For users who cannot come to the campus to return books under the influence of COVID-19
If you are a member of the University of Tokyo and are unable to come to the campus to return the books under the influence of COVID-19, please do the following:
(Along with raising the level of activity restriction guidelines at the University of Tokyo)
- 借りている図書が返却期限内の場合は、MyOPACから貸出期間を延長してください。
If the borrowed book is within the return period, please extend the loan period from MyOPAC.
- 借りている図書が返却期限を過ぎている、またはMyOPACで延長できる回数を超えている場合は、来館可能になった時に返却してください。罰則は付きません。
If the borrowed books have passed the due date or have exceeded the number of times that can be extended with MyOPAC,
please return them when it is possible to visit the library.
There is no penalty.
However, if you have selected "Receive E-Mail(Question:Is mail for the return date notification received ?)" in MyOPAC mail sending settings, the email may be sent automatically.
- 借りている図書に予約が入った場合で、借りた図書室が開室している・かつ建物に入館可能な学生証/身分証をお持ちの場合
If someone else makes a reservation for the book you are renting, and if the library you rented is open,
and you have a ID card(for student/staff) that can enter the building, please return it immediately.
- ご希望により、郵送等(発払い)での返却を承ります。
If you wish, we can accept returns of books by mail etc. (prepayment).
- 発送前にメールでご連絡ください。(図書室閉室中のため。但し返信が遅れることもあります。あらかじめご了承ください。)
Please contact us by e-mail before sending. (Because the library is closed. Please note that reply may be delayed.)
For contact information, please refer to libraries list .
- レターパック、宅配便等の追跡可能な方法でお送りください。
Please send it by a traceable method such as letter pack or courier.
- 郵送中の汚損破損を防ぐため、図書をビニール等で梱包してください。
Please pack the book in vinyl etc. to prevent it from being damaged.