April 2023
- [2304.13068] # Spin-polarons and ferromagnetism in doped dilute Wigner-Mott insulators, bound states (Seifert, Balents)
- [2304.13378] Quantum liquids of the S=3/2 Kitaev honeycomb and related Kugel-Khomskii models (Knolle)
- [2304.13236] Bond-dependent anisotropy and magnon breakdown in cobalt Kitaev triangular antiferromagnet (Je-Geun Park)
- [2304.13083] Quantum Monte Carlo study of a bilayer U(2) x U(2) symmetric Hubbard model (Caplan, Orgad)
- [2304.13049] Riemann meets Goldstone: magnon scattering off quantum Hall skyrmion crystals probes interplay of symmetry breaking and topology (Chakraborty, Moessner, Doucot)
- [2304.13395] (Review) Density-matrix renormalization group: a pedagogical introduction (Catarina, Murta)
- [2304.13198] # Continuous symmetry breaking in adaptive quantum dynamics, entanglement bound (Hauser, Yaodong Li, Vijay, Fisher)
- [2304.13624] Quantum many-body scars in spin models with multi-body interactions (Sanada, Yuan Miao, Katsura)
- [2304.13408] Quantum-circuit algorithms for many-body topological invariant and Majorana zero mode (Sugimoto)
- [2304.13642] (Memorial) K. Alex Muller and his important role in ferroelectricity (Bussmann-Holder, Keller)
- [2304.02203] # Pinch points and half moons encode Berry curvature (Han Yan, Thomasen, Romhanyi, Shannon)
- [2304.02204] Identifying topologically critical band from pinch-point singularities in spectroscopy (Han Yan)
- [2304.02382] Density of states of tight-binding models in the hyperbolic plane (R.Mosseri, J.Vidal)
- [2304.02367] # Third quantization for bosons: symplectic diagonalization, non-Hermitian Hamiltonian, and symmetries (Steven Kim, Hassler)
- [2304.02411] Quantum Mpemba effect in a quantum dot with reservoirs (Chatterjee, Takada, Hayakawa)
- [2304.02448] Detecting quantum critical points at finite temperature via quantum teleportation (Ribeiro, Rigolin)
- [2304.02391] Low-Dissipation Data Bus via Coherent Quantum Dynamics (Sougato Bose)
- [2304.02527] Quantum and classical spin network algorithms for q-deformed Kogut-Susskind gauge theories (Zoller)
Hosho Katsura's arXiv