ISOT2016 satellite meeting gOlfaction: from Chemosensory Signals to the Brainh


We would like to welcome you to an ISOT2016 Satellite meeting focusing on olfaction.
Recent progresses in the field of olfaction will be discussed at multiple olfactory processing levels: molecule (odor or pheromone), receptor, neural circuitry, and behavior. Our goal is to understand how the olfactory system for chemical signal processing is constructed and to elucidate functional and evolutional meaning of chemical communication. We expect high-level talks and stimulating discussion with an exciting list of invited speakers who have new data using various species such as worm, fly, mouse, and primate.
We thank JST ERATO for support.@@@@@@@@@@ Kazushige TOUHARA, Ph.D.

¡Meeting Outline
gOlfaction: from Chemosensory Signals to the Brainh
Date:June 5, 2016 (8:30-17:00)
Venue:The University of Tokyo, Hongo Campus, Yayoi Auditorium
*No prior registration is necessary, Admission is free

Kazushige TouharaiThe University of Tokyoj
Leslie Vosshall (The Rockefeller University)
Yoshihiro Yoshihara (RIKEN)
Peter Mombaerts (Max Planck Institute)

¡Supported by
JST ERATO Touhara Chemosensory Signal Project

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