February 2024
[2402.17329] # Quantum kinetic equation and thermal conductivity tensor for bosons (Mangeolle, Lucile Savary, Leon Balents)
[2402.16952] Orbital selective order and Z3 Potts nematicity from a non-Fermi liquid, orbital SYK (Paramekanti)
[2402.17416] Semiclassical approach to spin dynamics of a ferromagnetic S=1 chain (Chengchen Li)
[2402.16937] Exact Calculations of Coherent Information for Toric Codes under Decoherence: Identifying the Fundamental Error Threshold (Jong Yeon Lee)
[2402.17494] Few-body bound topological and flat-band states in a Creutz Ladder (Pelegri)
[2402.17211] Corner entanglement of a resonating valence bond wavefunction ( Torlai, Melko)
[2402.16939] Projected state ensemble of a generic model of many-body quantum chaos (Amos Chan, Andrea De Luca)
[2402.17623] Bound-state confinement after trap-expansion dynamics in integrable systems (Biagetti, Alba)
[2402.17609] Out-of-time-ordered correlators for Wigner matrices, math-phys (Henheik)
[2402.17174] On Gaiotto's positivity conjecture (Etingof)
[2402.15983] Topological skyrmions in monolayer multiferroic MoPtGe2S6 (Jiaren Yuan)
[2402.15927] Phase diagram of the one dimensional t1-t2-J model: Ferromagnetism, triplet pairing, charge and pair density waves (Luhang Yang, Feiguin)
[2402.15616] Minimal Models for Altermagnetism (Roig)
[2402.15964] Probing Topology of Gaussian Mixed States by the Full Counting Statistics (Hui Zhai)
[2402.16244] Two mass-imbalanced atoms in a hard-wall trap: Deep learning integrability of many-body systems (Liheng Lang)
[2402.15794] Hagedorn transitions in exact U_q(su(2)) S-matrix theories with arbitrary spins (Changrim Ahn, Franzini, Ravanini)
[2402.16555] # Boundary-induced transitions in Mobius quenches of holographic BCFT, SSD (Dongsheng Ge)
[2402.15835] Krylov Complexity in 2d CFTs with SL(2,R) deformed Hamiltonians, SSD (Somnath Porey)
[2402.15378] Interacting electrons in a flat-band system within the Generalized Kadanoff-Baym Ansatz (Gullo)
[2402.15376] Probing critical phenomena in open quantum systems using atom arrays (Norman Yao)
[2402.15209] (Almost) Everything is a Dicke model -- Mapping correlated light-matter systems to the exactly solvable Dicke model (K.P.Schmidt)
[2402.15424] Specialising Neural-network Quantum States for the Bose Hubbard Model (Pei, Clark)
[2402.15507] Tensor network simulations for non-orientable surfaces (Haruki Shimizu, Atsushi Ueda)
[2402.14572] Impact of Magnon Interactions on Transport in Honeycomb Antiferromagnets (Sourounis, Manchon)
[2402.14074] Itinerant magnetism and magnetic polarons in the triangular lattice Hubbard model (Morera, Demler)
[2402.14605] Observation of the antiferromagnetic phase transition in the fermionic Hubbard model (Xing-Can Yao)
[2402.14814] Realization of a Laughlin state of two rapidly rotating fermions (Lunt)
[2402.14141] Quantum state preparation of topological chiral spin liquids via Floquet engineering (Mambrini, Poilblanc)
[2402.14788] Expectation Values of Conserved Charges in Integrable Quantum Field Theories out of Thermal Equilibrium (Castro-Alvaredo)
[2402.13504] Field-induced electric polarization and elastic softening caused by parity-mixed d-p hybridized states with electric multipoles in Ba2CuGe2O7 (Hagiwara, M.Tokunaga)
[2402.13862] Repulsive Casimir force from a Majorana zero-mode (Beenakker)
[2402.13974] Quantum spin Hall effect protected by spin U(1) quasi-symmetry (Lu Liu)
[2402.13590] Tunable topological phases in nanographene-based spin-1/2 alternating-exchange Heisenberg chains (Chenxiao Zhao)
[2402.13519] Engineering Hierarchical Symmetries (Zhanpeng Fu, Moessner)
[2402.13657] Higher-order and fractional discrete time crystals in Floquet-driven Rydberg atoms (Bang Liu)
[2402.13558] Mutual information scrambling in Ising spin chain (Khetrapal, Pedersen)
[2402.13312] Bipartite mutual information in classical many-body dynamics (Pizzi, Norman Yao)
[2402.10201] Mirror Chern Bands and Weyl Nodal Loops in Altermagnets (Venderbos)
[2402.09516] Replica topological order in quantum mixed states and quantum error correction (Zhuan Li, Roger Mong)
[2402.09523] (Review) Introduction to quantum entanglement in many-body systems (Srivastava, Lewenstein)
[2402.09510] Dissipation driven phase transition in the non-Hermitian Kondo model, BA (Azaria, Andrei)
[2402.09936] # Conformally invariant free parafermionic quantum chains with multispin interactions ( Alcaraz, Ramos)
[2402.09520] # Kennedy-Tasaki transformation and non-invertible symmetry in lattice models beyond one dimension (Mana, Yabo Li, Sukeno, Tzu-Chieh Wei)
[2402.10016] (Review) W-algebras and integrability (Prochazka)
[2402.08557] Real-space analysis of Hatsugai-Kohmoto interaction (Skolimowski)
[2402.07971] # Quasicrystalline Spin Liquid (Sunghoon Kim)
[2402.07990] Frobenius light cone and the shift unitary (Andrew Lucas)
[2402.08449] The conformal squid (Irges, Kastrinakis)
[2402.07980] Lanczos spectrum for random operator growth (Tran Quang Loc)
[2402.08414] N=2 SYK models with dynamical bosons and fermions (Francesco Benini,)
[2402.04745] Emergent Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless and Kugel-Khomskii physics in the triangular lattice bilayer colbaltate (Gang V. Chen)
[2402.04262] Generalization of the Landauer-Buttiker theory onto the case of dissipative contacts (Kolovsky)
[2402.04705] Decoherence Rate in Random Lindblad Dynamics (del Campo)
[2402.04776] Entanglement Hamiltonian in the non-Hermitian SSH model (Calabrese)
[2402.04849] T-W relation and free energy of the antiperiodic XXZ chain with η=iπ/3 at a finite temperature (Junpeng Cao, Yao-Zhong Zhang)
[2402.04361] Resonance Cascades and Number Theory (Olshanii)
[2402.02002] Bulk Photovoltaics in Nanoscale Systems -- Origin of Shift Currents in the Many-Body Picture (MingRui Lai)
[2402.02744] Supersymmetry dictated topology in periodic gauge fields and realization in strained and twisted 2D materials (Dawei Zhai, Wang Yao)
[2402.02310] Topological effect on the Anderson transition in chiral symmetry classes (Shindou)
[2402.02477] Topologically protected Casimir effect for lattice fermions (Beenakker)
[2402.02984] # Quantum circuits with free fermions in disguise (Pozsgay)
[2402.02918] Entangled multiplets, asymmetry, and quantum Mpemba effect in dissipative systems (Alba)
[2402.01200] Magnetic properties of a spin-1/2 octagonal lattice (Hironori Yamaguchi)
[2402.01100] Two-dimensional 5d multiferroic W3Cl8: breathing Kagome lattice and tunable magneto-optical Kerr effect (Xiaoyan Yao)
[2402.00885] TopologicalNumbers.jl: A Julia package for topological number computation (Keisuke Adachi, Minoru Kanega)
[2402.00953] Berry curvature inside parity-time-symmetry protected exceptional surface (P.Wang, L.Jin, Z.Song)
[2402.00936] Enhanced quantum state transfer: Circumventing quantum chaotic behavior (Liang Xiang)
[2402.01565] Efficiency of neural quantum states in light of the quantum geometric tensor (Antoine Georges)
[2402.00939] Conserved quantities for Generalized Gibbs Ensemble from Entanglement (Hao Chen, Biao Lian)
[2402.00643] (Review) Theory of Majorana zero modes in unconventional superconductors (Yukio Tanaka, Shun Tamura, Jorge Cayao)
[2402.00130] Magnetic polarons beyond linear spin-wave theory: Mesons dressed by magnons (Grusdt)
[2402.00127] Critical behavior of the Fredenhagen-Marcu order parameter at topological phase transitions (Wen-Tao Xu, Pollmann, Knap)
[2402.00145] Randomly Monitored Quantum Codes (Dongjin Lee, Beni Yoshida)
[2402.00662] # The spectral boundary of the Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process (ASEP) -- free fermions, Bethe ansatz and random matrix theory (Nakerst, Prosen, Haque)
[2402.00577] (History) The Smoke of Zaanen (Philip W. Phillips)
[2401.18038] Light-enhanced nonlinear Hall effect (Ching Hua Lee)
[2401.17357] Mixed-state quantum anomaly and multipartite entanglement (Meng Cheng)
[2401.17564] Biorthogonal topological charge pumping in non-Hermitian systems, citing Shibata-Katsura (Zhenming Zhang)
[2401.17586] Magnetic Bloch oscillations in a non-Hermitian quantum Ising chain (K.L.Zhang, Z.Song)
[2401.17891] Periodic orbit theory of Bethe-integrable quantum systems: an N-particle Berry-Tabor trace formula (Juan Diego Urbina)
[2401.18068] (Thesis) Renormalization group flow and fixed-point in tensor network representations (Atsushi Ueda)
Hosho Katsura's arXiv