January 2023
- [2301.12330] Nonlocal Kondo effect and two-fluid picture revealed in an exactly solvable model, Hatsugai-Kohmoto (Jiangfan Wang, Yi-feng Yang)
- [2301.11949] Magnetic Amplification at Yb3+ "Designer Defects" in the van der Waals Ferromagnet, CrI3 (Gamelin)
- [2301.12676] (Review) Floquet States (Tsuji)
- [2301.12448] # Construction of Non-Hermitian Parent Hamiltonian from Matrix Product States, AKLT (Ruohan Shen, Yuchen Guo, Shuo Yang)
- [2301.13051] Mean-field theory is exact for Ising spin glass models with Kac potential in non-additive limit on Nishimori line (Okuyama, Ohzeki)
- [2301.12468] Towards integrable perturbation of 2d CFT on de Sitter space, Lindblad? (Yoh Tanimoto)
- [2301.12310] Wightman fields for two-dimensional conformal field theories with pointed representation category, interesting inequalities (Yoh Tanimoto)
- [2301.13198] Transport across interfaces in symmetric orbifolds, transport (Saba Asif Baig, Sanjit Shashi)
- [2301.11506] Ginzburg-Landau action and polarization current in an excitonic insulator model of electronic ferroelectricity (Hiroto Adachi, Naoshi Ikeda, Eiji Saitoh)
- [2301.11614] (Review) Non-Abelian Anyons and Non-Abelian Vortices in Topological Superconductors (Yusuke Masaki, Takeshi Mizushima, Muneto Nitta)
- [2301.11917] # Everything is a quantum Ising model (Ruben Verresen)
- [2301.11869] Observation of brane parity order in programmable optical lattices (Immanuel Bloch)
- [2301.11339] The bosonic skin effect: boundary condensation in asymmetric transport (Louis Garbe)
- [2301.11896] # Scale-free non-Hermitian skin effect in a boundary-dissipated spin chain, BA (He-Ran Wang, Bo Li, Fei Song, Zhong Wang)
- [2301.11337] New critical states induced by measurement (Hong Yao)
- [2301.11803] Asymptotics in an Asymptotic CFT, TBA, Wiener-Hopf, Borel resummation (Lucas Schepers, Daniel C.Thompson)
- [2301.10379] Suppression of Heating by Multi-color Driving Protocols in Floquet Engineered Strongly Correlated Systems, Hubbard (Murakami, Schuler, Arita, Werner)
- [2301.10590] Quantum optics measurement scheme for quantum geometry and topological invariants (Lysne, Schuler, Werner)
- [2301.10258] A many-body singlet prepared by a central spin qubit (Gangloff)
- [2301.10382] Identification of gap closing with dissipative dynamics (Jian-Song Pan, Fan Wu)
- [2301.10262] Spectral signatures of symmetry-breaking dynamical phase transitions, Doob transform (Hurtado-Gutierrez)
- [2301.10428] Expectation values from any quantum measurement, PXP (Safranek, Rosa)
- [2301.10582] Mechanism to induce geometric constriction on kinks and domain walls, DM int. (Bazeia)
- [2301.07754] Charged magnons on the surface of a topological insulator (Martinez-Berumen)
- [2301.08176] Observation of multiple pairing modes in the 2D Hubbard Model (Farid)
- [2301.08244] Fundamentals of crystalline Hopf insulators (Goswami)
- [2301.08116] Resolving competition of charge-density wave and superconducting phases using the MPS+MF algorithm (Bollmark)
- [2301.07717] Ergodicity Breaking Under Confinement in Cold-Atom Quantum Simulators (McCulloch, Bing Yang, Papic)
- [2301.08226] # Preparing quantum-many body scars on a quantum computer (Rahmani, Iadecola)
- [2301.07763] Entanglement in tripartitions of topological orders: a diagrammatic approach (Sohal, Shinsei Ryu)
- [2301.08207] Mixed State Entanglement Measures in Topological Orders (Chao Yin, Shang Liu)
- [2301.07778] # Symmetry Classification of Typical Quantum Entanglement, Weingarten (Yuhan Liu, Kudler-Flam, Kawabata)
- [2301.08168] Boundary Chaos: Exact Entanglement Dynamics (Fritzsch, Gosh, Prosen)
- [2301.08241] A generic quantum Wielandt's inequality, MPS (Yifan Jia, Angela Capel)
- [2301.07899] # Non-Invertible Duality Transformation Between SPT and SSB Phases, Kennedy-Tasaki (Linhao Li, Oshikawa, Yunqin Zheng)
- [2301.08005] Almost optimal upper bound for the ground state energy of a dilute Fermi gas via cluster expansion, Gaudin's work (Lauritsen)
- [2301.06171] Evidence for excitonic insulator ground state in triangulene Kagome lattice (Fischer)
- [2301.06501] Polaronic and Mott insulating phase of layered magnetic vanadium trihalide VCl3 (Mastrippolito)
- [2301.05721] # Topological Quantum Dimers Emerging from Kitaev Spin Liquid Bilayer: Anyon Condensation Transition (Kyusung Hwang)
- [2301.05823] Magnetic excitations in the one-dimensional Heisenberg-Ising model with external fields and their experimental realizations, E8 (Jiahao Yang, Xiao Wang, Jianda Wu)
- [2301.07091] # Unified theory of local quantum many-body dynamics: Eigenoperator thermalization theorems (Buca)
- [2301.06069] Open Quadratic Fermion Systems and Algebras of Affine Transformations (Hiroshi Tamura)
- [2301.06669] Deep Learning of Phase Transitions for Quantum Spin Chains from Correlation Aspects (Ian McCulloch)
- [2301.06004] Exact solution of a non-Hermitian PT-symmetric Heisenberg spin chain (Kattel, Pasnoori, Andrei)
- [2301.05973] # Non-Hermitian boost deformation, Bethe ansatz (Guo, Kawabata, Nakai, Ryu)
- [2301.06003] Knots from the random matrix theory with a replica (Shinobu Hikami)
- [2301.06416] Building 1D lattice models with G-graded fusion category, Fibonacci anyon chain (Shang-Qiang Ning)
- [2301.06046] Rainbow tensor model with two tensors of rank three, Fredkin chain (Wei-Zhong Zhao)
- [2301.05588] Mott insulators with boundary zeros (Cano, Millis, Georges)
- [2301.05555] Magnetic phase diagram of the breathing-kagome antiferromagnet Nd3BWO9 (Zheludev)
- [2301.05340] Topological superconductivity in helical crystals (Soma Yoshida, Keiji Yada, Yukio Tanaka, Takehito Yokoyama)
- [2301.05481] Topological inverse band theory in waveguide quantum electrodynamics, Zak phase (Kivshar)
- [2301.05687] Mixed-state topological order and the errorfield double formulation of decoherence-induced transitions (Yimu Bao, Ruihua Fan, Vishwanath, Altman)
- [2301.05689] Diagnostics of mixed-state topological order and breakdown of quantum memory (Yimu Bao, Ruihua Fan, Vishwanath, Altman)
- [2301.05258] Reaction-diffusive dynamics of number-conserving dissipative quantum state preparation (M.Goldstein)
- [2301.05611] Relaxation of imbalance in disordered XX model with on site dephasing (Znidaric)
- [2301.05238] Quantum criticality under decoherence or weak measurement (Cenke Xu)
- [2301.05378] Dynamical Signatures of Liouvillian Flat Band (Yu-Guo Liu, Shu Chen)
- [2301.05224] # Effective spin-1 breathing kagome Hamiltonian induced by the exchange hierarchy in the maple leaf mineral bluebellite, trimerization (Thomale, Jeschke)
- [2301.05107] Type II multiferroic order in two-dimensional transition metal halides from first principles spin-spiral calculations (Sødequist, Olsen)
- [2301.04669] Kondo Lattice Model of Magic-Angle Twisted-Bilayer Graphene: Hund's Rule, Local-Moment Fluctuations, and Low-Energy Effective Theory (Haoyu Hu, Bernevig, Tsvelik)
- [2301.04703] # Anomalous flux state in higher-order topological superconductors, N=2 SUSY, Kitaev honeycomb (Yizhi You)
- [2301.04657] Quantum spin ice in three-dimensional Rydberg atom arrays (Gorshkov, Victor Galitski)
- [2301.05195] A numerical study of measurement-induced phase transitions in the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model (Haldar, Brady)
- [2301.04706] Aspects of ZN rank-2 gauge theory in (2+1)D: construction schemes, holonomies, and sublattice one-form symmetries (Yun-Tak Oh, Pace, Jung Hoon Han, Yizhi You, Hyun-Yong Lee)
- [2301.05216] Conformal perturbation theory from open string field theory, Affleck-Ludwig (Schnabl)
- [2301.05147] On Bethe equations of 2d conformal field theory (Akimi Watanabe)
- [2301.05076] Robustness of flat bands on the perturbed Kagome and the perturbed Super-Kagome lattice (Kerner, Taufer, Wintermayr)
- [2301.01923] Two-dimensional Heisenberg models with materials-dependent superexchange interactions, CrI3 (Gang Su)
- [2301.01964] Nonlinear photoconductivities and quantum geometry of chiral multifold fermions (Hsiu-Chuan Hsu)
- [2301.02134] Time-reversal invariant finite-size topology (Moessner)
- [2301.01853] Kagome qubit ice (Carrasquilla)
- [2301.02237] # Observation of Anomalous Decay of a Polarized Three-Component Fermi Gas (Schumacher)
- [2301.02004] Floquet engineering non-equilibrium steady states, Lindblad (Alberto Castro, Shunsuke A.Sato)
- [2301.02146] # Searching for Lindbladians obeying local conservation laws and showing thermalization (Abhishek Dhar, Manas Kulkarni)
- [2301.01860] Dynamical mean-field theory for the Hubbard-Holstein model on a quantum device (Backes, Murakami, Sakai, Arita)
- [2301.02164] Emergence of anyonic correlations from spin and charge dynamics in one dimension, Ogata-Shiba (Gamayun, Quinn, Bidzhiev, Zvonarev)
- [2301.02124] Renyi entropies for one-dimensional quantum systems with mixed boundary conditions, orbifold CFT (Estienne, Ikhlef, Rotaru)
Hosho Katsura's arXiv