March 2023
- [2302.14328] Emergent glassiness in disorder-free Kitaev model (Yogendra, Das, Baskaran)
- [2302.14073] Phonon Thermal Hall Effect in a non-Kramers Paramagnet (Haoyu Guo)
- [2302.14191] On the path integral approach to quantum anomalies in interacting models (Parhizkar, Rylands, Galitski)
- [2302.14774] Quantum simulation of the central spin model with a Rydberg atom and polar molecules in optical tweezers (Dobrzyniecki, Tomza)
- [2302.14568] Relaxation mechanisms in a disordered system with the Poisson level statistics ( Bonca, Mierzejewski)
- [2302.14551] Detecting and stabilizing measurement-induced symmetry-protected topological phases in generalized cluster models (Morral-Yepes, Pollmann, Lovas)
- [2302.14081] # From the XXZ chain to the integrable Rydberg-blockade ladder via non-invertible duality defects (Eck, Fendley)
- [2302.14090] Even-odd effects in the J1-J2 SU(N) Heisenberg spin chain (Herviou, Sylvain Capponi, Philippe Lecheminant
- [2302.14850] Conformal Quantum Mechanics, Holomorphic Factorisation, and Ultra-Spinning Black Holes, Alfaro, ... (Dorey, Mouland)
Hosho Katsura's arXiv