How to return materials of University of Tokyo Library system
Materials borrowed from the on-campus library can be returned at the counter / the book drop in Hongo/Komaba campus
(excluding Laboratory library) .
*If there is special instruction at check-out, please return the material to the indicated library.
If you wish, materials of Libraries for Engineering and Information Science & Technology can be returned by mail (prepayment) .
- 発送前にメールでご連絡ください。(但し返信が遅れることもあります。あらかじめご了承ください。)
Please contact us by e-mail before sending. (Please note that reply may be delayed.)
- 連絡先は図書室一覧をご参照ください。
For contact information, please refer to libraries list .
- レターパック、宅配便等の追跡可能な方法でお送りください。
Please send it by a traceable method such as letter pack or courier.
- 郵送中の汚損破損を防ぐため、図書をビニール等で梱包してください。
Please pack the book in vinyl etc. to prevent it from being damaged.
*Please check For users who cannot come to the campus to return books under the influence of COVID-19.
*If someone else makes a reservation for the book you are renting, please return it immediately.