state batteries and metal-air batteries

(iii) Developing high level analysis and interpretation technologies, developing in situ observation methods

Electrochemical measurements on the picosecond level, TEM, synchrotron radiation XPS

(iv) Developing material computation and simulation technologies

Predicting material characteristics and developing methods of calculating the dynamic behavior of ions and electrons and developing simulation technologies


Developing New Materials from the Atomic and Molecular Level

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Developing New Materials from the Atomic and Molecular Level 1
Developing New Materials from the Atomic and Molecular Level 2
Developing New Materials from the Atomic and Molecular Level 3

Designing and synthesizing materials with ideal compositions and structures instead of simply improving existing materials