
  1. 研究成果
  2. 計画研究A02 - 大久保範聡
  1. 013

    Ogino Y, Ansai S, Watanabe E, Yasugi M, Katayama Y, Sakamoto H, Okamoto K, Okubo K, Yamamoto Y, Hara I, Yamazaki T, Kato A, Kamei Y, Naruse K, Ohta K, Ogino H, Sakamoto T, Miyagawa S, Sato T, Yamada G, Baker ME, Iguchi T.

    "Evolutionary differentiation of androgen receptor is responsible for sexual characteristic development in a teleost fish."

    Nat Commun 2023 in press.

  2. 012

    Okubo K, Nishiike Y, Fleming T, Kikuchi Y, Hiraki-Kajiyama T.

    "Sex steroid regulation of male- and female-typical mating behaviors in teleost fish."

    In: Spectrum of Sex 2022 pp.111−133, Springer.

  3. 011

    Fleming T, Kikuchi Y, Nakajo M, Tachizawa M, Inazumi T, Tsuchiya S, Sugimoto Y, Saito D, Suyama M, Ohkawa Y, Baba T, Morohashi K, Okubo K.

    "Prostaglandin E2 receptor Ptger4b regulates female-specific peptidergic neurons and female sexual receptivity in medaka."

    Commun Biol 2022 5: 1215.

  4. 010

    Yamashita J, Nishiike Y, Fleming T, Kayo D, Okubo K.

    "Estrogen mediates sex differences in preoptic neuropeptide and pituitary hormone production in medaka."

    Commun Biol 2021 4: 948.

  5. 009

    Nishiike Y, Miyazoe D, Togawa R, Yokoyama K, Nakasone K, Miyata M, Kikuchi Y, Kamei Y, Todo T, Ishikawa-Fujiwara T, Ohno K, Usami T, Nagahama Y, Okubo K.

    "Estrogen receptor 2b is the major determinant of sex-typical mating behavior and sexual preference in medaka."

    Curr Biol 2021 31: 1699–1710.

    プレスリリース メスがメスに求愛:わずか一つの遺伝子変異がメダカの性指向を逆転させる
  6. 008

    Yamashita J, Takeuchi A, Hosono K, Fleming T, Nagahama Y, Okubo K.

    "Male-predominant galanin mediates androgen-dependent aggressive chases in medaka."

    eLife 2020 9: e59470.

    プレスリリース なわばりから同性の侵入者を追い払う脳内ホルモンを発見
  7. 007

    Kawabata-Sakata Y, Nishiike Y, Fleming T, Kikuchi Y, Okubo K.

    "Androgen-dependent sexual dimorphism in pituitary tryptophan hydroxylase expression: relevance to sex differences in pituitary hormones."

    Proc Royal Soc B 2020 287: 20200713.

  8. 006

    Hiraki-Kajiyama T, Yamashita J, Yokoyama K, Kikuchi Y, Nakajo M, Miyazoe D, Nishiike Y, Ishikawa K, Hosono K, Kawabata-Sakata Y, Ansai S, Kinoshita M, Nagahama Y, Okubo K.

    "Neuropeptide B mediates female sexual receptivity in medaka fish, acting in a female-specific but reversible manner."

    eLife 2019 8: e39495.

    プレスリリース カップル成立の鍵を握るメスの脳内ホルモンをメダカで特定
  9. 005

    Okubo K, Miyazoe D, Nishiike Y.

    "A conceptual framework for understanding sexual differentiation of the teleost brain."

    Gen Comp Endocrinol 2019 284: 113129.

  10. 004

    Kikuchi Y, Hiraki-Kajiyama T, Nakajo M, Umatani C, Kanda S, Oka Y, Matsumoto K, Ozawa H, Okubo K.

    "Sexually dimorphic neuropeptide B neurons in medaka exhibit activated cellular phenotypes dependent on estrogen."

    Endocrinology 2019 160: 827–839.

  11. 003

    Amano M, Amiya N, Okubo K, Yamashita J, Kuriu A, Yasuta A, Yamamoto N, Sakakura Y.

    "Localization of three forms of gonadotropin-releasing hormone in the brain and pituitary of the self-fertilizing fish, Kryptolebias marmoratus."

    Fish Physiol Biochem 2019 45: 753–771.

  12. 002

    Yamashita J, Kawabata Y, Okubo K.

    "Expression of isotocin is male-specifically up-regulated by gonadal androgen in the medaka brain."

    J Neuroendocrinol 2017 29: e12545.

  13. 001



    日本比較内分泌学会より2017年11月18日に受賞 .