
医療イノベーション特論T 医療イノベーション分析のためのフレームワーク思考の養成

科目番号 科目名・単位数・英訳 担当教官氏名 令和6年度開講 学期 曜日 時間 講義室
47240-48 医療イノベーション特論T
Advanced Lecture on Biomedical Innovation I
加納 信吾 S2 6限 白金/

The course is an Entrepreneur Education for life science researchers and the objective is to learn how science and industry interact each other. Starting from the business model analysis using various analytical frameworks, the Lecturer will provide multi-level analysis including product-level, corporate-level and industry-level for the design of pharmaceutical industry, regenerative medicine, personalized medicine and fermentation industry to learn total value chain of the industry. In the final part, Covers the process of identifying and quantifying market opportunities, then conceptualizing, planning, and starting a new, technology-based enterprise. Topics include opportunity assessment, the value proposition, the entrepreneur, legal issues, the business plan, the founding team, seeking customers and raising funds. Students develop detailed business plans for a start-up. Intended for students who want to learn about how science covert to business, further develop an existing business, be a member of a management team in a new enterprise, or better understand the entrepreneur and the entrepreneurial process.

加納 信吾 (メディカル情報生命専攻 バイオイノベーション政策分野 教授)

白金台:医科研 2号館2階大講義室(中継)

水曜日 6限 18:45-20:30:講師 加納信吾 教授
1. 6月12日(水):事業領域(ドメイン)(加納)
2. 6月19日(水):モジュール化と統合化(加納)
3. 6月26日(水):演習:研究室のドメイン分析(加納)
4. 7月 3日(水):大学の創薬研究と特許出願(加納)
5. 7月10日(水):「生存限界」と「プロセス分解」による産業分析(加納)
6. 7月17日(水):ベンチャー必要論の背景と5つの分析視点(加納)
7. 7月24日(水):課題発表(ベンチャー企業分析)と討議(加納)
Friday 18:45-20:30: Lecturer: Dr. Shingo Kano
 1. June 12:Domain Analysis (Kano)
 2. June 19:Module Analysis (Kano)
 3. June 26:Presentation: My Lab's Domain (Kano)
 4. July 3:Drug Discovery Research and University Patenting (Kano)
 5. July 10:Value-chain Analysis and Process Analysis(Kano)
 6. July 17:University Start-ups and Corporate Analysis(Kano)
 7. July 24:Presentation: Analysis of public biotechs (Kano)


